Does anyone on this forum consider themself as being " woke "

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5 Apr 2006
Being Woke to me means having your heart in the right place but not having enough life experience and knowledge to actually change anything that you think is being done wrongly I suppose. The extremes will always be there with nutjobs recording themselves having childish tantrums I suppose.
Wokeish. Also woke to what?

I've been in a few situation when younger to understand what evil and terror is, to me nothing has 'woken' me more than that.
I wouldn't describe myself as 'woke', but if you take the Wikipedia definition "Woke is a term that refers to a perceived awareness of issues that concern social justice and racial justice.", then I certainly feel sympathetic to that cause. But, like any cause, it means different things to different people and some of that may be internally inconsistent or indeed outright conflicting. The term has also different connotations depending on your political leanings as has been already demonstrated.

So is this thread just here to pick a fight or make fun of people with different political views to yourself?
It depends on context really.

In relation to the massive amount of bigots on this forum that use the term as an insult, i consider being considered woke on here as a compliment.
No not to pick a fight just to have a discussion about what people think woke is and who thinks being woke is a good thing or not?
Who are the bigots?
This is the problem, people like to preach but don't like to actually talk about it.
Klinck no it isn't but I suspected as much that people have views and don't like to have a chat about them.
Opposing views you say, we all have them but it seems only one side is allowed to say anything without agro?
Klinck no it isn't but I suspected as much that people have views and don't like to have a chat about them.
Opposing views you say, we all have them but it seems only one side is allowed to say anything without agro?

Sorry do you read threads in GD and SC? I take it with your post count you do. This has already been done to death. "Woke" is a firm favourite in plenty of threads.
I wouldn't describe myself as 'woke', but if you take the Wikipedia definition "Woke is a term that refers to a perceived awareness of issues that concern social justice and racial justice.", then I certainly feel sympathetic to that cause. But, like any cause, it means different things to different people and some of that may be internally inconsistent or indeed outright conflicting. The term has also different connotations depending on your political leanings as has been already demonstrated.

So is this thread just here to pick a fight or make fun of people with different political views to yourself?
My personal definition of "woke" isn't the same as the one you quoted.

As you say, "social justice" is a tad meaningless as phrases go, because it means different things to different people. Better to deal in specifics.

I would class as "woke", those who flock to the more extreme causes (sometimes nonsensical), like demanding that every football team have at least one trans player (made-up example). Those who use phrases like "cultural appropriation" unironically :p Those who demand resignations for using the term "coloured", whilst also holding that "person of colour" is fine. Often more concerned with advocating for select groups than with genuine equality.

They flock to Twitter and Facebook and have an extremely black-and-white view of many issues. Often being unable/unwilling to explain why their viewpoint is valid, but simultaneously pouring scorn on anyone who doesn't match their views. Prefers to silence opponents than argue in good faith.

In an age of rapidly growing inequality and real societal problems, they prefer hot-button topics that are trending, than to think deeply about difficult issues, and discuss them like reasonable people. Instead it's all soundbites, put-downs and echo chambers.

In short, the "woke" are a superficial, virtual-signalling, self-congratulatory lot who make a lot of noise - often about the most bizarre mole-hills blown (temporarily) into mountains.
Na, I put the "woked" in the same room as the "snow from sky made of ice" generation. Easily offended and like the human equivalent of a jelly.

My answer to most arguments put forward by such groups is "welcome to life, it doesnt get any better"
I'd say woke to me means something similar to what @FoxEye said.

Though I'll be a bit more charitable and say that many people who consider themselves woke in their own minds are genuine people wanting to make the world a better place. But often the ideas of achieving that doesn't take in to context of the bigger picture i.e. progress is made by the consent of the majority.

I don't consider myself woke by the general definition of the word. But I seek to make the world a better place for future generations using the path of least resistance and trying to figure out a path that all sides can find some compromise.
I'm not racist i'm not homophobic in anyway shape or form but when I call out the crying and moaning and silliness with rational comments ans discussion i'm called so as? what can you do? lol
I don't think I'm 'woke' in the terms of the Twitter gang, but I probably am. I'm pretty liberal with most things and even with the things I don't agree with I still believe in 'live and let live'.

I believe everyone has their right to practise whichever faith they wish, love whomever they wish and I believe that all races are equal and it's the character of the person which I judge as an individual. Ultimately if whatever someone is doing isn't causing harm to others or myself, it's not my business.

it does seem on here there are a few usual suspects who love to throw the word around like it's an insult but given the choice of being an overly sympathetic ********* or an insensitive shaft who can't see beyond their own point of view I know which I'd rather be grouped as
[..] Though I'll be a bit more charitable and say that many people who consider themselves woke in their own minds are genuine people wanting to make the world a better place. [..]

The same thing was true of, for example, people in high medieval western Europe who persecuted Jews. They considered that to be just and righteous and making the world a better place. In modern terms, those people were woke. "Woke" is merely a new way of describing people who agree with whatever irrational prejudices are fashionable in any given time or place. True believers in irrational prejudice and discrimination usually think it will make the world a better place. They might be completely genuine in believing that, for example, killing all Tutsi would make Rwanda a better place. Or in believing that expelling Jews from England would make England a better place. There's almost 1000 years between those two off the top of my head examples - there's nothing new about the idea. The target group identities change. The amount of extremism that's mainstream in the ideology changes. The amount of honesty in the ideology changes. But the ideology remains the same.
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