Do we want to beat the Germans or what????

MGP said:
Oh {beeeeeeeeep}. You've got away from me, for now at least. That's what you get for taking a holiday I suppose :(

What... you mean this little thing ;)

25 Garp 3,814,862
26 SiDeWInDeR 3,703,725
27 craig321 3,670,578
28 MGP 3,586,994
i would have thought you would have caught up by now, not really a huge amount to catch up, wheres the challenge:p

Berserker you supporting me? :D thats what i like to hear:p
Parp to the following peeps

133 markymark 548,086
134 Crispy Pigeon Zwei 544,769
135 Jet. 538,211
136 jackal 509,613
137 Markjcj 474,564
138 *******_aliens 467,524

Coming through very soon.
39 TinkerBell 3,022,527
40 rich99million 3,014,704

that's the best i could do tonight i'm afraid :(

still trying to get hold of a USB extension cable as my fat USB flash drive won't fit most USB ports (wondered why it was so cheap :p)

but rest assured i will catch you then - muwahahahahaha

what's with everyone having new siggies around here? :confused:
Just a thought. You could get kilcks (TM) by messing around on a typing program if youve got no other reason to type.

I found this sig going through ancient back ups and decided to use it for a bit, plus i think im going to have a rotating sig.
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