Does something need to be done about dogs?

You've just got to watch Graeme Hall on 'Dogs behaving very badly' to see how it is the owners, not the dogs that are the issue. It is amazing how some owners can get themselves sop worried that their animals overreact to everything in order to protect their owners from the object/behaviour that they are getting themselves worked up about.

It is a vicious circle that sees the owner get more upset, thus upsetting the dog, making the owner more upset, etc.
Late to this thread. We have a 35kg dog. About four years ago we had family visiting from USA. The youngest boy was three years old and I was careful about keeping the doors shut at night for that reason. The wee boy's mum left the door open when she went to the bathroom. The result..............?


We had another visit this Christmas. They remembered each other:


Training is the key in my opinion.
Late to this thread. We have a 35kg dog. About four years ago we had family visiting from USA. The youngest boy was three years old and I was careful about keeping the doors shut at night for that reason. The wee boy's mum left the door open when she went to the bathroom. The result..............?


We had another visit this Christmas. They remembered each other:


Training is the key in my opinion.
And choosing the right breed of dog in the first place, why anyone feels the need to own one of the many pit bull varieties unless they are in a gang is utterly beyond me.
Pretty much the same as our Collie. She has a bark on her and our postie is scared toothless as she likes to bark when the post is delivered. (I see it more as a very good door bell)

She will be 9 in August and was originally for our daughter who is now 14. She absolutely adores our 2 year old son even though he likes to pull her fur now and again. She just shrugs it off and ends up sleeping at the bottom of his bed with him. She is so protective and motherly like all Collies. My son has been to A&E twice for cat bites because our cat is just like all cats and completely selfish.

As mentioned previously a lot of it is to do with the breeds and training.
Thank you for the kind comments. I got this dog at a rescue centre when he was about a year old. It took a few weeks for him to settle in then but that's what you do. When I was about fourteen I had dog then that had a very similar temperament. That was sixty years ago.

Something needs to be done about every council estate chav owning dogs that could literally tear you apart. I believe they are staffs but not sure and for some reason every other chav I see has one.

I went to some guys house the other day to pick up something and they had a chunky muscle bound staff type dog in the garden, I wasn’t about to open the gate and knock on door so had to resort to horning outside the guys house. According to the the guy “she’s a sweetheart” but reality is if I opened that gate I would have been mince if it decided I was a threat.

our local post office have a dog, medium size fluffy thing and it is a sweetheart. When customers come in they give it a pet and it’s a all round wholesome experience. It looks cuddly and like a toy, that’s what pets should be.

these muscle bound monstrosity’s aren’t pets and are a danger to their owners and the general public.
Something needs to be done about every council estate chav owning dogs that could literally tear you apart. I believe they are staffs but not sure and for some reason every other chav I see has one.

I went to some guys house the other day to pick up something and they had a chunky muscle bound staff type dog in the garden, I wasn’t about to open the gate and knock on door so had to resort to horning outside the guys house. According to the the guy “she’s a sweetheart” but reality is if I opened that gate I would have been mince if it decided I was a threat.

our local post office have a dog, medium size fluffy thing and it is a sweetheart. When customers come in they give it a pet and it’s a all round wholesome experience. It looks cuddly and like a toy, that’s what pets should be.

these muscle bound monstrosity’s aren’t pets and are a danger to their owners and the general public.
I disagree. The problem is always the owner. I showed the dog I had when I was about fourteen. He was handsome and had a beautiful temperament. I visited a neighbours' house who also had a dog. It was temperamental to say the least and the bloody thing bit me. These were quite different dogs but, believe or not, they actually from the same litter. What does that tell you about the different owners?
I disagree. The problem is always the owner. I showed the dog I had when I was about fourteen. He was handsome and had a beautiful temperament. I visited a neighbours' house who also had a dog. It was temperamental to say the least and the bloody thing bit me. These were quite different dogs but, believe or not, they actually from the same litter. What does that tell you about the different owners?

What about people who have had multiple dogs and only one is problematic?
I disagree. The problem is always the owner. I showed the dog I had when I was about fourteen. He was handsome and had a beautiful temperament. I visited a neighbours' house who also had a dog. It was temperamental to say the least and the bloody thing bit me. These were quite different dogs but, believe or not, they actually from the same litter. What does that tell you about the different owners?

just had a look at your dog, looks nice and pet like. Whilst not anyway scientific these things aren’t cute or pet like (to me anyway)

My former mate had a Staffordshire Bull Terrier. Personally its not a dog I would choose, although they make wonderful pets. Never understood the craze, whether the film Snatch influenced or simply a result of illegal dog fighting?

Anyway said mate, you could gauge the dog had been abused as pup, initially very intimidating! I **** myself when I was first introduced. Having been bitten nastily by a scrap yard Jack Russell; a Staffy mongrel with tiger stripes was on another level and looked terrifying!

Walk a powerful shoulder based dog such as a Boxer, Rottie, they are strong and pull a lead.

Yet over a couple of years, the transformation was amazing. A wonderful, docile and loyal animal.

What does the tit do? Gets loved up with a cat lover. When they move in together, the dog soon finds itself on a leash in its own home to avoid ripping the cats to shreds.

100% agree its the owners, the dog was like what on earth!?

Anyway. It all blew up and the dog found a new home.

When you was born did you need to be toilet trained? I'm assuming yes.

The point I'm making is that some owners assume that dogs think in the same way as us, when they don't. They have to be trained, like you and me had to be trained to pee in the toilet and not on the floor.

Like humans then?


We see a pet as a pet. They see themselves and us as part of a pack. If the owner isn't going to act like a pack leader then there is a higher chance of problems.

Some breeds are less likely to challenge the order of the pack, while other breeds are naturally more confrontational.
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