Wokeness and liberalism are not the same things though, in fact at this point they're pretty much polar opposites.
Liberal people don't oppose free speech and promote hate speech (censorship).
Liberal people don't ban, censor, shadow ban, de-monetise or use computer algorithms to suppress the spread of information they don't like.
Liberal people don't cheer on mega-corporations when they violate the rights of people under the guise of being a privately owned platform.
Liberal people don't call for people to be sacked from their jobs for having an opinion they disagree with.
Liberal people don't call for the police to defunded or abolished and then run to them whenever they need help.
Liberal people don't create words that end in phobia in an effort to shut down debate.
Liberal people don't pull down statues and ban books they dislike.
Liberal people don't deny science because it conflicts with their ideology.
Liberal people don't look at situations involving people and immediately obsess over the racial or LGBT make-up of those involved.
Liberal people don't spend 4 years obsessively bullying and opposing a democratically elected president.
I could go on but you get the idea, I think at this point in time 'woke' people have become the most authoritarian and illiberal people around.
This +1