This is apparent when i go back to Yorkshire (just come back) my birth town is a no go zone and we have had to try and stop my dad visiting there ,groups of non English speaking young men who have obviously not found gainful employment (because soft touch uk is a joke) so roam around and ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,at least the ladies' keep themselves busy swapping labels in charity shops (this happened )Living in Central London, I love having everything on my doorstep but London has gone hugely downhill due to mass immigration.
Anyway back Home ,what i have found is some cant cope with the quietness in rural areas ,my one shop and pub is 1.5 miles away an old neighbour told me he missed just walking down the shops and having a natter on the way and popping in to a few pubs ,also the transport links are non existent and that doesn't work for everybody ,i have 1 bus a day ,train station is Bodmin parkway miles away
Personally i love thie lack of people as i am an ignorant git and the traffic free location
also counting sheep is great