Yes, 100% and if you attend ignite tomorrow, and do a cloud skills challenge you can get a free exam voucher.
I hold AZ-500 and AZ-900, hopefully soon MS-500 and AZ-303.
Got my Azure Administrator Associate cert last week after my last major MS cert was MCSE Cloud Platform and Infrastructure Certification back in 2018.
Lets see how this plays out in the current job market.
Congratulations! How did you find the exam?
I'm studying for the AZ-900 Azure Fundamentals, only issue I have is I'm not currently working in IT. But hopefully having some certs when applying for a role will help my chances, I used to do desk side support 10 years ago for LloydsTSB before being made redundant.. It's now time to get back to IT!
Just adding my +1 - I run a small msp, and we always look for engineers with 365 and azure experience, ideally certified. I did a couple of mcse and ccna when I started out, and still using what I learned every day - 20+ years later
Well I did the online course version before they formalised as an exam. The free online courses were slow but basically all I needed.Thanks for the input!
I'm trying at the moment to get back into IT, just about to write my Azure Az900 exam, then possibly look at CCNA as I have no network experience at all.. the cloud is definitely the route I want to go down, any tips you could help.with or point me in the right direction?
I'm currently on the AZ-900 Azure cloud Fundamentals, did the Microsoft Learn, and now doing it through Skyline Academy, as they go a bit more in depth, however I think I'll struggle with networking side of it... so might have to look at some Networking material
I found the az900 far harder than i was expecting, the pl900 was easier with less experience! i've got decent experience with azure so didnt do to much other than the odd ms learning/youtube video (the one linked above looks familiar!), i was just taking it for the sake of it and it was freeits not overly technical but you do need to know the terminology, nuances and more in-depth knowledge of kubernetes than you'd expect for a high level exam....
giving yourself 2 months is probably overkill! 2 weeks is plenty if your just putting in a hour or so a day and with existing experience.
passed the ms100 last week and have the az104 this week, then the ms700 down the line and probably do the ms101 at some point to go along with the ms100 to get the full Enterprise Administrator Expert certificate.
I booked before looking at the overview haha, I've started to light read the modulars and I will take it more seriously mid-feb. Im looking forward to AZ-104 is it bit more technical?
If you've booked through pierson Vue then it's quite easy to move the bookings. I've always found if I give myself 3months to do something it will take 3 months!
Yeah the 104 is a bit of a bitch, failed it the first time a few months back with something like 686. That's gotta be 1 wrong question over the limit! Gutted.
There's a udemy course for the 104 that is really good.