Do we want to beat the Germans or what????

I just hope the website comes back up. I do a lot of typing and a lot of mouse clicking because of games, instant messenging, forums, etc :D
You beat me by a few minutes :p

We just got to wait to show up on the list now. Hopefully it doesn't take long, I'm already well over 1,000 key strokes.
You have to submit before you show up on the list. Change if to automatic if you think you'll forget to submit - or change to manual to suddenly zoom up the list when you submit:D

Edit: Whoa, at this rate we'll be in the top 100 by next week or so:eek: :D :cool:
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Anyone know what the minimum interval is between submissions. There's my PC with one score, and then the lappy with another. Try to do both too soon, and one gets rejected.
We need to get some of the major spammers to sign up for this .....

Has anyone been pimping in GD?

that place still scares me
Originally posted by Berserker

(more keystrokes than plain old Yes)

To say an answer having a meaning the direct and total opposite of the wonderous "yes", or in more common parlance, "affirmative roger" , would be ludicrous and unheardof. Such practices should be condemned at birth and society drained of their remains so that the unfathomable concept of the concept conceptually occuring once again in this dimension is vastly reduced, abraised, minimised, squashed and , ultimately, removed.

Now, where was I again?
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