Does intelligence come from parents?

24 Aug 2006
saw this funny post on BBC forum where this lady rekoned children were becoming more intelligent. think the topic was increasing grades at gcse or something.
18 Oct 2002
Subliminal Aura said:
wtf has salary and getting a prosperous job got to do with a person's intelligence ?

The two are NOT correlated. Ask Britney Spears

incorrect. There is a good correlation between intelligence and average income, veyr natural.
Quite simply, people who are more intelligent do better at school, go to better universities, get better degress and enter better jobs, and get better promotions.

Lots of noise and other factors, but intelligence is a good measure. Exam results are an indirect measure of intelligence and knowledge (and personality) and they help determine inital career choices.
18 Oct 2002
Lots of good info:

IQ tests are generally designed and used because they are found to be predictive of later intellectual achievement, such as educational achievement. IQ also correlates with job performance and income, although in all cases other factors explain most of the variance. Recent work has demonstrated links between IQ and health

Modern IQ tests produce scores for different areas (e.g., language fluency, three-dimensional thinking), with the summary score calculated from subtest scores. The average score, according to the bell curve, is 100. Individual subtest scores tend to correlate with one another, even when seemingly disparate in content.

The role of genes and environment (nature and nurture) in determining IQ is reviewed in Plomin et al. (2001, 2003). The degree to which genetic variation contributes to observed variation in a trait is measured by a statistic called heritability. Heritability scores range from 0 to 1, and can be interpreted as the percentage of variation (e.g. in IQ) that is due to variation in genes. Twins studies and adoption studies are commonly used to determine the heritability of a trait. Until recently heritability was mostly studied in children. Some studies find the heritability of IQ around 0.5 but the studies show ranges from 0.4 to 0.8;[4] that is, depending on the study, a little less than half to substantially more than half of the variation in IQ among the children studied was due to variation in their genes. The remainder was thus due to environmental variation and measurement error. A heritability in the range of 0.4 to 0.8 implies that IQ is "substantially" heritable.

imaging have found several relations between IQ and neuroanatomy. For example, brain size correlates with IQ (r ≈ 0.4) among adults of the same sex (McDaniel, 2005).

In particualr look at the correlations tables. Such as avergae income and the big table on social outcomes.
Q 	<75 	75–90 	90–110 	110–125 	>125
Age 18 	2,000 	5,000 	8,000 	8,000 	3,000
Age 26 	3,000 	10,000 	16,000 	20,000 	21,000
Age 32 	5,000 	12,400 	20,000 	27,000 	36,000
18 Oct 2002
In essence, there is also an inverse relationship between intelligence and between people who say IQ tests are useless, don't predict anything, or that "intelligence is multi-facted and just becuase someone scored low on an IQ test doesn't mean they are no intelligent in another way".
27 Oct 2002
Personally I think it's a mix too.

I hate it when people think they're intelligent because they have a degree.

As someone rightly pointed out, knowing lots of things DOES NOT mean your intelligence.

Knowing every single Java command is knowledge, building an application to module some genetics problem is intelligence...

IMO Intelligence is the ability to apply knowledge to solve problems, or to generate knowledge through research.


24 Aug 2006
did you see that programme on ch4 a while back where some scientists said that asians are most intelligent.

Somethig like this

most intelligent East asian


Least intelligent Africans
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