DOA4 Rant

17 Aug 2005
is anybody else hacked off at this game?!?!? I mean single player is simple enuff and takes no time but im doing the time attack and the last boss is just stupid. They trying to make the game last longer by giving u a boss that warps across the room when u get near and has moves to take away 50% in 1 go. Its bloody stupid !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:mad: :mad:
I'll join the hacked off at DoA4 club!

You're doing better than me if you think story mode is simple enough. I've stuggled like hell to complete it with everyone i've played with. I think they've gone a step too far with the counters. Haveing a different move for middle kicks and punches is one step too far IMO. What are they going to have next? DoA2 and 3 with low mid and high counters was just about managable.

After suffering 16 straight losses online yesterday, i seriously thought about selling it. It was ridiculous. And player match? Why did i end up fighting people of class A and B then? When i'm (after all those losses) class D?

Just when i think i'm making progress, this game kicks me in the teeth every single time.
I'll also rant with you boys. Got the game Sunday, spent a couple of hours on it yesterday and really struggled to get to grips with it. I wouldn't mind if it had an easier difficulty setting to get used to it, but the most basic setting it hard enough. I'm sure when I get used to it I'll be laying the smack down on everyone (and even managed to win one game online against a fellow OcUK guy [sorry I can't remember who]), but it's going to take some patience.

I think the best way to get better is to go into practise mode and set your opponent to attack you on it's most basic setting. You may get whupped but you don't die which is probably the most infuriating part. When I get counters perfected (or close to it) I think the game will really start to shine.
R5Rich said:
is anybody else hacked off at this game?!?!? I mean single player is simple enuff and takes no time but im doing the time attack and the last boss is just stupid. They trying to make the game last longer by giving u a boss that warps across the room when u get near and has moves to take away 50% in 1 go. Its bloody stupid !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:mad: :mad:

I like the call it a 'challenge'.
It's something that was in all the games in the 80's and early 90's. Games are far too easy these days, I for one am really glad it's super-hard.
I'm also joining your gang!

I've tried to practice, i have tried to remember combos but it gets to the stage at times we're the CPU is pulling together 10 Hit combos and i can do NOTHING to stop it....Any education i had about the game then goes on the window and then i tend to "button bash"......I get there eventually, but at times i get angry, infuriated and i have to admit that my 360 joypad is probably within inches of its life any time i play DOA4......

I like it but i hate it and i fear somethings gonna break before this weeks out....My fist as i put it through a door in anger or the joypad striking a wall at great velocity! :mad: :D

Ninja Gaiden wasn't even this hard to get to grips with! :p
Your all a bunch of faries ;)

I know what you mean though, it can be very frustrating at times especially that last boss!

Best thing ive found with that boss is she does a lot of Mid Kicks, so perfect your counters and its a walk in the park from there.

Paul ...
I turned it on, on the day it was released. Tried to play through story mode with a couple of characters. Got my backside handed to me on both occassions and havent played it since. Im finding the game at even the easiest setting stupidly difficult, while i had not bother with DOA3. I'll give it another try tonight.
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Practice then you'll find it is a lot better than you thought :)

And don't give up Bigpops... a few more online losses in a row and I think you unlock one of the acheivements :p
I'm not finding it that big of a step up in difficulty but that might be because I never played DOA3, I had DOA:ultimate on the xbox and played DOA2 on that never touched the DOA1 disc :o .

The counters are a bit hit and miss for me at the moment. It can get frustrating when the CPU pulls off counter after counter though.

As for Alpha-152, I think the teleporting out of combo's is a bit cheeky as is the almost unstopable "i'll be having half your energy thank you very much" hold. The boss is my main dissapointment tbh, I want the boss to be hardcore but not by using cheeky tactics.

All in all i'm slightly dissapointed, but its still an awesome game. Can't see me getting as many hours out of it as DOA:U... having said that I had already clocked up 5 hours by Sunday evening :eek:

Online is a complete joke, either that or i've been unlucky. You can't have a fast paced beat-em-up with tons of lag, it simply doesn't work and becomes a case of who gets the lag at the best (when you getting a beating) or worst (when your dishing out a combo) time.
Didn't bother with this. DOA has always been a tad too technical and intricate for me. Soul Calibur is more my cup of tea.
lordrobs said:
I'm not finding it that big of a step up in difficulty but that might be because I never played DOA3, I had DOA:ultimate on the xbox and played DOA2 on that never touched the DOA1 disc :o .

I tried DOA1 once just out of curiousity and it is as incredibly bad as you would imagine :D God knows why they wasted a disc including it with DOAU, most people must play it no more than once I guess.
tbh this is all putting me off a game which i already wasnt sure of buying, i get easily wound up over difficult games, those who play PGR3 with me will know i swear quite a lot, and most wanted is solid on blacklist number 3 (yes i have advanceded this far :)) so i think that il give this one a wider berth than i initially was (might have picked it up cheap on the MM before)
NokkonWud said:
I like the call it a 'challenge'.
It's something that was in all the games in the 80's and early 90's. Games are far too easy these days, I for one am really glad it's super-hard.

Thing thats annoying is tho the rest of the characters aint so much a challenge to beat i may die once or twice but i get there in the end and they dont use stupid counters and combos to win all the time. It seems to me that they played thru the game completed it in 10mins and thought "well we cant make it that easy lets make a boss with super human powers and abilities." Bit of a lazy shortcut to drawing the game out it seems.
As someone who's has the game a few weeks more than a lot of you, I've got to say - stick at it. I'm nowhere near being good (I'm currently hovering around a C-) but here's a few thoughts on how I've improved a bit.

Your first week at the game will pretty much suck, I spent mine getting my arse handed to me by laggy Americans. Once you start to get a bit more experience though it's a really good game with a steep learning curve.

A lot of the game is about balance, get an idea of the character's strong points and then exploit them. The Ninja characters are all kind of middle of the road/jack of all trades type who are strong at everything but not the fastest, while the ladies are all pretty fast but not that strong. There's a couple of fast male characters who also aren't powerful (Elliot and Jann Lee). Then there's the characters with strong kicks, or strong grapple moves (Master Chief, Bass).

You need to pick a character who can exploit the weaknesses of your opponent in the beginning as well. The biggest difficulty I had was against the fast characters who do a lot of combo chains (Christie, Kokoro). You can go two ways, either pick a fast character and keep your distance and try and pick them off between combos, or pick a strong character like Bass or Gen Fu and get in close and just hammer them into submission.

The biggest move in DOA4 is probably the launch move - usually an uppercut or a high kick that launches your oppponent into the air and allows you to do a chain of moves unchallenged. Also learn which combos end in a stun, as you can then go straight into another combo. The sparring mode is your friend in DOA4 - every character has a slightly different control scheme and it pays to learn it.

It's also important to retreat and advance - if you just move in close and stay there you will get pummelled by any experienced players. By the same token, don't pull off the same combo repeatedly unless you want to be countered a lot. Try and switch up attacks between high/low/medium and kick. Don't be afraid to stick to one or two fighters and get to know them inside out either.

When it comes to countering, the best thing to do is go into sparring mode and set the CPU to attack with basic combos like KKK or PKK and practice getting the timing of your counter right with every different attack then can throw at you until you can get it most of the time. If you can't counter yet, then blocking is your best form of defence. You can also counter a lot of moves sort of 'unofficially' by getting another attack in first, i.e. a mid punch will usually break up a running attack and a high kick will stop some high attacks.

There's an awful lot to remember in DOA4 even though on the surface there's not much to it. So keep persevering!

As a side note... Alpha 152 is just an annoying *****. The best way to beat her is to stay in close, and link your combos. Low sweeps are effective as are uppercuts. Stay in close and as was said early, keep mashing the kick counter when she attacks.
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I'd admit when i first got DOA4 i totally sucked at it as I never played a DOA game before. It took me countless time to beat the boss the first time but now that I m familiar with the counter system and how she loves to use hi counter, Im having less difficulty beating her.

As for online play, when I first started online... I sucked.. straight losses and D rank. But I just kept practicing using 1 char getting used to his move and I have recently achieved B rank and 19 straight wins (died on my 20th match cos the host lagged :( ).

So my advice, keep practicing with 1 character and learn everything about him or her.
I've probably summed up about 2hrs of gameplay so far, I've managed to complete story mode with Jann Lee and Hayabusa. Having never played any of the DOA's and not played any other 3d fighter since Tekken 3 on the PSOne, I don't think thats too bad, its easy enough to see that this game has a steep learning curve, I think the best advice as mcc49 said is to Pick one character and play and play and play until you know everything there is to know about that character. I'm gonna go with Jann Lee for now (Then i'll probably move to Hayate as he looks cool :))- hopefully see you in game :)
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