Do we want to beat the Germans or what????

This is where it gets interesting, because we're up against the top teams, so their rates of kliking might be outdoing us, so we're gonna have to pimp in some more members.

9th position by next sunday everyone? Bring it on, excellent klicking, blimey, I never thought we'd get this far so quickly:eek:
*head explodes*

Trying to work out the logical combinations and reasoning for the above info was incredibly difficult past midnight!

Looks like it's all behaving properly now, excellent:)
Originally posted by robmiller
Well played, just 16 million to go until we slide neatly into 9th place, and then 4 million until the Germans after that :)
Could you do a graph of team click projections against time?

ie like the user comaprisons, but for teams? That would be very handy:)
Originally posted by Haly
Just having a look round the site robmiller and it looks good :)

Any chance at some point being able to create your own images for the signature with the stats on?

Also do you need some dedicated bandwidth for the signatures? I've currently got a load of hosting I'm not touching for anything due to time constraints so if you want to host all the stuff there for the signature creations let me know :)
Thanks for the offer :)

[speaking on behalf of Berseker here as he's busy]

I asked Berserker if he'd alllow robmiller to use our teamocuk server and he agreed to - so for example, - which has lovely amounts of hardware and bandwidth capacity for the site:)

So I guess that would be cool....upto robmiller which one he chooses. Decisions decisions :D
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