Do you people still use a CRT?

12 Dec 2005
Hey guys, I've just had to sell my lovely 19' tft monitor and revert back to a CRT (( needed the money ))

I'm just wondering if im the only dude to still use a crt.

Any one else out there use CRT?


- Denic
I still use a Dell 20" CRT and it is still going strong after nearly 5 years but I will probably go down the TFT route when this monitor needs to be replaced.
I use a 19" Samsung CRT and a 21" Iiyama CRT - yes my desk does bend in the middle - sometimes I worry that the desk will collapse - especially as the bend seems to be getting worse.

A CRT hmmm ...I remember those, why in my day ... :p

hehe well I've not used one for about 3 years now but I can't imagine you are alone just yet.
If I could somewhere to buy a good 19 or 21" CRT, I would not even think twice about buying it, I prefer them to be honest.
I still use a 17" Iiyama CRT, but its days are numbered and its starting to hurt my eyes lol.
Oh well I guess its time to buy a TFT, moving with the times and all :(
I still use a CRT 19". It takes up most of the corner of my desk, if I got a tft I would have a big gap there, which would look bad.

Its still pretty good though, works well in games :)
at college we have dual monitor display, the primary monitor is a TFT, but the secondary one is a crt, i wouldnt be surprised if it was 15+ years old, its hard on the eyes, :mad:
best mate has a nice 19" CRT, i forget which make though...

personally i haven't used them in about 4 years now, and in that time i've only gone through 2 TFT monitors, one of which came with an old pc... planning on upgrading to a nice 19" Samsung TFT soon though.

don't think i'd ever go back to CRT after so many years with decent TFTs.

i'll say this though, a good CRT monitor will win every time over a shoddy cheap TFT monitor... but pay good money for a good TFT display and you'll never look at a CRT again :p
2560? I run 3200 x 1200 easily on a pair of Sony Trinitron flatscreen 21 inchers. The colors are beautiful and you can't beat the price. That said, at home I have a TFT.

Very old screenie:
still use a 19" sammy crt, the flexibility it offers in terms of resolution makes it good for games as my pc cant run high res full detail etc

also found that tfts dont do full colour in that they can only display a fraction of crts

all that + i cant afford a decent tft ;)
I still use a 19" CRT (Iiyama VM Pro 451) when doing any important graphics work, my TFT (ViewSonic VX912B) just can't reproduce the colours.
I've got a 17" NEC that I keep in a wardrobe. Only use it when mates bring their comps for fixing, cos I'm not unplugging mine!
(Don't know why they bring 'em to me, I know f all)
i am currently on a crt, a sony gdm F520.

i love it, but unfortunately its time is coming, sad really. My next upgrade will be a 30" lcd, but i am waiting for the samsung 30" model before i jump.
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