Do you butter the correct side of the bread?

17 Aug 2009
Finchley, London
This is a highly scientific and extremely important question. So, you know how loaves can have one side with contours different from the other side. When you're taking your slices of bread out the bag or cutting your fresh loaf to make a sandwich, do you make sure to butter the second slice on the side that will line up with the contours of the first slice to make a perfect sandwich? I do sometimes, if I bother to think about it. In this advanced drawing I've prepared, you can see what I mean.


If you were to butter both the sides showing in my diagram (exhibit 1)
then when you put them together you will have an unmatched sandwich.

I do make the best threads, I know.:)
I'm not sure if I do lol but I've always buttered both sides of the slice, just love the taste of warm melted butter.
Yes, yes I do :(

lol :D

I'm just eating some lovely toast, buttered, marmalade, peanut butter, and a cup of tea. Didn't make a toasted sandwich because it's far too complicated at this time of night to work out the correct side to butter.
It's not hard to do properly. Get out two bits of bread, don't seperate them just yet, put them on the bread board still together, then flip the top one. It's then impossible to have an asymmetric sandwich.
symmetrical sandwich = win
I cut it into 2 triangles anyway though.

also any slices with holes in would go straight in the bin

not that I eat bread anymore
For days on which I think the symmetry of the universe needs enhancing, I line them up. On days when the universe is just too lacking in entropy, I make my contribution with broken symmetry.
It's not hard to do properly. Get out two bits of bread, don't seperate them just yet, put them on the bread board still together, then flip the top one. It's then impossible to have an asymmetric sandwich.

I always do this. I thought everyone did :o. I hate having bits of bread jutting out that don't line up, for some reason.
this, then i cut 1cm away from diaganal for perfect win :) (diaganal pointy corners with no filling =fail and a vertical cut is how my mum did my packed lunches so that = fail as well :D)


Pfft pleb.... I take the Tetris cut approach for more interesting sarnies!

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