Again this is not monocausal, that the breed exists is part of the problem. You can go a step back and blame breeders for having created it if it makes you feel better but that doesn't resolve the problem, the dangerous breed still exists thus the need for a ban.
The existence is merely a contributory factor, but alone it has no impact.
What people have done to certain bloodlines, and how incompetent they have handled the dogs is the problem.
Same silly argument you made before - speed limits don't stop all drivers from speeding, laws against theft doesn't stop all theft... More confusion on your part re: uncertainty.
You're right, they don't stop it.
This is why we have measures like speed cameras, traffic calming, speed-limited vehicles, anti-theft devices, etc. Proactive measures to help
prevent the crimes.
Drug laws alone don't stop people from importing, selling/buying and abusing them either.
This is why we have proactive actions to prevent these things, rather than just relying on laws that only come into effect
after something bad has happened.
Only in the same sense that there's nothing to stop you from stealing a car.... Sure there are locks, alarms etc.. but if you really really wanted to you probably could.
Ah, well that's OK, then, yeah?
The XLB market can happily carry on as before, if they really really want, and risk
perhaps getting found out.... Good thing I have a Swiss Army knife, eh!!
Again your argument is fundamentally flawed - the flaw was already pointed out to you, you're basically arguing that enforcement won't be 100% effective but it's still better than nothing FFS!
No, I'm saying it won't be effective enough. Don't exaggerate.
I'm also saying it won't be heeded by any of the already careless people whose actions resulted in these incidents and these problem dogs. You're targeting the wrong groups with the wrong measures.
post-ban they need to be muzzled and neutered and can't legally be sold. Someone with an unneutered adult XL Bully can have the police called.
Pit Bulls cannot legally be owned, bred, abandoned, imported, given or sold, yet every year several thousand new ones get added to the list of Exempted Dogs.
That means these, and presumably thousands more undocumented ones, are being illegally imported, bred and sold/given, and most definitely owned.
A few would be "not 100% effective"... several thousand is an utter failure!
That you may want some additional controls for breeders or owners (which you've not specified) is tangential to this and doesn't negate the issue of this breed existing in the first place.
All manner of things exist all over our world, that have the potential to be dangerous if improperly treated.
We don't go banning them all from existence, because that would be stupid. Instead, various controls are in place to help prevent stupid people from doing stupid things with them, with the law as a final resort if someone actually does do something stupid.