Do you hear "The Hum"

I'm 25 and have had tinnitus for a few years now. I only notice it if it quiet and I actively think about it. I'm used to it now. Doesn't have any real negative effects on life for me.
Only just found this thread...
I can hear a slight hum, kind of sound like a low frequency almost inaudible noise, almost a feeling rather than sound.
I usually hear it when pulling up outside my house after work, between the drive and the front door. I can't remember the exact time I first "heard" it but it's got to be 4 or 5 years ago now.
Quite often the noises that can be heard at night is the power station letting of steam to reduce pressure...makes one hell of a sound....I live around 8 miles from the nearest power station.
I also get a constant hum in the dead quiet of the night. I've had it for about 6 years now. It started suddenly one night in bed and i thought it was the fridge in the room next to the bedroom. I turned it off and went back to bed and still heard the hum. I then thought it was a car engine ticking over down the road, so got back up and looked out the window. Nothing. Went back to bed, and i've heard it ever since every night since. Even after moving house. I can't hear it during the day unless it's dead quiet. I also have a high pitched oscillating noise at the same time.
Oh god, I've got to get to the doctors with this :(

It is now constant. Sounds like a flashbang's gone off next to my left ear. It's horrible not being able to escape it.

I am 42 and have had exactly what you describe since I was a very very young.

It only happens If I am tired/stressed or have a hangover.

It sounds like a tuning fork going off in my head (either left or right side).

Biiiiiiing! then it slowly fades away after anything between 2-30 minutes, and sometimes it can last up to 6 hours.

Nothing to worry about and there is nothing a doctor can do either.
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I started hearing a very low, droning hum a few weeks ago. It's very faint and best described as a car idling outside your house. Having checked outside numerous times it's definitely not an idling car. After that I just assumed it was something in our house. Maybe the central heating or something. But today I went round to someone else's house and heard the exact same sound, which really freaked me out! I've asked many people I know if they can hear it but none of them can.

I got a bit worried and started thinking it might be some sort of hearing problem, like tinnitus for example. But I did a bit of Googling and found this:

Article from the Independent
Also a Wiki link

The sound described in these articles is exactly what I've started hearing and apparently it can be heard by around 10% of people in the country.

Anyone else tuned into this sound? If so what are your findings?

At the moment I'm still in a curious stage and it all seems like a bit of a mystery, but I'm really hoping it doesn't start to become annoying and effect my sleep or life in general.

mannn, I cant believe I found people of all places on here that can also here the "The Hum", this has been driving me crazy now for a few years since I moved into my new house.

We live in a kind of rural area just on the edge of fields and forest etc, there are roads but after about 10-11pm to about 8am the place is very silent (apart from the droaning Hum).

I thought I was going really crazy when other people couldn't hear it and a few times I wakened my wife up in the middle of the early hours etc and she can also hear it too, so its defo not our hearing if two people hear it, know what I mean ?

The noise is best described as a very low frequency continuous droan or rumble, its like a very very constant bass sound from a rock concert miles away or even a neighbour with a massive subwoofer that just has a constant droaning noise from it, it hardly changes tone at all, its just constant, then once life starts to turn to normal at about 8am onwards the noise either disappears or is drowned out by normal everyday other noises, its hard to say if it actually disappears or not, it might !

There is only one thing I can do to drown the sound out and that's run an electric fan in the bedroom, or even try and sleep with in-ear earphones on that play some gentle music, apart from that there is nothing can be done.

Just this morning it was so bad again at approx 5am I woke up my wife again just to make sure she could hear it as sometimes she cant and sure as can be she could hear it easily, its driving me crazy man.

There is only one thing that I can think of that happened round about the time few years ago when I started to hear this, and that's that a massive wind turbine was installed slightly close by, when I say close I mean, as the crow fly's maybe 1/2 or 3/4 of miles away, but there is only that one turbine and its totally blocked by a small forest of very old large tree's and loads of houses etc too, I cant even see the thing, if I had a ladder that went up maybe 200ft then yes I would be able to see it way over there on the hill, lol, but that's about it.

We investigated the wind turbine, we went up there a few times during the day and night and its not even fenced off or anything, so you can walk right up to it, its massive, but being honest, there is no humming noise from it at all or vibrations through the ground either, just the woosh of the blades as it turns, but that's it, so I doubt its that to blame.

To help people understand more too, its a bit like you know how when you put your head on your pillow in bed and sometimes you can actually hear your own heart beating in your ear/head ? well its similar to that but its a constant low low droan, if you cup your ears or uncup them you can hear it, its a nightmare.

We have concrete floors in this house, I think that helps the sound to be even worse, its as if its going right through the building really, but with no high pitch and no vocals or anything like that, just that constant low low droannn, that some people can either hear and some cant, suppose it depends just how good your hearing is with low and high pitch sounds.

I have asked the environmental health noise division what they think about it and they always say that haven't heard of it before, yet its all over the internet world wide reported by many many thousands of people, and they say that normally they would only be testing for loud sounds like people playing music too loud at night and things like that and probably wouldn't be able to do anything about a very low frequency sound, which is not right because something is defo going on !

here is a recording of what I hear exactly the same as this, you will see the video/audio link on this link here >>

Remember when listening to that if you imagine that as a low background noise ever night, its not loud as in like someone turning a hifi up, its Low and constant and resonates throughout the building, maybe those concrete floors don't help as I said, but it didn't happen before, so I doubt I can blame concrete floors either.

I have asked a few neighbours and they seem to think that I'm just mad, lol, I am not mad, this is just driving me mad, that's all. :(
got a queen wasp in your ear?

no mate, I am deadly serious, honestly. :( as I said too, its not just me hearing it, my wife hears it sometimes too, so its defo not our hearing, that's a myth that the doc's will always say so that they can either sell more drugs or whatever, it hasn't even been researched which is shocking for something that is happening all over the world !
Nope, I work in a fairly quiet office. Never listen to music loudly through earphones or anything either. In fact I don't really like anything really loud, even music.

The two things that are convincing me it's not tinnitus is that it's a very low and almost oscillating drone. Whereas I think tinnitus is normally prolonged high pitch sounds. Secondly the sound doesn't sound internal it sounds external and far away. Like a car up the road in the distance that is idling.

well it's easily testable if it's external.

simply record the sound when you hear it and check if it's there on the recording. if its not it's in your head.
I suffer from Tinnitus after working in factories in younger adult life and the Hum is not that.

Some weird form of magnetic resonance from power lines? It's more common during overcast bordering thundery weather.
My hearing sometimes dulls instantly, almost like going deaf in one ear but I can still hear. A bit like a large pressure change in the ear itself with it affecting my hearing and then it slowly goes back to normal over the course of a minute or so. It's weird and just happens sometimes out of the blue. No hum here though. :)
mannn, I cant believe I found people of all places on here that can also here the "The Hum", this has been driving me crazy now for a few years since I moved into my new house.

I have asked a few neighbours and they seem to think that I'm just mad, lol, I am not mad, this is just driving me mad, that's all. :(

so seriously after all this "investigating" at no point did you decide to record it and see if it was there on the recording?
so seriously after all this "investigating" at no point did you decide to record it and see if it was there on the recording?

No, I don't have a mic that would record a noise so deep and low frequency, even the noise dept of the envioromental health agency said that with extremely low frequency noises like that there is very little they can do unless they could track it to a source which to me seems probably impossible, especially when most or lots of people don't start to hear the noise until late at night and all night long, for me I can normally hear it every single night from about 10pm until 8am in the morning, basically when all other noises from everyday life have all stopped for the day, so in turn that makes it difficult to get the noise brigade guys to come out because I am just so desperately tired and want to sleep, I have to use powerful sleeping tablets for that.

I did post a link up earlier that lets you hear the exact same noise that I hear and most other people across the world too, you will see/hear the audio clip here >> sometimes you need to refresh the page a few times for some reason before the audio clip will play, well I do anyway.

So if you can listen to that noise and turn in down so that its not loud, and if you have a decent speaker system or earphones that give that give off a nice deep sound, you can imagine hearing that in the dead of night/morning every day, it really is as if someone along the street has a massive subwoofer and are having a very loud party and you can hear the droaning noise from the bass subwoofer.(but just a constant droan that is same as in that clip and no vocals or anything, so we can eliminate someone having constant partys every night, lol).

Its just a pretty much solid constant sound, it doesn't really break or get higher and lower much at all, and then maybe about 8am-ish in the morning when the normal everyday noise of the world starts again you don't hear it, it either gets drowned out or it disappears, it is very very strange.

I have wakened up my wife a few times to listen to it because I feel that I am maybe going nutz sometimes and it is my hearing or something like that, but Nope, she can hear it several times too although not as good as I can.

As I say, its so strange ! :eek:
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I have tinnitus and it can be quite loud at times!! Gotten used to it though. Prob doesnt help that i prod my ears with cotton buds!! Left one is always getting blocked even after syringing on occasions! Been like this for years
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