Do you let your young children play video games with mature content?

My son is the same age. He Plays Far Cry 3 & GTA IV. He's desperate to play GTA V but I've not caved in yet because the stripper scenes are too much I think.I think he's mature enough to know that games are games and reality is reality..
Sorry daddy there was no space left in are driveway so I had to park the Ferrari I stole on the way home from school in are neighbour driveway ...:D
Well it will become a point where they will just go round a friends house and play it, What I did when I was young to play Vice city, until my dad got it for me when I was 11/12.

you could let him play gta5 but tell him not to do any missions and copy a completed game file so he had money/all the cards.
My 11yo plays CoD and Halo but isn't allowed GTAV. He'll be 15 or older before I let him play that sort of adult game.
Me personally thinks 9 is to young to be playing the likes of GTA but it is each to their own.

About 12 onwards would be my minimum, thats said i'm not a father so my opinion is practically worthless lol.

Plenty of games to play, they really don't need to be playing it and i see little benefit in them doing so at that age.
We're having the age old discussion with our 9 yr old who's friends in class apparently all play 15/18 or over video games but we have always been fairly firm on the stance of they have age ratings for a reason.

But at the same time I do feel for my son feeling like he's left out when other people his age are talking about them

What do you allow your children to do and do you think your decision has affected then in a negative/positive way?

yes i let my kids play them as its just part of gaming. if you don't let them see it through video games they will see it through other media anyway.
When i was younger my mate had a sex game on the amiga were you wiggled the joystick to make the man and woman hump..My point is if they don't play it round yours,they will play it round somebody else's. Kid are very sneaky.
Yeah, I do it on a case by case basis. I wouldn't let him play an 18 rated game that I had not already played through.


My eldest 9, has played GTA V but he didn't kill anyone or do any missions and he just drove around getting in and out of parked cars. No violence.
My 6yo plays cs:go with bot's and has watched me play online
He knows of games like gta but I don't want him on them for some time
Shocking, isn't it, that somehow gratuitous violence is regarded as more acceptable for kids' consumption than nudity or bad language.

My son is 5. We've played through Trine2, had a go on Gauntlet, and Sonic Racing. I wouldn't put him in front of a military fps, a GTA, or anything like that. Would need to review as he ages.

If there were a game that involved non-sexual nudity, I would be fine with him playing. I would avoid swearing currently.

Would you be happy to let your kids go to Sunday School? Far worse stuff in the Bible than Video Games.
I wouldn't be happy to send him to Sunday School, no. It's bad enough what he gets from his C of E primary school. Probably different reasons to what you meant, though :D
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Shocking, isn't it, that somehow gratuitous violence is regarded as more acceptable for kids' consumption than nudity or bad language.

I think it has to do with swearing and nudity being a lot more 'real' than a guy having his head smashed in with a hammer in day to day life. Younger children are a lot more likely to utter a swear word or say something inappropriate like "get your boobies out like the girl in the game" than shoot somebody or commit the kind of violence depicted in the more violent games. I see gratuitous violence as a lot more 'gamey' than swearing and nudity.
There should be a content switch in the GTA games so younger kids can just enjoy the open plan driving in the game.

I choose on a case by case basis, gore, sexual content and horror are a definite no for my younger one's. I don't have too much of a problem though the youngest 5 years old loves spin tires on my PC, hate it myself but he saw it on youtube and he was hooked.
Tricky one - I'm generally quite liberal with my nephew and games but I wouldn't expose him to games that had a significant amount of swearing or nudity.
I'm not disagreeing with your views here, but I do find societies preference to violence over vulgar language & nudity strange.
my 8yr old son has played GTA 4 but he has only ever driven the buses or been on trains he has no desire to shoot or fight and normally i have pedestrians police and other vehicles disabled.

i would let him play GTA V on pc if i can get same mods to control content but he sees GTA as same as any other car bus or train sim game he plays and has no idea about the violence.

my 10 yr old son worst game he plays is TF2 or gmod he gets rubbish from friends for not playing cod but he has no desire to play FPS on console vs school mates when he has nice laptop and would rather use keyboard and mouse
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