Do you guys use DSR with your games on a 1080 screen?

DSR basically works by rendering the scene as if you had a higher resolution monitor i.e. 2560x1440 if you use that level of scaling with DSR then using that information to try and rebuild the image at your native resolution as closely as possible using semi intelligent filtering - so theoretically you should see slightly higher performance if you were rendering 2560x1440 natively though the filters used by DSR have fairly low performance impact.

Which is why if you screenshot a game with DSR active you get a huge image which is the original image as rendered by the game before any DSR processing is applied instead of a screenshot at your native resolution.

good to know! thanks :) very cool feature imo
DSR for me has been a mini revolution. I played my backlog of older titles with DSR 3840x2160 with 0% smoothing at 120hz. Flipping fantastic imo it changed GTA IV from grey dog poop to beautiful.

Dead Space 2 was another clinker... Im not sure whats up next i guess Battlefield but a 980 cannot cut the mustard for 4K 120hz yet. I need a Titan X for that.
Still testing, can't say i notice any greater fidelity/detail with nvidia dsr from 1920 x 1080p to 2560 x 1440 in gta5, having said that the only difference i noticed there was less aliasing, gta5 has some serious aliasing to overcome. I guess i would have to look closer for the difference when playing games.
I've been using vsr on my plazma TV for a wile 1080p Upping all my games to 1440p. But like to know your views if it could be damaging my screen or not? just some thing that's been thinking about as its not a monitor
I'm using it for any and all games I can. It works way better than standard AA solution's. Skryim and GTA V look great with it. It should become a standard feature.
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