Does anyone use their bike to commute?



18 Oct 2002
Just wondering which of you guys use your bikes for commuting, what mileage you do daily and what your job is?

I only work 5 miles away from my house, due to the nature of my business I mostly use my car.

What about you guys?
currently 10 miles to work (has been up to 70 miles) but I usually take the long route as I like riding so much so it can take 20 miles to work unless its heavy rain then I go the short route, but i have been commuting to work by bike for 8 years now and always manage to get there through sun/rain/snow/ice/freezingmynutsoff :D
currently 10 miles to work (has been up to 70 miles) but I usually take the long route as I like riding so much so it can take 20 miles to work unless its heavy rain then I go the short route, but i have been commuting to work by bike for 8 years now and always manage to get there through sun/rain/snow/ice/freezingmynutsoff :D
Pretty much this normally. I've stopped for now as I'm not commuting but come September next year I'll be doing it again.
Commute to college. About 4 miles there, 4 miles back for 5 days a week. Normally don't need petrol again until about 2-3 weeks haha so it is INSANELY cheaper than a bus.
3.4 miles, work in office IT for a telco, so have a laptop in a rucksack. I wouldn't want to do more than 5 odd miles on the 125 but if I had a bigger bike, I think I would commute on it however far it was, as long as it was a realistic drivable distance.

We have a great scheme at work where if you don't have a car parking space, you get an extra 85 a month, so I bought a brand new ybr 125 on 0% finance, almost exactly the same monthly payments as the extra pay and ditched the car (you still get the "green" bonus If your on a motorbike) It's great, it's almost like work are buying my bike for me :D
My primary choice of transport is the bike, I only take the car nowadays if I'm not alone or have to go shopping. It's about 5 miles through traffic so the bike halves my journey time.
3.4 miles, work in office IT for a telco, so have a laptop in a rucksack. I wouldn't want to do more than 5 odd miles on the 125 but if I had a bigger bike, I think I would commute on it however far it was, as long as it was a realistic drivable distance.

We have a great scheme at work where if you don't have a car parking space, you get an extra 85 a month, so I bought a brand new ybr 125 on 0% finance, almost exactly the same monthly payments as the extra pay and ditched the car (you still get the "green" bonus If your on a motorbike) It's great, it's almost like work are buying my bike for me :D

That's awesome, can't blame you at all!

Gonna put some money towards big bike lessons? You should - get it done before 2013 when the licences change.
Sadly I can't afford it, as I bought my first house early this year, and just got engaged last week, so all and any spare income is spoken for. I am aiming to take the tests on the 125, which I hope to do soon, and then just live with the 2 year restriction. Besides, the bike is only really a commuter, so I don't need or even want that much more power, and a restricted bike would do for the very rare occasions that I want to ride further afield.

Just read about those changes you mentioned. Does anyone know what happens if you have a restricted licence that was issued before the change, but expires after it?
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I use the bike as much as I can, 25 miles a day. Used to do it on a 125 which was fine in the traffic but on the country roads/dual carriageway it was sllooooow but moved to a Bandit 650 recently, only downside to that is the much reduced fuel economy!
10 miles each way here too. Saves me 10 mins or so compared to the car. But I'm always in a much better mood when I take the bike :D

Nice and frosty fresh this morning, oosh! ;)
What do you guys do for workwear?

Do you ride to work in your suit/ shirt and pants + motorbike jacket?
20 miles to work, tend to bike in on Fridays when it's "dress down" day. Not done it recently as I hadn't got round to changing the brakepads, but now it's done I guess there's no excuse to avoid the 7am chill! ;)

Often I bring in a pair of trouser and poloshirt on Thursday in the car and leave them at work. That way I can wear biking kit on Friday with no rucksack and just change at work.
I fold a shirt and trousers into my rucksack with the laptop. They do get a little creased, but not dramatically so. My other half has bought me a tank bag for christmas, so I'm hoping that will make life even simpler, as well as reducing the strain on my back :D
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