Do you let your young children play video games with mature content?

I have this problem with students in my classes, lots are currently watching breaking bad and are considerably underage, considering the fact that I find some aspects horrific I think that its uninformed parents who let them watch/play things like this. The age rating is there for a reason imho.

breaking bad was pretty tame??.

I remember watching alien , aliens , nightmare on elm street etc as a child as do probably a large portion of this forum.

we didn't turn into serial killers
You should follow the laws.
- No GTA or other bad games till 18.
- No pr0n till 18.
- No alcohol/smoke till 18.

They just can't buy the aforementioned items, not use or have them.
I'd quite happily have my child never smoke.
Alcohol she will be given when older through the medium or wine at various ages.
Pr0n she can figure out herself.
As for games, we will see what she wants to play and when, currently I am very careful what I play when she can view, for language and violence. Shadows of Mordor being a prime example of a game with good graphics and plays well, lots of running around etc, but utterly violent in stealth kills with brutalise, no chance I would let her see that.
OH daddy, why did that man cut other man's head off

Oh dont worry son it was a drug deal gone bad so he had to show he doesn't take no ****.

Ahh okay dad.

What a sheltered life your child must have had to endure.
At least they learnt a valuable lesson and won't be getting bullied at school anymore.

the day after my son watched scarface he came home the next day with loads of sweets and pocket money he had taxed from the other children
I did not have games when I was very young, so I played outside never done me any harm was the best thing for me if kids now done that things would be better they have to much these days
Playing devil's advocate here, if his friends are playing these kind of games how do you know he doesn't play them when he goes to a friend's house? Also, does he have access to Youtube? If so, could he have watched a playthrough of one of these games?

I personally think that past a certain age it's very difficult to stop kids getting access to this sort of thing and I'd rather they understood it and appreciated the difference between a movie/game and real life than were completely banned from seeing/playing it. Same goes for pr0n too - most kids (particularly boys) will look at it when they reach a certain age, and I think stopping them from doing so is a futile exercise. I'd just want to teach my kids that, as with games and movies, pr0n isn't something that should be viewed in excess and doesn't accurately represent what sex is really like.
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I grew up gaming, being the youngest with two older brothers I was consistently exposed to games/films of an older age bracket.

I can understand the reservations about it, but I always viewed 'games' in a different context to reality - playing old games on the C64 or later on the Amiga (many of which had adult themes) for me was no different to playing board games which simulated battles.

The two realities were never confused, there was a clear distinction between the two. For example, playing the original GTA or the old first person shooters never phased me. But I would stress, may clearly not be the case for all children.
My son is 8 and I would never let him play or see me play games such as GTA at all. My daughter has her own laptop which she can use in the family rooms and not her bedroom. I use MS family to restrict content.
You'd have to judge it on the game and the kid and how if would effect them specifically. I'd urge on the side of caution but then I'd also not let my kids be exposed to religion and get told they were going to burn in hell for eternity because they'd had a tommytank or said a naughty word or something equally ridiculous.
When games first started getting age ratings when i was about 12 i wasnt allowed anything with a big bbfc 18 sticker on it. carmegedden max pack, duke nukem 3d phantasmagoria etc. though i played most of them round friends houses and even bought them with my pocket money and didnt get asked for id. the only 1 that i probabloy shouldnt have played was phantasmagoria, that scared the **** out of me. the rest were just pixelated messes.

So yeah if i have kids ill probably let them play most stuff with a pegi 16 rating by the time they reach secondary school, but id likely vet them first. but not stuff like gta or any 18 rated games until they're old enough to get a job and buy it themselves.
I don't have a problem with kids playing COD but I do have a problem with the language that a lot of young americans(and other countries) rage during multiplayer. I also have a problem with some of the emblems that are in use in multiplayer even though they were supposed to be cracking down on them. A couple of days ago in particular there was clearly what sounded like a 10 year old kid and his emblem was a crudely drawn but extremely explicit pic of penetrative anal sex. You Only have to watch some of the gun game trolling videos to hear the language.
my boys are 6 and 8 and we dont let them play cod or anything like that i let them play wow on there computers but only when im on as the wife dont like it cos the chat box and they can message be messaged by anyone
they have friends that play cod and also gta i think that is really bad
Whenever both recipents (parent and child) feel comfortable about discussing and agreeing about the more mature content in games, and by extension, anything with violence/swearing/etc. really.

I feel as if nowadays lazy parent can't be bother to monitor and be interesting in their own child's interests; they just throw them an iPad/game and let them be because they can't be bother to engage with them on a personal level.

For instance, my sister (who's recently went to work at a primary school) showed me a video of a FIFA youtuber that her younger students watch on a regular basis/subscribed to (basically his entire fan base). This guy, who is pretty popular amongst the Youtube community, was furiously shouting swear words all of the place, making fun of kids that were no less than 10 years old that sent him videos, and even at one point talking about having sex and masturbating to dead bodies.

But this wasn't even shocking to me. Kids can easily sign up to Youtube, lie about their age (I think you "have" to be 13 to sign up to Youtube), and be open to this kind of content.

The same can easily be applied to games. If I had a son who wanted to play GTA 6/7/8/etc., or wanted to watch a higher rated film, or even a book, I wouldn't take the chance and let it slide, giving in, I would engage with his pretty obvious interest in the game, take a look at it, and see whether or not it is suitable, and being "suitable" is up to your own personal opinion.
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