Do we want to beat the Germans or what????

Originally posted by rich99million
bah spot the blatant attempt to get away from the names lazyblade, slackerblade, and lazyslackerblade :p

/goes off to think of slacker names that go with Skree :D

well, mister SLACK99millionth, you only require one name, whereas a cruncher such as myself requires three


o well, tis the end of an era i guess. I've hated that name since it was about three weeks old. im sat here thinking "thank **** for that" now that its gone :)
Creature Name: Skree (sk ree)
Height: 1.5 m
Wingspan: 1.5 m
Mass: 12 kg
Planet's Found On: Zebes

The Skree is an unusual predatory organism on Zebes. It is a slow flier, incapable of outrunning prey. To catch prey, it flies up and anchors itself to the roof of a tunnel. It then patiently waits for prey to pass underneath. When unobservant prey approaches, it dive bombs its target. If it misses, it would be left vulnerable to counterattack. So if it does miss, it immediately burrows into the ground, tossing up rocks on the way down to hurt and confuse its prey. It has a hard exoskeleton, but the exoskeleton is jointed with softer tissue so it does not offer much defense.

Skrees reproduce asexually. They give birth to live young, which immediately burrow into the ground and hide there until they are large enough to hunt on their own.


Originally posted by diogenese
Creature Name: Skree (sk ree)
Height: 1.5 m
Wingspan: 1.5 m
Mass: 12 kg
Planet's Found On: Zebes

etc etc etc


its also a noise. make the highest pitch sound you can without screaming, in a eeeeee way, sounding like a dentists drill before it goes into someones tooth

then add skr on the beginning to make


Originally posted by TheBeansprout
Whee, I'm back:D

Odd, Gilly hasn't passed me yet. What's the world coming to!:p

We've all missed you very much..well actually just the keystrokes :p Yes i thought Gilly would have passed you, after all, you haven't dumped in a while :confused:
Congrats Haly, well deserved.

Now - Why did no-one tell me about this thread before?

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