Do you only let certain cars out of junctions?

Stonedofmoo said:
Thats a bit silly logic because theres a good chance of a attractive lady will be driving a corsa, where as theres no chance of one driving a Jag!! :p

Good point. lol.

Still not letting corsas out (or astras/vectras either really). :)
DannyDan said:
Nope, doesn't bother me in the slightest how they thank me. My comment about it spoiling his style was meant jokingly - perhaps I chose the wrong smiley :o

Considering he was a young male driving a modified Corsa I was surprised to be thanked at all, never mind by him lighting his car up like a christmas tree :)

Strange.. i find its charvs in there modded sheds that let me out.. lol

bm's etc never let me out.. my cars not modded at all and is a shed..

i let people out if im in a good mood and its safe to end off... if i see a good looking girl crossing the road ill stop to let her cross every time tho ;) :P
I never let BMWs or Max Power wannabe's in chavved up Nova's (etc) out. Depending on my mood 4x4s on the school run might also kop it.

The BMW rule also applies to new Mini owners as :
1)they think they're so bloody superior
2)it's a BMW

It's fun to leave the smug so and so's in a cloud of soot from a lowly Skoda!
I don't let big 4x4 vehicles out usually, but will if they look like they might actually have been off-road.

Oddly enough, I always get let out when I'm in the Fiat. This could be because people recognise the cuteness of a small red Italian city car, or they see the demonic gleam in my eyes, but everyone always lets me go. Even BMW drivers.

In the Olds they don't get a choice. The Battlewagon is moving, they can either get in it's way and end up with a smoking ruin where their car was a moment previously or they can let it go. When Dad drove it home after we'd bought it he noted that nobody got in his way for the entire 120 miles to home!
I was happily driving along, then a battered old heap of a ford Cinquecento pulled up at a side road, different coloured wings, rust, bumper hanging off. Then looked to see the driver was this girl who ive seen walking around uni quite often, who is simply stunning...... In the end my male instincts gave in and although her car looked like it couldn't reach 30 mph going down a hill, i still braked to let her out. Got a nice smile and a wave :)

Rule of thumb, Attractive ladies or anything flash...

Speaking of flash, has anyone in stoke seen the Yellow Punto with the black lightening bolts down the side with the word FLASH all over the car? :confused: I will try to get a picture next time.
mr tommo said:
meh.... ford or fiat, they are all crap anyway :p :)

I will not rise to the bait.....I will not rise to the bait.....I will not rise to the bait.....I will not rise to the bait.....I will not rise to the bait.....I will not rise to the bait.....

i let fellow german car drivers out.

the remaining common non-mercedes driving public seem to have an enormous chip on their shoulder about people driving mercs. i never get let out of side roads in the merc.

do i look like im bovered? my car is german and miles superior to yours :D:D
JRS said:
I will not rise to the bait.....I will not rise to the bait.....I will not rise to the bait.....I will not rise to the bait.....I will not rise to the bait.....I will not rise to the bait.....


:p :D
Matt82 said:
i let fellow german car drivers out.

the remaining common non-mercedes driving public seem to have an enormous chip on their shoulder about people driving mercs. i never get let out of side roads in the merc.

do i look like im bovered? my car is german and miles superior to yours :D:D

Mercedes drivers also seem to have a chip on their shoulder - they often seem convinced that their car is vastly superior to everything else on the road. Ironic, considering how poorly a lot of their cars and dealers have performed in customer surveys in recent years :)
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