Does anyone actually own a Zune 2?

18 Jul 2006
My parents are off to the states tomorrow and i am considering asking them to buy me an 80GB Zune 2 while they are out there because i am sick of my iPod tbh. I was considering a touch but they are too small and i think Apple has shown what it thinks of it's customers with $20 FW update. Does anyone actually own one? if so what are they like
I've just got one, taking over from my Vision M and I love it.

It's very slightly higher and wider, but about 50% of the width of the VM, but this allows a decent sized video screen. It also looks very good on the eye.

I use the Zune software and find it very easy to use and the software on the player is well thought out and easy to use with the navigation pad.

I do have to encode any avi's to wmv or mp4, but this only takes a few minutes each, no big deal really.

The album art works very well, leaving you with the album cover on the screen whilst the album is in play.

The screen is good, although not quite up to the VM standard, but the size increase more than makes up for this and the only real letdown is very slight blocking every now and then.

I find the sound quality very good as well, although the omission of a graphic equaliser is a bit odd in my opinion, but I'm happy enough. I'm using my E500PTH's with it, so I haven't tried the stock in ear canal earphones, but the word is they're a big improvement over the bog standard earphones that comes with ipod's etc.

No mains charger, the inability to drag and drop within Windows Explorer, no case, no graphic equaliser, limited avi support (easily sorted as I stated earlier) are the downsides, but nothing major enough to detract from the positives.
I've taken delivery of mine today. A black 80GB one for £150 incl. delivery (not bad me thinks).

This is my first mp3 player (yes I know, I've been living under a rock) but it's a thing of beauty. I'd been using some Sennheiser on ear headphones which cost me quite a lot 5 or so years ago and just tried the same source with the supplied headphones and people weren't kidding when they said thay were good.
I never really thought much of iTunes and I'm finding the Zune software very nice even if I can't actually purchase off the marketplace (not a biggie as I use eMusic ~ I'm a folk/jazz man) and I'm pleased I did all my prep before getting it (WMA Pro encoded tracks sound better than EAC mp3s imo).

I just need to now get a case and maybe an AC power supply and car radio transmitter (can anyone recommend one?). But so far so good.
I'm glad someone else has one and likes it, I was beginning to think I'd recommended a pup to chesterstu.

I'll also be looking for a charger, there are plenty about for the 1st gen 30g, but I'm not sure if it'll work with the 2nd gen.

As for a case, I haven't found anything that good at the moment, so I'm using an old pouch that was lying about, good enough for now and to stop any scratches coming onto it, so that I can sell it on when I upgrade again, in about 12 months.

A mate of mine at work fell in love with it as well and took delivery of hers tonight, see what she thinks tomorrow.
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I imported an original Zune when they were released. Had a little trouble with it early on but recently the soft/firmware has come on leaps and bounds. The zune software is very easy on the eye and simple to use... It is missing some of the more advanced WMP features but for everday use is ideal.
I also own the orignal Zune and think its great... nice mp3 player and a decent size for videos. The software isn't very user friendly though.
Ive got a 80gb Zune 2 picked it up the start of the year over in the states.

Getting hold of one can be hard now as seems to be the case with allot of electrical goods over there now, I could get another one last week or a NDS or any Wii controllers anywhere i looked in Houston.

As for the Car Transmitter thing. I picked up the offical one when i got my Zune and though it works ok it suffer like all other radio transmitters ive ever used from loss of quality and interferace. I also came across a Belkin transmitter that includes a holder lastweek at the airport shop that made me regret buying it. It works, its just not ideal.

A charger i dont think ill really need acuse it charges over USB fast enough and i never had a charger for my Ipod either casue it was a US model....

Holders I saw 3 in the US last week (best buy i think it was), a leather one and neopreame one (looked ok) and a clear plastic polycarbonate type one (ugly) also they had belkin "screen protector" stick on films. Mine is still scratchless after rattling around in my Laptop bag to the states and back so im not sure whats really needed case wise.

Battery life on them is great ive dont a couple of 10hr flights on them watching a mix of vids and music and its never come close to being flat (say 3 hrs of video and 6hrs music) the docs say it does 20hrs music or 4-5 hrs video so its not bad either way.

Overall Im very happy with mine and at £140 incl tax it was well worth buying.
My boss picked up 2 8 gig ones for his lads I only had a quick go on them (set them up) but they looked pretty good to me. Nice small peioces of kit and he went jogging with them while we were still out there and was impressed.

As a vista 64 user I was scared off getting a replacement Ipod casue Itunes just wouldnt work right for me. I heard its fixed now (new release a couple fo weeks back) but at the time it wrote off the Ipod for me.

As for better? The screens bigger and I like the interface more but my Ipod was a 3rd gen so im a little out of date with Ipods.

I dont buy Online music anyway i like physical media but TBH once the Zune network comes out over here the $15 a month grab what u want model appeals to me allot more than Itunes does.

And the Zune software is just a reskinned version of WMP11 with some features removed.
And the Zune software is just a reskinned version of WMP11 with some features removed.

It used to be. With the release of the Zune 2 they've written some new software from the ground up (take a look, it's free to download and you don't need a Zune to play with it).


The reasons I went for a Zune over the equivelent iPod was WMA support (incl. WMA Pro and WMA lossless), wireless sync, a built in FM radio, the new zune pad (really does work well) and how it connects to my 360.
Thats the software i ment, Like i said ive only had my Zune 2 since the first week of this month. Its WMP11 at its core, or so ive read.
I'm looking for an 80gb zune to buy, the cheapest I've found it £175 :\ My 60GB ipod video has just died on me so I'm hoping this will be much improved over the ipod.....
Thats the software i ment, Like i said ive only had my Zune 2 since the first week of this month. Its WMP11 at its core, or so ive read.

Nope, the Zune 1 software was just a reskinning of WMP11 and was universally bashed. This new software is much better though I have found it can get it's knickers in a twist with album covers if you rip with something else directly to the Music folder.
I'm looking for an 80gb zune to buy, the cheapest I've found it £175 :\ My 60GB ipod video has just died on me so I'm hoping this will be much improved over the ipod.....

Got mine from the bay for £142+delivery brand new. Put in a bid for £140 (the guy who's selling quite a few as bid items) and when you don't win he'll send you a second chance offer for £140. (from his history it seems to be the cheapest he'll go).
Got mine from the bay for £142+delivery brand new. Put in a bid for £140 (the guy who's selling quite a few as bid items) and when you don't win he'll send you a second chance offer for £140. (from his history it seems to be the cheapest he'll go).

If its the guy whos name begins with MP3 I've just sent him a message, hopfully he'll accept.. I've lost out on 2 auctions now :\
Edit: Not going to happen lol :p. Guess I'll pay the extra £10a and get it for £160inc

I've been looking at some youtube footage of the player... and as far as I can the see, interface is 10x that of the ipod video... hopfully the battery will be as good as my video ipod.
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Well just got a text off my dad and he picked me on up form BestBuy for $259 (a touch or two over £130). He's home Sunday can't wait :D
Just got mine and it's awesome. The included headphones are a lot better than the ipod ones and Wireless sync is awesome.

Quick question though, what are people using to convert video to zune compatible files
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