Okay thank you, think everyone will see why I found it so hard to see them, as its not exactly what you are claiming, will link these back for reference for everyone else to see;
So there we have it everyone, after the countless posts of nonsense, the solution is that dogs need licensing. Thats it, does not provide any details of how this will work, costs, what dogs should be licensed etc.
All you do after this is just refer to licenses over and over again, but then also contest the point of licenses later in your posts saying that it takes a ton of resource and any counter point all you have replied with over and over again is;
Thanks for the wonderful clarity on this whole discussion, not. You have provided absolutely sod all in regards to a solution outside of some woolly remarks.
Frankly this thread should be absolutely binned due to your behaviour and outright refusal to provide anything substantial to your own thread.