Does anyone on this forum consider themself as being " woke "

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Wokeness and liberalism are not the same things though, in fact at this point they're pretty much polar opposites.

Liberal people don't oppose free speech and promote hate speech (censorship).
Liberal people don't ban, censor, shadow ban, de-monetise or use computer algorithms to suppress the spread of information they don't like.
Liberal people don't cheer on mega-corporations when they violate the rights of people under the guise of being a privately owned platform.
Liberal people don't call for people to be sacked from their jobs for having an opinion they disagree with.
Liberal people don't call for the police to defunded or abolished and then run to them whenever they need help.
Liberal people don't create words that end in phobia in an effort to shut down debate.
Liberal people don't pull down statues and ban books they dislike.
Liberal people don't deny science because it conflicts with their ideology.
Liberal people don't look at situations involving people and immediately obsess over the racial or LGBT make-up of those involved.
Liberal people don't spend 4 years obsessively bullying and opposing a democratically elected president.

I could go on but you get the idea, I think at this point in time 'woke' people have become the most authoritarian and illiberal people around.

This +1
Woke was something the relentless virtue signallers named themselves to start with. But it became a meme, because they are ridiculous people.

Watch some of the early videos from these people, they are proper cringe fests. If you can find them, most vanished because they got laughed off the internet.
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Wokeness and liberalism are not the same things though, in fact at this point they're pretty much polar opposites.

Liberal people don't oppose free speech and promote hate speech (censorship).
Liberal people don't ban, censor, shadow ban, de-monetise or use computer algorithms to suppress the spread of information they don't like.
Liberal people don't cheer on mega-corporations when they violate the rights of people under the guise of being a privately owned platform.
Liberal people don't call for people to be sacked from their jobs for having an opinion they disagree with.
Liberal people don't call for the police to defunded or abolished and then run to them whenever they need help.
Liberal people don't create words that end in phobia in an effort to shut down debate.
Liberal people don't pull down statues and ban books they dislike.
Liberal people don't deny science because it conflicts with their ideology.
Liberal people don't look at situations involving people and immediately obsess over the racial or LGBT make-up of those involved.
Liberal people don't spend 4 years obsessively bullying and opposing a democratically elected president.

I agree with this apart from the final and propenultimate points.

In the last point are you talking about Trump? You do realise that some "democratically elected presidents" can go totally rogue after being elected, don't you [Trump or otherwise, Erdogan is another good example].
Woke is just an extension of the idiocy that is identity politics..

This means being woke is to deliberately put people in to groups and spend considerable effort trying to find ways in which those groups could be considered disadvantaged by deliberately using misinterpreted data, then go on a crusade against other 'groups' they feel are doing their favoured 'group' harm.

This actually creates and promotes 'isms' where none really existed just to suit their narrative and ironically they are most likely the leading cause of real social injustice and you know their heads have well and truly disappeared up their own backsides when they actively start to positively discriminating.

It's ridiculous, there are some issues that still need attention but the identity politics just focuses attention and resources on an entirely made up narrative and it's led to the cancel culture, people aren't allowed reasonably mainstream opinions anymore, because as we know with Woke people, if you aren't on their side and fully pledge allegiance to them, then violence, murder and impacting peoples livelihood is all justified..

The biggest irony is that the Woke brigade are 100% as abhorrent as the 'ultra' right wing idiots...
It is pretty well summed up by this video - "woke" types whether knowingly or unwittingly adhere to beliefs rooted in a rejection of liberalism, the enlightenment and instead based in the identity politics of critical social justice which stems from post-modernism. Group identities and hierarchies oppression are rather fashionable, rejection of empiricism and focus on narratives and subjective claims stemming from lived experiences etc.. is fashionable too.

The farcical nature of the resulting stances can be summed up neatly in this video:

My problem with this “woke” thing is that for a lot of people out there, including some posters on here, anyone who isn’t a rabid right winger is “woke”. A perfect example
It works the other way too. The woke lot think anyone who doesn't agree with them is a far right extremist
I thought WOKE was when idiots have finally worked out that the Earth is flat or Covid doesn't exist etc and now they are part of those that know.
Extremist at any end of the spectrum is bad. Society is pushing everyone further in opposite directions while every normal person in the middle is targeted by both

I would agree. It’s just odd that this forum seems to contain far more people that bang on about woke than those who are woke in their definition of it.
So you’re saying the people who bang on about “woke” and the woke are as bad as each other.

No, like all extremists, they just annoy everyone both in the sensible middle as well as the alternate extreme end..

I would agree. It’s just odd that this forum seems to contain far more people that bang on about woke than those who are woke in their definition of it.

It's probably because everyone 'moderate' is just trying to get on and live a normal 'decent' life, yet we are faced daily with the fall out of the idiotic Woke brigade, the news is full of people getting cancelled, with all the violent activism, with being constantly told we need to be ashamed of our 'identity', etc, etc.. Or how the entire world is 'systemically' xxx'ist.. I can't sign up to lots of organisations without extra 'gender' questions that never existed before and have to actively put effort in to thinking about what pronouns I should be called by.. etc, etc, etc.. it's like death by a thousand cuts..

I could go in to some of the HR disasters that have occurred lately in our company but I'm sure they should be kept private, however it's not a glowing indictment of how successful the woke movement have become..
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It is pretty well summed up by this video - "woke" types whether knowingly or unwittingly adhere to beliefs rooted in a rejection of liberalism, the enlightenment and instead based in the identity politics of critical social justice which stems from a twisted interpretation of post-modernism. Group identities and hierarchies oppression are rather fashionable, rejection of empiricism and focus on narratives and subjective claims stemming from lived experiences etc.. is fashionable too.

The farcical nature of the resulting stances can be summed up neatly in this video:

I agree with everything you've said, I just wanted to highlight the bit in bold. I expect Foucault and Derrida would be turning in their graves at the way critical social justice has applied their ideas.
I don't think I'm 'woke' in the terms of the Twitter gang, but I probably am. I'm pretty liberal with most things and even with the things I don't agree with I still believe in 'live and let live'.

I believe everyone has their right to practise whichever faith they wish, love whomever they wish and I believe that all races are equal and it's the character of the person which I judge as an individual. Ultimately if whatever someone is doing isn't causing harm to others or myself, it's not my business.

You see I wouldn't classify you as woke based on your opinions. I would classify you as a normal, decent human who holds the same opinions as most people. Live and let live. Woke very much refers to the more radical people who believe in forced equality, who see racism, sexism and any other sort of discrimination everywhere they look. They see a black person passed up for promotion and it must be racism or "unconscious bias". They don't need evidence for their opinions because they have "real stories". Whenever someone starts explaining why something is X because person Y says so, alarm bells are ringing.

From our brief interactions you seem sensible and a pretty standard left leaning liberal. I might be completely wrong however!
It's probably because everyone 'moderate' is just trying to get on and live a normal 'decent' life, yet we are faced daily with the fall out of the idiotic Woke brigade, the news is full of people getting cancelled, with all the violent activism, with being constantly told we need to be ashamed of our 'identity', etc, etc.. Or how the entire world is 'systemically' xxx'ist.. I can't sign up to lots of organisations without extra 'gender' questions that never existed before and have to actively put effort in to thinking about what pronouns I should be called by.. etc, etc, etc.. it's like death by a thousand cuts..

This is the part that is utterly baffling to me. The vast majority of people don't have time to sit on twitter complaining and being outraged. They have busy lives, jobs, children, hobbies etc.

Most people simply don't care about transgender people. They don't have any issue with them. They don't dislike them. They aren't spending their time being nasty or discriminating against them, they simply don't even think about it and they do their best when they do have to consider it. If someone at work changes their gender and asks to be called by a different name or pronoun they will do their best to learn it. They will forget and get it wrong sometimes in the same way that I don't have a clue what the names of half the people I climb with are. Its not malicious, its just that I don't see them enough to remember their name out of the other 150 people I regularly see there too.

If people took the general view that when someone does something they don't like, its probably unintentional or perhaps (shock shock horror) you misinterpreted their intentions due to your own issues. Viewing the world through the lens of someone who is woke must be so depressing and sad. Seeing pretty much everyone as nasty, bigoted and petty.
I thought WOKE was when idiots have finally worked out that the Earth is flat or Covid doesn't exist etc and now they are part of those that know.

they do indeed, i think the usage is similar- anyone who knows [thing] and abides by the tenets of [thing] is woke compared to people who don't agree with/understand [thing]

kind of funny how the same phrase is being used, wonder if the "woke" of pc culture realize they're tarring themselves with the same brush as CT nuts by adopting that term?
I agree with everything you've said, I just wanted to highlight the bit in bold. I expect Foucault and Derrida would be turning in their graves at the way critical social justice has applied their ideas.

Postmodernists were BTFO by Sokal in the 90s, main reason the likes of Derrida escaped was simply:

Fashionable Nonsense: Postmodern Intellectuals' Abuse of Science said:
For example, although the quotation from Derrida contained in Sokal’s parody is rather amusing8, it is a one-shot abuse; since there is no systematic misuse of (or indeed attention to) science in Derrida’s work, there is no chapter on Derrida in this book.
You see I wouldn't classify you as woke based on your opinions. I would classify you as a normal, decent human who holds the same opinions as most people. Live and let live. Woke very much refers to the more radical people who believe in forced equality, who see racism, sexism and any other sort of discrimination everywhere they look. They see a black person passed up for promotion and it must be racism or "unconscious bias". They don't need evidence for their opinions because they have "real stories". Whenever someone starts explaining why something is X because person Y says so, alarm bells are ringing.

From our brief interactions you seem sensible and a pretty standard left leaning liberal. I might be completely wrong however!

Thanks :) I'm left leaning but I'm not fully left. If it was a scale and 1 was far right and 10 was far left I'm probably a 5.5/6. There's things I believe that more liberal people than I would take issue with and vice versa. I've probably got more friends who are more right than left but I think that just highlights my point that it's down to the character of the person I judge and not based on their political ideology. You can be right wing or left wing, they're both the wings of the same bird, and neither is inherently good or bad. That comes down to how you treat your fellow humans
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