Little dogs can be nastier. I've found that Jack Russells and Yorkshire Terriers can be especially nasty around kids.
I don't see there as being any risk with my dog. He wouldn't be left with the baby unsupervised anyway and the baby will grow up having the best friend it'll ever know there to play with. My parents had a rough collie puppy when I was 6 months old and we grew up together. And as far as he was concerned he was my dog, not theirs. He used to sleep at my feet every night. My experiences with my first dog were some of the happiest moments of my childhood. Plus, in this day and age, if you were a kid walking a large dog, a paedo would be less likely to try and snatch you, the prospect of having a chunk of flesh ripped out of them is probably more persuasive than interfering with a child. Every single kid in my street makes a fuss of my dog when they see him and he loves the attention, so unless my niece/nephew has an allergic reaction to drool, they'll see a lot of Benson.
I don't see there as being any risk with my dog. He wouldn't be left with the baby unsupervised anyway and the baby will grow up having the best friend it'll ever know there to play with. My parents had a rough collie puppy when I was 6 months old and we grew up together. And as far as he was concerned he was my dog, not theirs. He used to sleep at my feet every night. My experiences with my first dog were some of the happiest moments of my childhood. Plus, in this day and age, if you were a kid walking a large dog, a paedo would be less likely to try and snatch you, the prospect of having a chunk of flesh ripped out of them is probably more persuasive than interfering with a child. Every single kid in my street makes a fuss of my dog when they see him and he loves the attention, so unless my niece/nephew has an allergic reaction to drool, they'll see a lot of Benson.