DOA4 Rant

I really like it, i think the counter system makes it far more a game of skill then any other fighter i've played, you simply cannot get away with button bashing. I was expecting it to be a challenge coming from Team Ninja and it is but that makes it so much more rewarding, i'm starting to respect Team Ninja as a developer for there challenging games rather then making them pick up and play. I find a high level of difficulty gives there games a great replay value because i feel i can always improve.
the last boss is actually rather easy...

just keep punching dont let it get far from you p, p, p, p, p, p, p. will work fine if alpha does a combo on you just try to counter and you'll get it on the 4,5th hit instead of 8
lol cant believe this....the game has a learning curve after 2-3 weeks i'm still getting to grips with it. I have been down as far as -E grade wise online and suffered some real humilating strings of defeats but i'm on my way back up now :) Its hard simple as and requires patience. Not as hard as a Tribes 2 for PC mind....thats one hell of a learning curve
lordrobs said:
Thanks, will do :cool:

Good games Lordrobs thanks!!
Sorry if I seemed ignorant the mrs was lay next to me feeling poorly asleep so I didnt have my headset plugged in and the volume turned down, so appologies if you were speaking to me and didnt get a reply.

I am terrible but its fun haha!
0gami said:
Good games Lordrobs thanks!!
Sorry if I seemed ignorant the mrs was lay next to me feeling poorly asleep so I didnt have my headset plugged in and the volume turned down, so appologies if you were speaking to me and didnt get a reply.

I am terrible but its fun haha!

LOL I was going to say the same as i've lost my headset so couldn't talk :o

Props for taking out that guy who was giving everyone a pasting. Looked like he had about a 35 win streak by the icons at the bottom of the screen :eek: Bet he was chuffed ;) :D
I do strategic button bashing. I think about what I want to do ie. high, med or low attack, kick or punch based on what the other persons doing or what I think they are going to do. What I don't do is think right, now i'm going to do the "won hun lo kick, er how do you do that again...." :p

Counters for me are still a case of hit and hope.

Actually managed 5 straight wins against some pretty tough opponents the other night. Managed to go from a D- back to a C :p
Played my first 3 online games yesterday and ended with a record of 2 - 1 which isn't bad considering I had no idea what I was doing... Slowly but surely getting the hang of the Counters but still hopeless at blocking anything.
Cheers for invite yesterday pir8smit, came back online later on but didn't see you, hopefully later.

Had my first bash at online last night, bit embarrassing at first as I thought "Is this it?", couldn't perform any moves at all, until I sussed out I was in someones room and the cartoon character was my avatar!!! O well.

Upped my rank to a C+, actually bet someone who had a rank of SS (only once so I think it was a fluke), but apart from that really really good.

Don't have any 'rants' about DOA4 other than the stupedily-hard Alpha-152 (or whatever it's called). I can generally get through a time-attach with about 1.30 minutes spare, but hitting that last character takes about 10-15 attempts to KO. Very frustrating!

Still can't believe that one of the achievements is a 50-win in Survival, I really really can't understand how anyone can do that but I guess it's down to some severe skill rather than luck.

Definately the worst game I've got for the 360, but I still think it's a pretty good one.
My opinion is changing for the better the more I play it. Went through it as Ayane yesterday, and found myself beating opponents more convincingly at the start, and taking less attempts to beat the harder ones (including the boss). This was despite the fact I didn't know any of Ayane's moves. I think countering is a huge part of the game (as well as varying the height of your attacks), and once you start to get the hang of it matches become a bit more tactical rather than frantic button mashing. Definitely starting to enjoy it now :)
The Survival Mode doesn't seem to be too difficult... I can get up to around 25 or so really easily but then come up against one fighter (usually the German female) that seems to always beat me.

The Time attack mode I got to the boss with loads of time to spare (says something about 3"45"70 or something like that so I assume thats 3 minutes 45.70 seconds to spare but then get beat by that Alpha-152 :( I always beat her in the first round but then lose the next 2 with barely hitting her
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