Poll: Do you generally have a lie-in at the weekend? (Poll?)

Do you generally have a lie-in at the weekend?

  • Yes

    Votes: 103 44.8%
  • No

    Votes: 93 40.4%
  • What's a weekend?

    Votes: 34 14.8%

  • Total voters
Up before 7 regardless of what day it is, thats without an alarm. Damn body clock :(

That said, it means I can get some stuff done, often done a 90 minute bike ride by the time 10am rolls around and I still have the rest of the day to do stuff
Up at 6 for the gym on a Saturday which is usually half an hour after weekdays which also means I naturally wake up at the same time Sunday.

lie ins are for teenagers, early nights are for adults. Love an early night....
7.30am at the weekend is too early IMO, but saying that, if it's a one-off job that needs doing (e.g. a collapsed fence), then I'd let it go, as I understand how difficult it can be to get things like that done when you work all week. If it was a regular thing I'd have a polite word.

[...]banging for 10 hrs a day gets on your **** [...]

Well your mum didn't complain! (sorry :p)
I dont cut my lawn or strim until after 10:30 on a weekend, only considerate to think some of my neighbours might be having a lie in.
I work shifts away from home. At the weekend if I'm working, my alarm goes off between 0500-0730 depending on what shift I'm on. If I'm at home, the Mrs and Kids ensure I don't get a lie in very often.
No - generally I don't. That being said, if I'm doing and DIY that invloves being loud, I don't tend to start until after 9.30am on the weekend in the interests of trying to be vaguely considerate to my neighbours.
Up before 7 every day just how my body works and if I had a neighbour doing diy at 7:30 would not mind at all as I have wanted to cut the grass or do other things many times before 9 but my neighbour works nights so that would be unfair.
I've not really worked a M-F 9-5 for 20+ years, so the "weekend" is a bit of an outdated concept to me tbh. I get up and work or have a lay in whatever day it is, based on what I feel like when I wake up.
No - generally I don't. That being said, if I'm doing and DIY that invloves being loud, I don't tend to start until after 9.30am on the weekend in the interests of trying to be vaguely considerate to my neighbours.

Wish you were our neighbour. Ours thinks it's a good idea to crack out the petrol lawnmower at 8am. What a massive tool.
No, son gets up at 6.30-7.00 and comes in to wake us up. I thought it was supposed to be better to have a consistent time to wake etc and that lie-ins were counter productive to your body clock? As to DIY, 9am is acceptable at the weekend, before that is selfish really.
I've read a few different things regarding lie-ins. I think it's only counter productive if it's significantly different.

For me, I usually stay up a bit later on Friday night and have a few drinks (or in normal times go to the pub) so the next morning I sleep in so I still get around 8 hours. I don't sleep in all day as I get really fidgety if I'm in bed for too long.
The wife and I take turns on the weekends to get up with our daughter. One does Saturday and the other Sunday. Normally whoever is lying in gets up by 10am.

For one off things such as a new fence I would just put up with it but if it was constant each weekend I would have a polite word. I have really good neighbors to be fair and never had an issue in 7 years.
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