Originally posted by memphisto
but the point is, the only people that would be able to offer any sort of rebuttal to your proofs / questions are other mathmaticians, which suggest that you all think you are superior to none mathmaticians.
No it doesn't suggest anything of the sort.
It suggests that if you don't know much about maths and cannot offer anything to the table, then it's almost worthless being involved in a debate that is primarily about maths. It's like me entering a debate of the spanish civil war. I did very little history in my school years, and I wouldn't even attempt to get involved without first learning about the subject, at least a little. Once I knew a little bit about the Spanish Civil War, I could at least enter the discussion and understand what they are talking about. But could I disprove any of what each person was saying?
You talk about "mathematicians" as one large group of people. Do you not think that there are also mathematicians with philosophy degrees, or mathematicians with a degree in fine art?