Dog has a bite, owner watches

I hope the owner is Caught and Charged with GBH as this isnt on. The dog should also be put down. I dont know how anyone could just stand back and watch this happen. Its sick.
I'd shoot them both, stamp on them and post their remains back to their mothers. YEAH!

(Or not)

Sick thing to do though, he shouldn't be allowed to have animals if he's so dopey :/
Its always the same type of dog as well. :rolleyes:

But then its not the breeds fault they have a bad name, its the owners that like the specific breeds, "ooh im a big tough man because i own a staff or pitbull".

PS. Before anyone has a go about picking on certain types of dog my sister has a staff and its as dopey and thick as they come. The reason? Her ex boyfriend wanted one :rolleyes:
Just goes to show though if a dog is bought up well most of the problems supposedly associated with the breed arent there.
Typical case of "I have no nuts but a vicous dog".

These bull terriers are just an extension of the chav's weak personality and social skills. The governemnt should re-introduce licenses for such breds.
This happened to me once. A guy with two gun trained lurchers let his dogs on mine. We walk them quite late, aroun midnight to 1am as we had older dogs with weak bladders so with these pups its routine from that. He was obviously out poaching and was using the dogs to ward me off.

Stupidly I had a go at the bloke who was kitted up in his camo atire and stepped up to him and his dogs immediately went for me. I was waering my bike jacket at the time and the armour on my forearm protected me for the most part while I grabbed his dogs in an attempt to restrain them and then my dogs were trying to protect me by attackin his dogs while he just stood there.

I ended up booting all of the dogs, got min on a lead and just walked the other way as It hadn't occured to me of him possibly having a gun and that he might have had a mate in the woods he was waiting for.

I came away with a few nasty cuts on my hands and arm, still have some teeth mark scars. I sent the police down his way when I got home though and I haven't seen anyone since.

I can only begin to image what that dog did to that poor woman. Even in a playfight my dogs can hurt and scar, but they are only a vicious dog once highly provoked, which I have only witnessed that one time. Its bad enough for a dog to maul someone who deserves it, let alone an iccoent woman. I was lucky to have a bit of kevlar and thick jacket on my arms, she'll have scars for life.
This really annoys me, you can’t really blame the dog, its the cruddy owners who don’t train and discipline there dogs properly that generally cause these types of attacks. Like Mason64 if you can’t take care of a dog properly don’t have one.
Staffies/Pitbulls are powerful things. I know of families with young children and babies on the way getting these dogs, which I think is insane. Even when they're trying to be friendly or playful, they're so heavy and muscular that they can do some real damage.

They seem to be fashionable, lately. Therefore bought by many and not necessarily reared like such a dog should be. Idiot owner :(
The weird thing is that staffs are classed as a family dog, go onto a breed website and have a look, most of them say they are great with children. I can sort of agree with that as ours is really good with my cousins, if she plays with them she's really gentle and seems to be able to understand not to put full force into things. Whereas when she plays with me she puts as much force in as possible. Saying that i wouldnt have one if I had a young child.
Third Opinion said:
Typical case of "I have no nuts but a vicous dog".

These bull terriers are just an extension of the chav's weak personality and social skills. The governemnt should re-introduce licenses for such breds.

Far too true :(
Licencing is going a little far, but people like breeders really should check the people they sell thier dogs to- Far too many times I've seen dogs that were either eminently unsuitable for the person or simply not treated properly.

There is no way the dog should be put down either, this is purely & simply down to the owner, and I hate to think what I would do to them.

Pitballs you do still need to register with your local police department although no one really does and the police never chase it up.....

Some vets still demand to see the registration documents before treating but again you can easily find one that doesn't.

Pitballs are by nature nasty....they are very cute as puppies but around 18months their skulls "crack" as they grow and at this point its when they get very agressive and unpredictable.

First thing we did when they came into the vets I worked in was to slap a muzzle on them.

Staffs on the other hand can be fine....unfortunatly they have been made into ***** extensions for a lot of people and so are brought up rough - any dog brought up rough will BE rough.
Last year I posted about a woman my wife attended when she was taking my daughter around houses collecting AVON books. This woman walked out into the road covered in blood, and skin flapping off her arms and legs. My wife reckoned she was in a really bad state and you could see her bones. Her boyfriend had watched while the dog attacked her and stood at the gate while she collapsed in the road in front of my wife. When the paramedics arrived he walked off with the dog and she spent a long time in hospital being treated and having skin grafts. The upshot was that she didn't press charges and the dog didn't get put down. I think Treefrog lives around the corner from where it happened.
richyfingers said:
This really annoys me, you can’t really blame the dog, its the cruddy owners who don’t train and discipline there dogs properly that generally cause these types of attacks. Like Mason64 if you can’t take care of a dog properly don’t have one.

Seconded. Staffs are classed as a family dog and are supposedly more timid/controllable than a labrador. And from experience i have met loads of staffs and bull terriers and not had a problem (bearing in mind i had an irrational fear of dogs)

It is blatently the stupid idiot owners that think that having such a dog makes them hard and in their infinite wisdom decide to make their dogs "hard" too which in turn makes a bad name for a potentially lovely dog. Any dog has the potential to be mean/evil/hard/stoopid whatever you want to call it even a ******* poodle. The owner should be shot not the dog!

On a lighter note My housemates bird eating spider could pwn the dogs tbh! lol
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