Do you envisage Social media changing the future of Moderated Forums?

I agree with @Nasher

Social Media is a cesspit of hatred and self promotion and congratulation by narcissistic, opinionated, self-indulgent mouth breathers.

It's initial idea is very good (connecting people) but it has evolved into individuals acting like they are the lead in their very own Hollywood blockbuster "living their best life" :rolleyes:

There, I feel better now :D
I agree with @Nasher

Social Media is a cesspit of hatred and self promotion and congratulation by narcissistic, opinionated, self-indulgent mouth breathers.

It's initial idea is very good (connecting people) but it has evolved into individuals acting like they are the lead in their very own Hollywood blockbuster "living their best life" :rolleyes:

There, I feel better now :D

It certainly doesn't connect people it tears people apart. It's only Nokia who connects people.
No, for specialisation forums will remain supreme.

100% this

for specialised content especially hobbies and whatnot the forum absolutely has it's place.

also for content that isn't in fashion with the big social media platforms eg anything firearms related, hell even airsoft groups get periodically purged from facebook.
Not for me. There is just something comforting about talking through the guise of a forum.

But then I've always enjoyed talking online in its various forms from MSN Chatrooms way back when and ICQ with family and friends. Old habits die hard.
Our generation grew up with online forums so still loiter on the ones that have endured like here. The next gen were brought up on a diet of the early social media that have had staying power, like Facebook. The generation after that shun older social media platforms for newer ones like TikTok. And so on it goes.
All social media just seems to be whoever shouts the loudest about something wins, and very rarely have i seen intelligent discussion on either facebook or twitter. Will be interesting how it evolves over time though as i know a lot more people seem to be shunning it in favour of actually talking to people.
Reddit is a great place to find information but not so much for a discussion

Information must agree with the echo chamber it is posted within though. Reddit and it's (down)vote system really is not good and restricts both discussions and information in a way that forums don't.
Information must agree with the echo chamber it is posted within though. Reddit and it's (down)vote system really is not good and restricts both discussions and information in a way that forums don't.

Of course. But I suppose which subreddits you use are dependent on that as well. I only use a handful but they're useful
Reddit is great if you subscribe to the specific subreddits you're interested in. I'm guessing browsing it anonymously will give you some lots of random rubbish though.

I barely ever use forums nowadays, most of what I read it on Reddit. In my experience most of the people on there are pretty knowledgeable and give you decent answers. I remember reading somewhere the average Reddit user is a professional in their thirties so it's generally a pretty good calibre of user.

Not having to sign up to yet site just to post a question or answer someone is worth its weight in gold. I wish more sites would support single sign on (login via your existing Google/Facebook/Twitter/Microsoft whatever account)
There’s plenty of great subreddits for specific hobbies, interests or pursuits although the platform has never been the nicest to look at or use. Anything related to news, politics or current affairs I keep well away from.
I see a progression at work - 16-22 or so it is all social media, etc. but as they get closer to 30 people start to utilise forums more especially for stuff related to hobbies or other pursuits/interests and then more gradually drift towards general forum usage.

I used to use IRC and near a dozen forums extensively but these days I rarely bother with many of them.
There’s plenty of great subreddits for specific hobbies, interests or pursuits although the platform has never been the nicest to look at or use. Anything related to news, politics or current affairs I keep well away from.

That's pretty much how I use it too. Although that's also how I browse GD nowadays as well. I can't be bothered arguing in news/opinion threads on here like I used to do in the old days when everyone was a bit more civil to each other.
The situation will probably get more extreme now that it has been established that new social media platforms aren't allowed unless they're heavily moderated or maybe not allowed at all.

How does that work , worldwide firewall?

Advertising companies pull advertising, hosting companies pull hosting, payment processors pull payment processing, Apple/Google pull the app from their app store. We've already seen it in action, you don't need any kind of firewall when monopolistic corporations collude to kill off competition and other companies who aren't in with the collusion pull services out of fear of being associated with their customers who are being targeted.

At the moment companies are still able to host in countries like Russia where corporations haven't yet assumed the role of a big brother government.
Advertising companies pull advertising, hosting companies pull hosting, payment processors pull payment processing. We've already seen it in action, you don't need any kind of firewall when monopolistic corporations collude to kill off competition and other companies who aren't in with the collusion pull services out of fear of being associated with their customers who are being targeted.

At the moment companies are still able to host in countries like Russia where corporations haven't yet assumed the role of a big brother government.
Ah, good old Russia. The country of freedom. Good post, comrade.
I think forums will hold their own for a long time yet and as people grow older and mature they will drift towards the specialist forums that they can tap to find info on how to do their job properly.
The forum heydays of late-90s to 2010 where quite something, but facebook obliterated the vast majority and only a handful still remain with any relatively high traffic.

I don't see there being any resurgence as subreddits pretty much exist for all topics now, and for the most part deliver the same experience (beyond long-term community building that forums have/had).
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