Originally posted by memphisto TBH I dont see much point in continuing this thread. Myself and the other pro BNP people have explained our reasons many many times in different ways. We have answered the questions put before us but it is now getting tiresome.
I think it's quite unfair that you lumping yourself in the category of pro-BNP people and then saying that you've answered the questions. You might at least be making an attempt, but there's no way you can say the same for other pro BNP people here. Anyway, I would even question your committment to finding out the truth for yourself. I find it almost impossible to understand how someone can view the information available objectively and still be pro-BNP yet maintain that they are not "racist" (for want of a better description perhaps).
Originally posted by memphisto Phykell has made some very very interesting and thought provoking posts which were worth answering and debating but I think the both of us are more or less at the agree to disagree point (again , not like thats never happened before eh mate )
Well, if you're going to dig your heels in, there's little I can do to stop you but I maintain my points are as strong as ever and my conviction has not diminished whatsoever. Can you say the same? Incidentally, I enjoy debate like the next guy, but that's not what this is about. Give me any topic to argue on and I'm happy to do so, but this particular topic is close to my heart. I'm for convincing people by hopefully making them think before they make a decision to either vote for the BNP or even advocate doing so.
Originally posted by memphisto but I am tired of being branded a rascist for supporting some of this parties policies from others and tired of explaining my views again and agian.
Well, I guess it all hinges on the fact that the BNP and racism go hand-in-hand. Their politics are deeply rooted in racism and the belief that the white man is somehow superior despite the "reasonable" face they try to present through their manifesto. That said of course, I have never branded you or anyone else a racist though I have asked if people are but then, why shouldn't I? If someone said they were racist, I would at least understand why they voted for the BNP! It just seems bizarre to me that people are so afraid to admit they are racist yet they seem to believe voting for the BNP is not a racist action (not counting the, *IMO* ignorance of the protest vote).
What I would say is that voting for the BNP is voting for a fundamentally racist political party and I think anyone who believes the BNP aren't racist really needs to do the minimum amount of research to convince themselves otherwise.
Originally posted by memphisto oh these ones ?
well if nick griffins politics are the BNP ones (or are you talking about personal ones ?) then I have explained why i think most of them are justified and explained that there are some i disagree with. If it is his personal ones then I cant simply because I don't know them
As the figure-head for the BNP, Nick Griffith's personal politics are are surely as important as the BNP's and are almost certainly identical. What kind of leader could lead a party if this wasn't so?
Remember, when you advocate votting BNP, you are voting for Nick Griffiths to be a figure-head for the UK.
Originally posted by memphisto I dont know why i have to justify the national front ? They are a separate party from the BNP arn't they ?
I think if you're going to vote for a party or even advocate voting for them, you need to know at least a little of the background. As I've said repeatedly, and backed up with evidence, the BNP's roots are with far right organisations such as the National Front. Can you or anyone else deny that?
Originally posted by memphisto and as for Mr Collet well I dont know what he said or what his comments were.
Mark Collett is the Chairman of the Young BNP and was formerly active in the National Front. He's also a regular at "Blood and Honour" nazi skinhead events. As you can imagine, I'd rather not post links to these sort of events, but I suggest that if you are in any doubt as to the what the Chairman of the Young BNP stands for, you take a look for yourself (google).
Anybody else who is even slightly convinced by the BNP's manifesto should also take a look at what the Young BNP organisation has to say on their
Originally posted by memphisto If you could provide links I will read and have a look at them then comment though.
TBH, there are just too many links to post. I could happily write a massive post on the subject of the BNP, but I think it's probably much more educational for you to find the links yourself. Myself, I'd certainly be very interested in any links you find which objectively advocate the BNP as a non-racist, non-bigoted organisation. Believe me I've looked and never found anything I could take seriously.
Originally posted by memphisto the political party question about whether i wan them in power is simple to answer. If they have the most policies that appeal to me which cannot be offset by some horrible ones such as killing the 7th son of th 7th son etc etc then yes i would consider voting for them.
Well, I certainly take that point and I admit that voting is almost always a case of the lesser of two ( actually more) evils. However, there is surely no way that you can reasonably justify the BNP being in power. I'm prepared to argue that point if you are
Originally posted by memphisto and as for saying the right things before an election, every single political party does that they spin and say how they are gonna improve things and then stab those who voted for them repeatedly in the back so why singel out the BNP ?
Wow, you're really making me work here aren't you? Well I accept your point but I must say that in the case of the BNP, they certainly should be singled out because their policies are so much more morally questionable. The benefits of a multi-racial society vs a society which is racially intolerant is perhaps a great subject for a thesis and is well beyond the scope of this forum but I would summarise such a broad set of issues with the following observations:
1. Racially intolerant societies have existed throughout the World, and there isn't one that has been either successful or ethically sound.
2. It is a reasonable and surely desirable goal for intolerance to be a thing of the past. Clinging on to fundamentally flawed and morally corrupt ideals does not help achieve this goal.
Last note is the argument that the BNP is anti-Islamic:
In another example, BNP activists dressed up as clergy outside Canterbury Cathedral. They handed out anti-Islamic leaflets.
Source - BBC's Panorama
So now they discriminate against peoples' chosen religions too?