Wallets will be a thing of the past soon when we become a cashless society.
I carry bank card, driving licence, work permits, and a few other cards that must be carried as they relate to insurance and legal stuff.
I also have a challenge coin, flash drive, USB cable adapter, a Swiss Army Knife... and finally some notes and coins because I find an awful lot of places that still don't take card or phone-pay. Cash still has its place, and there are plenty of other things to carry in a wallet.
This is all in a wallet that's not much bigger than a credit card anyway and still smaller than some of the 'minimalist' options I've seen friends touting.
Nope, Never carried a Wallet ever, I don't like the idea if you loose/drop your wallet everything is gone, Cash, Cards etc
Although i very rarely carry cash now, Just use my card..might as well get use to it as it will be a cashless society eventually, Will all be cards/Phone!
If I lose my wallet and I'm in the middle of nowhere, I can still find my way home or phone for people to pick me up, supply me with funds, verify my identity and status, cancel the existing cards and send out replacements. I also lose a few quid, a couple of tools and some keepsakes....
But if I lose my phone, I can contact no-one, it costs me over a thousand pounds, I lose all my data
and someone else makes further money from selling it all on.