Do you only let certain cars out of junctions?

richolmes72 said:
It depends on the junction really. But i will Never let a Corsa out, and will always let a Jag out. Attractive ladies are always allowed out :)

Thats a bit silly logic because theres a good chance of a attractive lady will be driving a corsa, where as theres no chance of one driving a Jag!! :p
I let all but taxis out. Black cab drivers in London probably have the worst road discipline of all drivers (IMO), most I've come across have little to no consideration for other road users.
I let everyone out if it is safe! Except for BMWs, Audis and SUVs, they can wait as they obviously have money to burn.

anyone fnd it odd how we all let the hot girl out in front of us where as you get a better view if your looking at her when she is in the car behind??
Got to be honest I found it sad and pathetic that people actually pic and choose who they let out based on the car. I'll let out anyone if it's safe to do so, it's called being polite and having manners.
Over the past 4 years, I've had a Merc and BMW and a Jeep grand cherokee. It's a vehicle that does the needed job at the time, they are never bought as a fashion statement or because I need to compensate for anything.
Why do you think people get anoyed when out driving if they sit waiting to come out of a junction for 5 mins because all the people looking are saying "pfft, not letting a BMW out cos the driver are $%^%$^" yes now he's sat 5 mins waiting he's going to want some payback so to the next person at a junction he dosn't let out because YOU did it to him they think worse of BMW drivers etc.
I always treat people the way I would like to be treated, the ONLY time I will not let people out is if they are not indicating, in the hope that they may learn to use them.
I never let anyone out, or flash them at junctions etc.

My brothers mate let someone out at a junction, they crashed into another car and then tried to sue my brothers mate for causing the crash.
If it's a nice looking lady, all the time. If it's a nice car, yep.

Some ****box? Not a chance (that includes buses, taxis, any sort of van/lorry/wagon whatever. Nothing worse than being stuff behind a large van and not being able to see ahead properly.
DannyDan said:
I let some chav in a Corsa out today and got a bus-style hazard-warning light thankyou.

Perhaps sticking their hand up would spoil their style :confused:

When I got my current car it was a good month or so until I realised that when I raised my hand to say thanks, the person behind couldn't see it because of the privacy glass.. I use my hazards now :)
I dont tend to let women out... sexist? well.... yea spose it is. :)

Because most women faff about thats why.

Oh yea and I NEVER let buses out, they think you should bow down to them for some reason, no thanks, also get passed them asap so I don't suck up those lovely fumes.
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RSH said:
I dont tend to let women out... sexist? well.... yea spose it is. :)

Because most women faff about thats why.

Oh yea and I NEVER let buses out, they think you should bow down to them for some reason, no thanks, also get passed them asap so I don't suck up those lovely fumes.

IIRC it's in the HW code to let a bus out if it's signalling to pull out (if stationary at a bus stop anyway)
jpmonkey69 said:
IIRC it's in the HW code to let a bus out if it's signalling to pull out (if stationary at a bus stop anyway)

:O Honestly didn't know that.... would check but cba to go grab my HW.

If thats true thats very silly imo.

Doesn't mean I'm going to start letting buses out though.
DannyDan said:
I let some chav in a Corsa out today and got a bus-style hazard-warning light thankyou.

Perhaps sticking their hand up would spoil their style :confused:

Why on earth do you think that? :confused:

What's wrong with using your hazards to thank someone? :confused:
DannyDan said:
I let some chav in a Corsa out today and got a bus-style hazard-warning light thankyou.

Perhaps sticking their hand up would spoil their style :confused:

I do that sometimes, especially at night. Its just a way of saying thank you.

Perhaps you would prefer if they didn't thank you for letting them in? Or do they have to thank you in a specific fashion? :confused:
iCraig said:
I do that sometimes, especially at night. Its just a way of saying thank you.

Perhaps you would prefer if they didn't thank you for letting them in? Or do they have to thank you in a specific fashion? :confused:
Nope, doesn't bother me in the slightest how they thank me. My comment about it spoiling his style was meant jokingly - perhaps I chose the wrong smiley :o

Considering he was a young male driving a modified Corsa I was surprised to be thanked at all, never mind by him lighting his car up like a christmas tree :)
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I let people out if it looks like they have been stuck there a bit, or looks like no one else will let em out. Obviously i take into account if im holding traffic behind me up too. Nothing to do with type of car, just courteous driving.
the only people i can say i dont let out are chavs on mopeds with L plates. but they normally don't care and merge when they feel like it!

obv, i judge it by the amount of traffic behind me too
Nozzer said:
Yellow. Unless she lives in Hemel Hempstead we can safely say it probably wasn't her.

That mean that you live in Hemel then mate? If so im just down the road in Bedford...well when im at home anyway.

And on topic, I only really let people out if they are a) attractive or b) blocking the flow of traffic by trying to get out/ in a particularly awkward place to pull out from.
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