Does something need to be done about dogs?

17 Jul 2008
FFS, a seven month old baby murdered by a dog.

But, but, they wouldn't hurt a fly...

if you think dogs are bad, how many people are seriously injured and killed by other people each year in the UK?

Id support a dog license that would be a good idea, and banning the worst offending breads
30 Jan 2009
Aquilonem Londinensi
Interested in you guys views about dogs in pubs?

I always take koda to the pub after the weekly walk. And I'd say over 9 out of 10 pubs allow dogs now here. Especially the rural pubs.

Only been one time I couldn't go so far.

2 things I don't want to hear in a pub is barking dogs and screaming kids. Don't mind either being present where appropriate and where well socialised
17 Jul 2008
It's not practical though, and it has to be practical if it's going to work.

The best way is:

  • Ban nonsense frankenstein breeds (such as the XLB, 'pocket bullies' and other stupid things created by cretins in Facebook groups)
  • Bring back dog licensing, tiered in cost for size.
  • Enforce third party liability insurance on all dogs.
  • Common sense controls for obtaining larger more powerful breeds (CRB check, additional license, for dogs over a certain weight).
  • Strong penalties and real consequences for people who flaunt the rules.

I think the above list is a decent set of measures, all of which would be practical - the only problem is it means somebody (government) have to do some work, and they'd likely **** all of it up.

as a dog owner this is spot on, id also ban messed up breeds like pugs.

breeding dogs should also require a license
12 Apr 2007
as a dog owner this is spot on, id also ban messed up breeds like pugs.

breeding dogs should also require a license

I also agree.

The problem though, is it's easy to legislate against dangerous or innapropriate breed on health grounds...

...It's much more difficult to legislate against irresponsibility and stupidity.
12 Apr 2007
Not a dangerous breed but mauls a baby to death. Sounds dangerous to me.

Not just a baby death.. Multiple attacks from this family of dog breed resulting in deaths and critical life changing injuries.

There is the side point that this kind of vicious and violent dog appeals disproportionately to owners who are incapable of training them, but the fact remains that these types of dogs are bred to kill, and shouldn't be allowed, hence the ban.
12 Apr 2007
Many breeds are bred to kill small animals, ie a Jack Russell, and could confuse a baby with a rat/rabbit etc. The bigger question is what was a dog doing alone with an actual baby and able to attack it?

Again, it's two problems, wrong breed of dog + wrong owners.

Both can be a problem in isolation, but when you pair a vicious dog with a clueless owner, you all of a sudden have a much larger problem by several magnitudes..
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