Does anyone vote BNP if so why

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ok cool, the point of my post wasnt to make it out as if u were a racist.

I have spoken to u loads of times in the SA and considering the teams we support we have got on quite well, u could say ur one of the OcUK friends i have on these boards, also as ur in favour of bnp i wanted to know why, so i thought by asking u i would get an honest reply :)

also cheers for the response as well gilly :) if it isnt too much hassle maybe all the bnp supporters could answer me questions as well
Originally posted by Storm
Without someone calling me a racist.

if someone does, report it to a mod :)

Originally posted by Storm

Whats the big deal anyways ? Why can't someone vote for
the BNP ? It's their choice.

No-one's stopping them, but as it's such an extreme party, with such rascist views, people question it when they see it.

Originally posted by Storm

And why does it seem that only white people are racist,
generally I believe, a large portion of the muslim community
is racist towards white people but, thats ok isn't it cause
they are an ethnic minority so they can't be spoken out against
cause then I'd be a racist.

It is much harder when a minority is doing this, you have to work out whether they are speaking out for themselves, or speaking out against others. Speaking out for themselves is fine, and anyone should be able to do this within fear of reprisal, speaking out against others is the dodgy ground.
Originally posted by memphisto TBH I dont see much point in continuing this thread. Myself and the other pro BNP people have explained our reasons many many times in different ways. We have answered the questions put before us but it is now getting tiresome.
I think it's quite unfair that you lumping yourself in the category of pro-BNP people and then saying that you've answered the questions. You might at least be making an attempt, but there's no way you can say the same for other pro BNP people here. Anyway, I would even question your committment to finding out the truth for yourself. I find it almost impossible to understand how someone can view the information available objectively and still be pro-BNP yet maintain that they are not "racist" (for want of a better description perhaps).

Originally posted by memphisto Phykell has made some very very interesting and thought provoking posts which were worth answering and debating but I think the both of us are more or less at the agree to disagree point (again :p , not like thats never happened before eh mate :p )
Well, if you're going to dig your heels in, there's little I can do to stop you but I maintain my points are as strong as ever and my conviction has not diminished whatsoever. Can you say the same? Incidentally, I enjoy debate like the next guy, but that's not what this is about. Give me any topic to argue on and I'm happy to do so, but this particular topic is close to my heart. I'm for convincing people by hopefully making them think before they make a decision to either vote for the BNP or even advocate doing so.

Originally posted by memphisto but I am tired of being branded a rascist for supporting some of this parties policies from others and tired of explaining my views again and agian.
Well, I guess it all hinges on the fact that the BNP and racism go hand-in-hand. Their politics are deeply rooted in racism and the belief that the white man is somehow superior despite the "reasonable" face they try to present through their manifesto. That said of course, I have never branded you or anyone else a racist though I have asked if people are but then, why shouldn't I? If someone said they were racist, I would at least understand why they voted for the BNP! It just seems bizarre to me that people are so afraid to admit they are racist yet they seem to believe voting for the BNP is not a racist action (not counting the, *IMO* ignorance of the protest vote).

What I would say is that voting for the BNP is voting for a fundamentally racist political party and I think anyone who believes the BNP aren't racist really needs to do the minimum amount of research to convince themselves otherwise.

Originally posted by memphisto oh these ones ?
well if nick griffins politics are the BNP ones (or are you talking about personal ones ?) then I have explained why i think most of them are justified and explained that there are some i disagree with. If it is his personal ones then I cant simply because I don't know them

As the figure-head for the BNP, Nick Griffith's personal politics are are surely as important as the BNP's and are almost certainly identical. What kind of leader could lead a party if this wasn't so?

Remember, when you advocate votting BNP, you are voting for Nick Griffiths to be a figure-head for the UK.

Originally posted by memphisto I dont know why i have to justify the national front ? They are a separate party from the BNP arn't they ?
I think if you're going to vote for a party or even advocate voting for them, you need to know at least a little of the background. As I've said repeatedly, and backed up with evidence, the BNP's roots are with far right organisations such as the National Front. Can you or anyone else deny that?

Originally posted by memphisto and as for Mr Collet well I dont know what he said or what his comments were.
Mark Collett is the Chairman of the Young BNP and was formerly active in the National Front. He's also a regular at "Blood and Honour" nazi skinhead events. As you can imagine, I'd rather not post links to these sort of events, but I suggest that if you are in any doubt as to the what the Chairman of the Young BNP stands for, you take a look for yourself (google).

Anybody else who is even slightly convinced by the BNP's manifesto should also take a look at what the Young BNP organisation has to say on their website.

Originally posted by memphisto If you could provide links I will read and have a look at them then comment though.
TBH, there are just too many links to post. I could happily write a massive post on the subject of the BNP, but I think it's probably much more educational for you to find the links yourself. Myself, I'd certainly be very interested in any links you find which objectively advocate the BNP as a non-racist, non-bigoted organisation. Believe me I've looked and never found anything I could take seriously.

Originally posted by memphisto the political party question about whether i wan them in power is simple to answer. If they have the most policies that appeal to me which cannot be offset by some horrible ones such as killing the 7th son of th 7th son etc etc then yes i would consider voting for them.
Well, I certainly take that point and I admit that voting is almost always a case of the lesser of two ( actually more) evils. However, there is surely no way that you can reasonably justify the BNP being in power. I'm prepared to argue that point if you are ;)

Originally posted by memphisto and as for saying the right things before an election, every single political party does that they spin and say how they are gonna improve things and then stab those who voted for them repeatedly in the back so why singel out the BNP ?
Wow, you're really making me work here aren't you? Well I accept your point but I must say that in the case of the BNP, they certainly should be singled out because their policies are so much more morally questionable. The benefits of a multi-racial society vs a society which is racially intolerant is perhaps a great subject for a thesis and is well beyond the scope of this forum but I would summarise such a broad set of issues with the following observations:

1. Racially intolerant societies have existed throughout the World, and there isn't one that has been either successful or ethically sound.

2. It is a reasonable and surely desirable goal for intolerance to be a thing of the past. Clinging on to fundamentally flawed and morally corrupt ideals does not help achieve this goal.

Last note is the argument that the BNP is anti-Islamic:

In another example, BNP activists dressed up as clergy outside Canterbury Cathedral. They handed out anti-Islamic leaflets.

Source - BBC's Panorama

So now they discriminate against peoples' chosen religions too?
No vote from me.

I can see their points - I'll listen.

However I personally believe that that mode of thinking is actually outdated.

If anyone in the world is better than you (job, money etc) you have only one person to blame - yourself.

The English mentality of thinking that everything has to be put on a plate for them is ****** irratating. Stupidity, ignorance and lazyness is not something someone imposes on you, the source comes from you.

Edit: Q: Persian Blue moggies?
Originally posted by NickK
The English mentality of thinking that everything has to be put on a plate for them is ****** irratating. Stupidity, ignorance and lazyness is not something someone imposes on you, the source comes from you.


I don't know anyone like that...
Originally posted by Storm Whats the big deal anyways ? Why can't someone vote for the BNP ? It's their choice.
No-one is denying anyone's right to vote for the BNP. The original thread title tells you what this thread is about - it's asking for justification, nothing more. We are simply debating any justifcation that can be offered.

Originally posted by Storm And why does it seem that only white people are racist, generally I believe, a large portion of the muslim community is racist towards white people but, thats ok isn't it cause they are an ethnic minority so they can't be spoken out against cause then I'd be a racist.
You might be right, I don't know, but if so, I wouldn't condone muslim racism against white people either. Incidentally, it's perhaps important to note that there are many white Muslims!

Originally posted by memphisto 1: All people white or non white that have entered the country illegally. (cant have a law for one and a different for others)
You won't find me disagreeing with that one, but surely voting the BNP in is like using a sledge-hammer to break an egg!

Originally posted by memphisto 2: Yes I do understand how non whites would feel if the BNP came to power.
If you "understand" how they'd feel but you still feel OK about voting the BNP in, then I think you need to try and empathise with them as well.

Originally posted by memphisto 3: Only you mate :p (j/k) No I have not got a problem with one non white person at all. I have many many non white friends etc etc in RL and on here.
What do they think of your views on the BNP then? Have you considered that some of your "non-white" friends might be "asked" if they "want" to leave the country? For the record, I'm not surprised at all by your admission. I never had you down for a "racist" anyway, but of course that makes it all the harder to understand why you would vote BNP.

Originally posted by memphisto TBH I dont really care whether that building was built or not as it has no relevance to my life but I do appreciate that it would have a lot of relevance and be very important to the people who use it.
I think it's a beautiful looking building and it actually made me think of an interesting scenario if the BNP ever did get voted in. Imagine if all of sudden, the UK was completely devoid of any non-UK influences including art, food, music, etc. It's easy to forget the positive influences that immigration and the success of the multi-cultural society have had on this country but perhaps it's important to stop and think about it before you advocate the BNP in any way. Seems kind of ironic then that the nation's favourite food is curry. I wonder if Nick Griffiths ever eats it? I bet he's a Korma man ;)
phykell ~ I take my hat off to you (if I wore one), that is one of the most thought out posts I have seen in a long time and really sums everything up.

It seems that we have the 'protest' vote or a 'few good polices' theory to contend with. As stated, the information is out there and even a cursory check will show the BNP for what they are, a Racist party. Now, pledging support for the said party, does that not make you racist?

All I ask is be informed and remember ‘if the hat fits.....’

The Right Honourable Mark Collett ~ I would rather bring my children up in 1930's Nazi Germany than modern day Britain
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ok just read all of this thread in one sitting @_@ makes my eyes water, but to answer the initial topic.

No i don't vote BNP for a number of reasons. Not even considering their racist policies, just looking at they "honey laced" ones are totally unworkable in my opinion. They are promising the world but don't convince me that they can manage it.

However their "volutary resettlement policy" is what i dislike the most.

FOREIGN AID - time to spend our money on our own people!

We reject the idea that Britain must forever be obliged to subsidise the incompetence and corruption of Third World states by supplying them with financial aid. We will link foreign aid with our voluntary resettlement policy, whereby those nations taking significant numbers of people back to their homelands will need cash to help absorb those returning. The billions of pounds saved every year by this policy will also be reallocated to vital services in Britain.

why is this needed? and who are they targetting with voluntary resettlement? people aren't white? I'm chinese but was born here and lived here all my life? where am i going to resettle to? and why? because i'm less british because of my skin?

I am really tired of the pro-BNP people claiming that the BNP aren't racist. KANES comes to mind. JUST THAT ONE POLICY is enough to show their colours and if you want more

The future BNP government will give those who want to go back generous resettlement grants, because we think that reducing the number of non-whites is the only way to restore peace and racial harmony. Those who want to stay are welcome to do so, provided they obey OUR LAWS and accept that Britain must stay British.

THERE in black and white, THEIR own words on THEIR website, they want to reduce the population of non-whites and if non-whites like ME want to stay. then i have to respect "their law". Already they are implying that their law they mean white peoples law. NOT british law because i am as british as other white people born in this country.

It's fine people want to vote for the BNP but stop pretending that they aren't racist. their own manifesto is racist !!! and what really annoys me is a lot of people who are pro-BNP ( i have no problem with that, it's your choice) always proclaim "OH I'LL PROBABLY BE DEEMED A RACIST NOW BECAUSE OF MY SUPPORT" sometimes even before anyone has called them that. To me it seems like a cowardly defense for their stand by showing them in the light of a victim being bullied by people who disagree with them. I AM THE VICTIM !!! if you voted for them because you are supporting a party that supports the idea of my departure from my country ! If you support the party then i can't say i blame people are thinking you are racist because if you support the party by voting for them you are voting for them to uphold ALL their policies. Just because you like some of them and not all of them doesn't mean that that is iresponsible.

After writing all that i too want to hear their side of the argument. Particularly kanes statement how he would argue that the BNP aren't racist.

if you still do, Kanes, it personally strikes me that you aren't that well informed or aware of the BNP's manifesto and perhaps you should check them out a bit more. After all you support some or all their policies but contradict yourself.
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phykell, WONDERFUL posts, I agree with you completely.

hsp70 you hit it on the head mate, the information is right there on the site, I guess I wasnt looking hard enough to see all that other stuff. Good find.

Jazz, I agree with you about the Gurdwara being built, beautiful site it is, I think we will go there for Vaisakhi. The building doesnt just show architectural(sp?) beauty but it shows the strength of the Sikh community, all the money raised (£17,000,000) was done by inside the community, so to speak of minorities not making a difference, or not integrating is ridiculous. The thing about the gurdwara is that it opens doors to everybody and shows strengths as a minority in this country.
ok, it seems i'm in the hotseat for this debate, so let's get down to it.

The current BNP mainfesto mentions nothing of forcing people out, it mentions voluntary resettlement, to me that's pretty fair. You're free to stay if you've come here legally and I have no problem with this providing you're doing something with your life and not just claiming benefits (this isn't my racist view either, i despise a lot of people who claim unemployement allowance long term yet are able to work).

There are plenty of immigrants or asylum seekers (i know there is a difference) who have come over to seek shelter during conflict. However when that conflict is over, it's time to go back, the deal for it was ever a permenant move unless you immigrated through the proper channels. Sadly, a lot realise how good this country is and the many benefits of it, but we cannot economically expect the tax payer to foot the bill again ang again and put up with the population unflux. So, your country is safe, you have no qualifications or vital skills, it's time to go back, voluntary or not (unless you've been approved for immigration). My ideal would be this would only apply to those who had come into the country within the last 7 years either through asylum, illegal immigration or immigration being appealed.

The BNP representative i spoke to, i asked about the whole "obey our law" angle, his words were "if you are found breaking a UK law, you would forfeit your right to stay in this country, upon being accepted to this country, you would be under a 'probation' perioud, whereby any offense would result in deportation". To me, that sounds fair, if you wish to live in a country, you must obey it's laws and not live your life under your old countries laws because you wish to. To me that isn't racist, that's pretty fair. I was given no information as to how long this period is though. IMO 5 years would be just.

I do disagree with a couple of the BNP policies, well not disagree, more unsure what is meant in terms of the extent. The rep didn't seem to quantify much. I don't believe the BNP policies to be racist, i've yet to find any forced depoartation or similar, it's always someone 'reading between the lines' which i disagree with. I do support the BNP however, purely as they are the party that best describes what i agree with more than any other candidates. Sadly, it's rare for a party to meet everyone's ideals.
Posted by Kanes
I don't believe the BNP policies to be racist

BNP: we think that reducing the number of non-whites is the only way to restore peace and racial harmony.

So non whites are the problem to all this mayhem and racial hatred?

Non whites also meaning British citizens who have as much right to be in this country as they do, dont tell me they dont because they DO.

BNP: time to spend our money on our own people!

So they want to spend more money on "our" own people, who is that? Whites or British people?

BNP: voluntary resettlement

So how are they supposed to move out "forigners"? Financial incentives? I thought they wanted to spend money on "our" people.

posted by Kanes
You're free to stay if you've come here legally and I have no problem with this providing you're doing something with your life and not just claiming benefits

What about the "British" people who are claiming benefits, do they get deported aswell? What is considered doing something with your life?

posted by Kanes
To me, that sounds fair, if you wish to live in a country, you must obey it's laws and not live your life under your old countries laws because you wish to.

Hypothetically speaking, if BNP were in power and one of their laws was to ban non white immigrants, should this be acceptable? People should abide by these laws?
So non whites are the problem to all this mayhem and racial hatred?

it doesnt say that

but if u remove one from the equation there is no racial crime

u could remove either the x or the y but as it is "our" country so to speak they dont wanna ship out the people who they feel belong there cos thats not their objective

:white brits

:they dont say spend every single last £ on the brit whites (some has to be spent elsewhere so the rest can be)

:something worthwhile, i dont think that is racist though?

:realistically speaking we sometimes have to abide by laws we dont all agree with yes
Abide by laws that extreme? If someone said Football was banned, what would the reaction be? IMO that would be no where near as much chaos if non whites where taken out.

Ok so in your opinion if people where shipped out, I would be, even though I was born and bred on this very land for 16 odd years now? I think you will find there are not many people how have had ancestors who came from this country, for example, I look at my class, prodominately white school, most of them have parents/grandparents who are from other countries.

If they were going to give generous incentives to every non white in this country, how on earth would they intend to "improve" this country. This brings up the question, what is a generous incentive to MOVE country......£5,000-10,000 per family member? Multiply that by every non white and I think you are talking about being in debt for the next century.
Abide by laws that extreme?

if the general public was to vote them in then im sure they would agree with most of the things they say, and would probably support the law?

Ok so in your opinion if people where shipped out, I would be, even though I was born and bred on this very land for 16 odd years now?

in my opinion and interpretation of what i have read in the bnp website you are correct

how on earth would they intend to "improve" this country

there would be more employment opportunities for everyone else and that may be seen as improvement enough = taxes = revenue streams for goverment

they have many fantastical ways of accruing more money, of which i predict 99% would fail miserably.
Originally posted by gurdas

Ok so in your opinion if people where shipped out, I would be, even though I was born and bred on this very land for 16 odd years now? I think you will find there are not many people how have had ancestors who came from this country, for example, I look at my class, prodominately white school, most of them have parents/grandparents who are from other countries.

And you are different from many Asian people I come into contact with on a daily basis (not all, I stress).

Take JAzz for example, he was born in England, brought up in England and lives now in England, yet he does not class himself English. WTF?

You are different, as you class yourself as 'us' rather than 'them'

It is this divide that is the problem between our British subcultures. The fact that far too many people wish to hole themselves up in their own self-maintaining society and sod everyone else.
Originally posted by Kanes
The rep didn't seem to quantify much. I don't believe the BNP policies to be racist,

i've yet to find any forced depoartation or similar, it's always someone 'reading between the lines' which i disagree with. .

How does their belief in improving the country by reducing the non-white population be regarded as "not racist" or "reading between the lines" ?

it's pretty astounding to me how you can rationalise it as so. And you are right about the BNP rep didn't "quantify" much, because it's all sugar coated words for the masses to hide their true agenda. (not that it's not obvious already)
You just knew this would be a long one didn't you? ;)

Originally posted by Kanes ok, it seems i'm in the hotseat for this debate, so let's get down to it.
This should be interesting...

Originally posted by Kanes The current BNP mainfesto mentions nothing of forcing people out, it mentions voluntary resettlement, to me that's pretty fair. You're free to stay if you've come here legally and I have no problem with this providing you're doing something with your life and not just claiming benefits (this isn't my racist view either, i despise a lot of people who claim unemployement allowance long term yet are able to work).
OK, on the face of it that does sound reasonable.

Originally posted by Kanes There are plenty of immigrants or asylum seekers (i know there is a difference) who have come over to seek shelter during conflict. However when that conflict is over, it's time to go back, the deal for it was ever a permenant move unless you immigrated through the proper channels. Sadly, a lot realise how good this country is and the many benefits of it, but we cannot economically expect the tax payer to foot the bill again ang again and put up with the population unflux. So, your country is safe, you have no qualifications or vital skills, it's time to go back, voluntary or not (unless you've been approved for immigration). My ideal would be this would only apply to those who had come into the country within the last 7 years either through asylum, illegal immigration or immigration being appealed.
That also sounds fairly reasonable though I would suggest that setting some sort of date like 7 years is a bit unfair. How about simply applying the necessary legislation from this point on?

Originally posted by Kanes The BNP representative i spoke to, i asked about the whole "obey our law" angle, his words were "if you are found breaking a UK law, you would forfeit your right to stay in this country, upon being accepted to this country, you would be under a 'probation' perioud, whereby any offense would result in deportation". To me, that sounds fair, if you wish to live in a country, you must obey it's laws and not live your life under your old countries laws because you wish to. To me that isn't racist, that's pretty fair. I was given no information as to how long this period is though. IMO 5 years would be just.
Once again, this sounds fairly reasonable. There's nothing I could really disagree with there.

Originally posted by Kanes I do disagree with a couple of the BNP policies, well not disagree, more unsure what is meant in terms of the extent.
Could you enlighten us?

Originally posted by Kanes The rep didn't seem to quantify much. I don't believe the BNP policies to be racist, i've yet to find any forced depoartation or similar, it's always someone 'reading between the lines' which i disagree with.
Reading between the lines is not a bad thing when you are trying to understand the policies of a party that you are potentially voting into power. In fact, I would suggest that deliberately not trying to read between the lines is ignorant and negligent because I believe that a vote is not something one should take lightly. It shouldn't be taken lightyl because when you vote for a given party, you are voting for how your entire country and its people should be governed.

Originally posted by Kanes I do support the BNP however, purely as they are the party that best describes what i agree with more than any other candidates. Sadly, it's rare for a party to meet everyone's ideals.
Do you admit then, that you vote purely for your own beliefs rather than what's goof for the rest of the country?

You said in one of your earliest posts: "maybe there are some right wing people that don't spend all day worshipping the grand wizard, maybe they lead ordinary lives and don't mention their views for fear of the automatic "you racist scum!" claims".
Well perhaps there are such people, but I would hope they'd have more sense than to accept that a party with its roots deep in the mire of religious and racist bigotry, could even begin to "change its spots" and I hope theat such people would know full well when they're being deliberately hoodwinked by an opportunist organisation willing to achieve power at any cost.

You have said "i'm not saying they are or are not racist, i'm debating the reasoning for calling them scum".
I won't go so far as to call them "scum" because I don't need to. There's plenty of evidence out there if you only go and look. That of course ssumes that you believe racists are scum or not. I believe the original poster that you replied to was using the term "scum" as a description of what a racist is in his opinion. Do you think differently (am I wasting my time even asking you a question?)?

You said "the BNP are supposedly racist (a point i'd debate against)".
I'm still waiting for you to try and debate this unless you think we should all accept the BNP manifesto at face value like you seem to do. As I said on page 4, "The BNP is a racist party founded on racist ideals. Anyone who disagrees is welcome to debate this with me in Speaker's Corner... " I also said "Racism is not just some policy that the BNP have discarded recently. Racism and bigotry are at the roots of the BNP so that a vote for them is a vote for a party whose fundamental beliefs and ideals promote the discrimination of people by their skin colour. It really is that simple!"

You said and "racists, right or wrong are entitled to their opinions without petty name calling".
Perhaps they are, but do you not accept that a when someone calls someone else "racist scum" they are also using the term "racist" for its derogatory meaning? What I mean is, you could be right in saying that the "scum" is redundant but you have no right to tell another person what he/she should think about racists just as you tell us that racists are entitled to their opinions! Incidentally, could you please explain how a racist could possibly be "right" as you say?

tom_w has said "I vote BNP and I am proud to. I agree with their policies, that is all that matters."
I asked him "Would you care to add some more like why you agree with their policies? I should also be able to ask you without any fear of causing offence if you are you a racist and a bigot. Have you any reason for being and are you proud of being so?"
I'm still waiting for an answer.

Kanes, on page 5, I asked you and others who would vote BNP, some specific questions such as

"It's time some people stopped avoiding the real issues.

If you do want to vote BNP, tell us right here and now whether or not you are racist, and why you don't mind voting for a party:

- whose leader is a convicted criminal
- whose other organisers and party members are also known criminals.
- whose leader has attended a KKK convention in Texas *recently*
- whose leader has attended a conference (22/02/2002) in Washington organised by American Renaissance, an umbrella organisation for white supremacists and fascists
- whose Chairman denies the holocaust "

I also asked "I'll ask everyone here who has expressed any sympathy or support for the BNP: are you a racist? Come on, answer! This forum frowns upon being PC so it's unlikely you will be jumped on for simply expressing your view.".

Despite all these questions Kanes, you and others have chosen not to answer.

dirtydog said "How can you possibly compare the BNP - who at worst are racists with racist policies - with those groups who blow people up and seek to overthrow elected democratic governments The BNP are not terrorists!" yet the BNP have proven links with such organisations as Combat 18. Again, even the simplest search on Google will back this up with verifiable evidence. dirtydog saying the BNP are not terrorists is like saying Sinn Fein are not terrorists. Yes on face value those statements are correct but Sinn Fein is the political arm of the IRA, and it's not too much of a leap to say then, that the BNP is the political arm of far-right extremism and the violence and terror which is associated with it. If you doubt this, do some research on Combat 18 and associated groups.

Kanes, Gurdas asked you "Be honest, are you racist? Question not a statement.", but you never answered.

Kanes, I asked you: "
1. Do you have negative feelings about people based on their race?
2. Do you think the "white man" (whatever that is) is "superior" in any way?

Kanes, Gurdas then asked you again " It would give us a better understanding on how they think and why they voted for BNP. You said you were proBNP are you for the idea of sending everyone back to the land of their ethnic origin?"

On page 8, I remarked that, "The BNP will pass laws to prevent mixed-marriages. What do you feel about that?
Q: Why are you against mixed-raced relationships?
A: We are against mixed-raced relationships because we believe that all species and races of life on this planet are beautiful and must be preserved. When whites take partners from other ethnic groups, a white family line that stretches back into deep pre-history is destroyed. And, of course, the same is true of the non-white side. We want generations that spring from us to be the same as us, look like us, and be moved by the same things as us. We feel that to preserve the rich tapestry of mankind, we must preserve ethnic differences, not ‘mish-mash’ them together.
Source - BNP website - Q&A with the BNP Chairman...
" ...yet, you Kanes, still honestly believe they are not racist?

Memphisto said "there policy on mixed marriages i disagree with however that is only one policy out of most of them on there."
...but Memphisto, that "policy" wasn't part of their manifesto was it? I had to delve at least one page deeper into their web-site to find that little gem. Doesn't it make you wonder what other little nasties are hidden under the rock? Doesn't such a statement sound a whacking great klaxon as to what their whole stance on race actually is?

Pezboy said "I must say that I agree with the target the BNP are trying to hit, they just dont seem to be going about achieving it in the right way." and I challenged him with "What do you mean exactly? Do you agree with their fundamentally racist stance or just their manifesto policies consisting of unattainable goals?" ...I'm still waiting for an answer...

OK, sorry about the long post, but I just wanted to show that myself (and others) are still waiting for some answers yet and I wanted to illutrate how unsatisfactory Kane's reply is after all these pages of worthy debate. His response is that he's read the manifesto and that's enough to show that they are worth voting for.

Well, here's the killer, I too agree with most of the BNP's policies but guess what? There's no way I'm naive enough to believe that their "policies" are anything but a smokescreen for a party which is firmly entrenched in extreme, far right, racist facism, a party who believes in Britain for white people, legislating against mixed marriages, and all the other points I've made throughout this thread.

It's time to stand up and be counted. If you are racist, just say so and I'll understand why you (that's a general "you") vote BNP, because if you do vote for them and your vote is not a protest one, you are either

a) a racist

b) someone who hates the current situation of asylum seekers so much that you are willing to take a sledgehammer to crack an egg i.e. vote for the BNP just to get a more satisfying policy on asylum seekers...

[edit] nearly forgot, surely this thread deserves a place in SC now?[/edit]
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