Does anyone vote BNP if so why

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sorry have thought about it a bit more (it is late) and have responded to all yer points (i think) Captblack.

Originally posted by CaPtBlaCk
I was asking purely from the point of view that it is easy to state your beliefs here and not so in the 'Real World'.

believe me mate i have a varied amount of opinions be them left right or middle ground and a lot of people argue with me about them both on here and in the real world.

I am also confused now as to your views, ideals and beliefs? Will you support the BNP given the chance, do you deny their far right connections, does it matter that the leader of the party was a member of the National Front, or does that get balanced by the fact that you consider the Labour party racist?

Nothing is balanced by the labour party being rascist by that i was simply trying to point out that the BNP are not the only rascist political party that we currently have.

In fact is your whole point based on this ridiculous excuse?

I really dont know what pepoples perception of my point is ? My point in its simplest forms is that I would vote for the BNP if I agreed with there policies. However I would consider many things other than there policies before I would actually vote for them. I am simply unwilling to discount them at the present time from gaining my vote.

As for ‘so what’, the party you are possibly offering support for could have a direct impact on me and my family. For this matter alone I will do what ever it takes to keep the BNP and it's supporters from spreading their diseased politics.

Any party you vote for will have policies that are gonna effect some parts of the population. Nobody pleases everybody.

I have read through this thread many times and have yet to be offered a valid, sound reason to support the BNP. I have neither been offered any reasoning behind their politics or ‘hidden agenda’ except for puerile excuses and moans at the current state of politics in this country. The ‘protest vote’ argument does not stand up, vote Green if your that bothered, but vote BNP, then expect to be called RACIST and learn to live with it because that’s what you will be, protest vote or not!!!

I agree even less with the green party (probably) than the BNP or Labour so they definetly aint gonna get my vote.

However there is another party out there who's name I forget for the moment who seem to have a proportion of policies like the BNP but without the rascist ones if you know what I mean.

They were mentioned in the pre nuke BNP thread but I cant remember there name. However I do remember reading there policies and quite liking them as well.
Originally posted by memphisto
Any party you vote for will have policies that are gonna effect some parts of the population. Nobody pleases everybody.

You have to take things in context, I am not talking about taxation or spending on health care (for example), but the direct impact that polices based on skin colour will have on me. It is civil liberty that is at stake here which is being conveniently wrapped up in current key phrases and dipped in the political asylum issue by the BNP.

Once again I ask you or anybody who has voiced support for the BNP to justify Nick Griffin’s politics and the National Front. Maybe on a more up to date note, justify Mark Collet’s recent comments? Are these the people you want in a position to influence the political system, or once again does it not matter as long as they say the right things before an election, then we can all protest vote and everything will be fine again or not!?
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Originally posted by javv5 A few unanswered questions here. Seems like the pro BNP have gone quiet.
Yes, I'm still waiting for some definitive answers too. Isn't this thread *way* overdue for being moved to SC?
Originally posted by phykell
Yes, I'm still waiting for some definitive answers too. Isn't this thread *way* overdue for being moved to SC?

I don't think moving it to SC is critical; a lot of SC regulars have posted in the thread right here. I would like to see it archived in either the SC or GD forum though, rather than being pruned and lost.
And remember folks that a vote for the now non-Nazi-friendly BNP drops you into one of two categories:

1. Non-Protest-Vote
Racist and ignorant.

2. Protest-Vote
Ignorant and racist.

Your choice, but take a little time to THINK about it.......
Originally posted by CaPtBlaCk
And remember folks that a vote for the now non-Nazi-friendly BNP drops you into one of two categories:

1. Non-Protest-Vote
Racist and ignorant.

2. Protest-Vote
Ignorant and racist.

Your choice, but take a little time to THINK about it.......

I missed this post before.. can I be the first to say :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
The BNP is an extreme right-wing political party. It's leader is profiled as follows:

Nick Griffin is a Cambridge graduate, and the current leader of the BNP. He has been involved in far right politics for the past twenty-seven years.
For most of that time he was in the National Front. He was a firm believer in racial separation and in the Jewish global conspiracy. Griffin, like others in the National Front, claimed the Holocaust did not happen.

He joined the British National Party in 1995. Three years later he was given a two-year suspended sentence for distributing material likely to incite racial hatred. He became BNP leader in October 1999 and since then he claims to have transformed the Party and its image.

More info available here. An excellent report by Panorama (BBC).

Right now, the BNP is capitalising on the rising resentment against the incumbent Government's policy on asylum seekers and promising miracle cures to all of the UK's problems. It's manifesto is a pathetic attempt to disguise the party's true nature by giving them what they consider to be an acceptable face.
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Originally posted by dirtydog
I missed this post before.. can I be the first to say :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Is that the best you can really do, is that the most credible answer you can conjure up?

Guess you really have missed the point and are perhaps lost for words. Look back at my previous postings, take a little time to absorb them and then try answering the questions. Once you have done this then feel free to ridicule me, but until then you don't have a leg to stand on.
id vote for them. so mani damn iraqis taking our jobs round here.
granted their not the best jobs, but when us english are stuck for a job, we need to go to a factory. what happens.. a gang of them come in, working for a couple of quid less an hour.. our gangs hours get reduced. in the end we all got made redundant.

oh and next time you find a hair in your food, 99% chance that it came from an immigrant, cos theyre always black aint they :D
Originally posted by zippy
id vote for them. so mani damn iraqis taking our jobs round here.
granted their not the best jobs, but when us english are stuck for a job, we need to go to a factory. what happens.. a gang of them come in, working for a couple of quid less an hour.. our gangs hours get reduced. in the end we all got made redundant.

oh and next time you find a hair in your food, 99% chance that it came from an immigrant, cos theyre always black aint they :D

Oh man you have no clue how inaccurate your post is.
TBH I dont see much point in continuing this thread.

Myself and the other pro BNP people have explained our reasons many many times in different ways.

We have answered the questions put before us but it is now getting tiresome.

Phykell has made some very very interesting and thought provoking posts which were worth answering and debating but I think the both of us are more or less at the agree to disagree point (again :p , not like thats never happened before eh mate :p )

but I am tired of being branded a rascist for supporting some of this parties policies from others and tired of explaining my views again and agian.

So unless something really really interesting happens I bid goodbye to this thread and hope it goes to the great GD archive in the sky. :p
Originally posted by memphisto
TBH I dont see much point in continuing this thread.

Myself and the other pro BNP people have explained our reasons many many times in different ways.

We have answered the questions put before us but it is now getting tiresome.

Phykell has made some very very interesting and thought provoking posts which were worth answering and debating but I think the both of us are more or less at the agree to disagree point (again :p , not like thats never happened before eh mate :p )

but I am tired of being branded a rascist for supporting some of this parties policies from others and tired of explaining my views again and agian.

So unless something really really interesting happens I bid goodbye to this thread and hope it goes to the great GD archive in the sky. :p

You have not answered my questions? :confused:
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