Does something need to be done about dogs?

Far more children are injured/killed by their own parents each year, bring in licences for breeding, there's lots of folk out there that are far too stupid to be left in charge of children, some of them shouldn't be left in charge of a goldfish...

Totally agree. I've said it before on here. Need a licence to drive yet any moron can pop out unlimited kids.
You can see his point though right? In order to be alowed to use a potentially dangerous peice of equipment in public you must undertake basic training or pass a test proving you are capable of doing so safely.

A dog is certainly a potentialy dangerous peice of equipment, biological rather than mechanical, but used in industry, law enforcement and military sectors too. Undergoing compulsary basic training or passing a test before being in charge of one in public would be a good idea.

Especially as say lack of maintainence harms a dog much more than it does a car or a 125cc

No, he literally cannot grasp it. Seemingly nor can dlockers!
And how does paying 17 quid online and getting a piece of paper do any of that? :cry:

Because it is an extra step. By taking even a small step like that you are showing a level of responsibility in an of itself. Couple it with a competency test, whether written or practical and you're off to a winner!
The argument was licenses are licenses. I don't doubt they can put in effect and lead to the benefits you are saying (driving licenses), but the poster who said licenses won't work because those who disobey will disobey regardless is totally true.

:cry::cry::cry: welcome to OCUK 2022

I *feel* it therefore *it must be*

So then why do we have licenses for anything?
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