Do we want to beat the Germans or what????

DavidMarq said:
And let not women's weapons, water-drops,
Stain my man's cheeks! No,
I will have such revenges,
That all the world shall--I will do such things,--
What they are, yet I know not: but they shall be
The terrors of the earth. You think I'll weep
No, I'll not weep:
I have full cause of weeping; but this heart
Shall break into a hundred thousand flaws,
Or ere I'll weep. O fool, I shall go mad!

Slight edit so as not to imply that you are two hags Sah ;)
Blah blah blahhh!

Hmm, where's that from?

Sounds like I need to be reading up on my poetry darling, for is this a poem I see before me, words formed before mine eyes?
Garp said:

Sorry... *takes puritanical hat off*
I presume you mean for the egregious overusage of the pictorial picture icon groupings of pixels known as emoticons :eek:
ambulnick said:
ok, with style now rich99million...

charlie-oscar-lima-oscar-november space hotel-oscar-november-echo-sierra-tango-lima-yankee space yankee-oscar-uniform space lima-oscar-tango space alpha-romeo-echo space sierra-uniform-charlie-hotel space sierra-lima-alpha-charlie-kila-echo-romeo-sierra space echo-xray-charlie-lima-alpha-mike-alpha-tango-india-oscar-mike space mike-alpha-romeo-kila space echo-xray-charlie-lima-alpha-mike-alpha-tango-india-oscar-mike space mike-alpha-romeo-kila space delta-alpha-sierra-hotel space yankee-oscar-uniform space charlie-oscar-uniform-lima-delta space hotel-alpha-victor-echo space bravo-echo-echo-novement space golf-echo-tango-tango-india-november-golf space echo-victor-echo-november space mike-oscar-romeo-echo space kila-lima-india-kila-sierra space bravo-yankee space delta-oscar-india-november-golf space whiskey-india-tango-hotel-oscar-uniform-tango space papa-uniform-november-charlie-tango-uniform-alpha-tango-india-oscar-november space mike-alpha-romeo-kila-sierra space echo-november-tango-india-romeo-echo-lima-yankee space delta-alpha-sierra-hotel space india-alpha-papa-oscar-tango-romeo-oscar-papa-hotel-echo-victor-echo space echo-victor-echo-november space mike-india-sierra-sierra-echo-delta space oscar-uniform-tango space oscar-november space sierra-oscar-mike-echo space kila-lima-india-kila-sierra space mike-yankee-sierra-echo-lima-foxtrot space delta-uniform-echo space tango-oscar space uniform-sierra-india-november-golf space alpha-charlie-tango-uniform-alpha-lima space sierra-papa-alpha-charlie-echo-sierra space india-november-sierra-tango-echo-alpha-delta space oscar-foxtrot space sierra-papa-echo-lima-lima-india-november-golf space tango-hotel-echo-mike space oscar-uniform-tango space (yahoo! on the home straight!!) mike-alpha-november-uniform-alpha-lima-lima-yankee space sierra-mike-india-lima-echo-yankee space charlie-oscar-lima-oscar-november.

Now, if you'll excuse me, my hands have a long overdue appointment with a block of ice... arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh!
Just incase anyone didn't quite get this:

charlie hotel alpha roemo indigo echo space oscar sierra alpha romeo space lima indigo mike alpha space oscar sierra charle alpha romeo space november oscar victor echo mike bravo echo romeo...Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz :p
[Darkend]Viper said:
Well i've added my bits to it. Currently got about 20 machines started. Will be able to get a lot more on soon though.

I'm about 155th and moving up.

20 machines? Are they all used only by you, or only by one person?

You're only allowed to count your own can't have TKC on say a school computer because then that's counting the kliks of the computer, not any single user.
DavidMarq said:
Love it :D
I think we should all do Geldof-style crusading around the forums.

Abat ye oh strange folk across the channel of GD, we ask thy froggy folk to join us on our sailing South to Division 39!

..........or on the other hand.....we could not :D

There's only a couple of threads longer than this one I think - the Now Playing thread, and the Desktops thread.
1 TheBeansprout 11,233,316 1,818,988 1,691,948 152 Jun 18, 2005 at 18:18:04
2 davidmarq 11,228,122 330,125 1,974,088 139 Jun 16, 2005 at 14:55:05

Much better :D
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