Do we want to beat the Germans or what????

TinkerBell said:
oh thats ok, but you will be back underneath me soon ( that comment was meant to sound rude;) )
Corrected your post for you ...

And if you hadn't have put that disclaimer on the end, it would have been SO much better ... ;)

rich99million said:
and yet to some it always will :D
Ah hell rich, why did you have to steal my line?! I was going to use that!! Thief ... :mad:

Ah well, I don't begrudge you using it. Someone had to say it as soon as possible after Tink's comment! :D
Oh, and Tinkerbell, you should make a worthy opponent ... Just as long as I'm directly above you (ahem), I'll be happy.

Didn't want to use the phrase 'on top of you' as that sounds far too sleevy ...
ambulnick said:
Oh, and Tinkerbell, you should make a worthy opponent ... Just as long as I'm directly above you (ahem), I'll be happy.

Didn't want to use the phrase 'on top of you' as that sounds far too sleevy ...

Oh dont worry hun, there will be plenty of battles;):p
Well I think its time for me to put a few people back into place:-

24 RobOC 4,308,201
25 ambulnick 4,258,358
26 dark_shadow 4,195,995
27 craig321 4,167,980
28 reesy 4,167,853
29 TinkerBell 4,125,910

Good bye people:D*WAVES with a huge grin on face*

23 Garp 4,526,441
24 TinkerBell 4,312,392
25 RobOC 4,308,201
26 ambulnick 4,258,358
27 dark_shadow 4,195,995
28 craig321 4,167,980
29 reesy 4,167,853

Garp im coming for you;):p

For the people who think they can get past me, " You will NEVER stay in front of me for long":p
TinkerBell said:
23 Garp 4,526,441
24 TinkerBell 4,312,392

Garp im coming for you;):p

*tidies up the cell, lights a few lightly scented candles, puts mood music on in the background, champagne on ice and awaits Tinkerbells arrival in breathless anticipation*
Garp said:
*tidies up the cell, lights a few lightly scented candles, puts mood music on in the background, champagne on ice and awaits Tinkerbells arrival in breathless anticipation*

Lets hope she has some nice kinky boots so she can stomp you in style :eek:
Got bored looking at my nice round numbered 4 million clicky thingys count, and decided a few clickers may have been getting complacent thinking they were doing excessively well.

24 TinkerBell 4,337,932
25 RobOC 4,308,201
26 ambulnick 4,258,358
27 craig321 4,216,297
28 dark_shadow 4,195,995
29 reesy 4,167,853
30 Concorde Rules 4,122,410
31 Cybershot 4,092,382
32 piggott 4,041,204
33 MGP 4,000,000

After a bit of effort squeezing every last bit out:
24 TinkerBell 4,337,932
25 MGP 4,309,508
26 RobOC 4,308,201

Didn't quite keep up with Ms Peter Pan Fairy, but there's always tommorrow :D
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