Doggcrapp and cow pat

25 Sep 2006
This is probably long overdue!

I know I've been a bit absent from the SA for about a year and a bit but I have been lurking and for the next 6 months or so have some time to focus on my training.

I just finished another batch of HST, I've stuck to IF principles, not religiously albeit, ever since and don't really ever plan on changing my diet principles (fasting). My old log for those interested:

Doggcrapp. Or 'DC'.

If you read through all the 'build a trillion pounds of mass' BS that t-nation spout which most of which relates to users, you'll see the principles of the program and also it's layout.

For those than don't fancy reading the article:

It's effectively a 2 day split but each phase covers a 2 week period. So there will be 3 of each workout in any 2 week period. However all the exercises are different in each workout. After two weeks you repeat the phase again increasing either the weight and/or reps on each exercise. It's very much a 'beat the log book' orientated program, if you're not beating the logbook, it's not working.

The split

So you'll have: week one A1,B1,A2 week two B2, A3, B3.

Functions like so:

A Chest, Shoulders, Triceps, Back Width, Back Thickness

B Biceps, Forearms, Calves, Hamstrings Quads

I'm not one for dedicating exercises or sessions for isolation's but it's quite the opposite of what I've been doing and could help bring up some lagging areas. Nor am I one for doing large compounds last but this is so that energy need not be saved for later on in the workout (I know you can argue energy is wasted in other less important areas).

The Method
This isn't always a case of straight sets. Warmups for every exercise. Then for the most part it's 'rest pause' which goes something like this:

  • 1 work set, aiming for 10-15 reps (can vary up to 15-30 reps).
  • Select a weight and aim for between say 6-8 reps.
  • Pause after these reps and take 10-15 deep breaths
  • Crank out some more reps nearer to 3-5
  • Pause and breathe again, crank out a final few.
  • If you fall short, or exceed the reps adjust the weight accordingly.

Straight sets: usually where rest pause is not safe or practical

Widowmaker sets: normally a 4-8 rep set, followed by a rest and then a 20 rep effort at the same weight (my leg workouts of uni were pretty much entirely made of widowmakers so I know what I'm in for!)

Extreme Stretching

Immediately after the set is over a deep stretch, weighted when possible, is held for between 60-90 seconds to help stretch the muscle fascia and also increase blood flow along with a whole host of other benefits. Similar to FST-7 training.


This is strategic deconditioning a 6 to 8 week blast period followed by a 7 to 14 day cruise to recover and rest up.

Cardio generally shouldn't be performed on a blast phase, except for low intensity short duration. HIIT should be nigh on impossible and probably the stuff nightmares are made of on a program similar to this. On a cruise you can (from memory) do as you like, lift on 'tick over' and a bit of cardio doesn't go a miss.

Eat Lots

Nuff said.

Not intended in a big headed way but it's not for the novice. It's a high intensity, low volume, high frequency workout.

Low volume, high frequency and progressive load & strategic deconditioning are principles of HST that I fully understand and have faith & belief in. They work for me, time and time again. This bears a reasonably close resemblance, with some ideas that have my curious eyebrow raised, offers plenty of variety and will also fit in with my availability to train.

This is geared as a strength & hypertrophy program from my understanding as the 'founder' if you will makes a reasonably valid point that the largest size gains tend to come with significant increases in strength, much when beginners start lifting.

The sheer scale of variety is a little daunting as there are exercises I haven't performed in years that I will have to incorporate and machines I have not yet used (I have no opposition to) that I as of tonight's workout and Saturday's will get acquainted with.

This, give or take, is how it looks:

Pile of craaaap


This is almost identical to the workout posted in the article, it's not advisable to change the exercises or order so I have left it be. I would like to perhaps decrease the rep ranges towards the no.2 & 3 workouts but for now will stick to what is 'prescribed' :p

There may be errors with the rep ranges for some exercises as it has been done in a bit of a hurry. 'HS' stands for Hammer Strength, plate loaded ISO machines at my gym.

There is lots to read and hundreds of FAQ's, logs and other useful information all over the web so I've plenty of reading to do.

As it stands I'm hovering around the 94/95KG mark, approximately 15/16% bodyfat, 46" chest, 26" quads, 36" :( waist (christmas love handles!). With current bench PB of 135KG and squat PB of 182.5KG, past deadlift PB 205KG. Hopefully I can bump all these up come the end of 1 or two blast phases.

Wish me luck.
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Phaw, I will have to read that a bit more thoroughly when I'm less tired :).

None the less, good to have you back and I look forward to seeing this progress ;).
Enjoyed your old log back in the day. Good to see you posting again!

Always wondered what DC training was all about, so I'll probably enjoy this log too :)
Cheers gents, diet could do with fine tuning slightly but on the whole it's pretty good and clean.

Will get some details up of it shortly.
I've seen a lot of people enjoy DC. Too much isolation and machine work for me, but you know what? From time to time, to mix it up, why not? It's not as if you don't know what you're doing. :)

Look forward to reading of your torture!
Too much isolation and machine work for me, but you know what? From time to time, to mix it up, why not? It's not as if you don't know what you're doing. :)

My thoughts exactly.

I'll try and fill this thread with bits of info I find useful regarding DC rather than keeping it strictly a log.
Had a brief workout this afternoon familiarizing myself with a few exercises I'm a bit rusty on.

Incline bench, felt horrible, really unnatural so will substitute this for decline. I don't particularly agree with incline work but even with the benefit of the doubt it's not for me.

HS ISO Shoulder Press - I had to sit away from the back rest as it felt like too much tricep involvement but shouldn't have any problems with this bit of kit.

HS ISO Seated Row - Doesn't feel like a great bit of kit but I have other alternatives should I need them.

GHR - no problems here.

I practised the method of rest pause and also some extreme stretching. A DB flye stretch, but with elbows in so just holding the weights out over my shoulders is very effective, equally painful (in a good way) and hopefully beneficial.

Stretching after bicep work enduced a massive pump. Stretching shoulders as well felt good, albeit a little difficult.

I think the only problems I may encur with extreme stretching is finding free benchs/bars/machines to use to do it with! A lat stretch, I just hung at full extension and took deep breaths. Had to have my head tipped right back otherwise my shoulders just wedged my head in! The tricep strech felt good too.

Give or take these are the stretches I used along with a little improv.

Having just on average 5-6 working sets I feel will encourage me to train balls to the wall to make the most of each workout.

I plan to do a minimum of 3 warmup sets for each exercise, in addition to some full body mobilisation after my CV warm up (2 minute row, 500m). The first set will be to thoroughly warm the joints/muscles so 10-15 reps, then 2 feeler sets of between 3-6 reps to prepare form and also ready myself/gauge working weight.

I squatted last before I finished my workout today, just 1 set 60x10 and one set 100x10 to get briefly used to squatting with shoulder, chest & bicep pump.

I'm really looking forward to Monday's workout and am openly optimistic.:cool:
So bro, started this yet?

First session this evening :cool:

On Saturday I had another little introductory workout and practised some extreme stretching after a few work sets in a rest pause method.

Either the combination of exercises I've not done in ages (EZ Skull crushers/ T bar rows etc) and/or extreme strecthing has given me sever tenderness in my triceps (more so the lateral & long heads) right up into the rear delt. My Rhombs have also been quite tender too. I think I probably got a little bit carried away with the extreme stretching for a first session!

Will report back this evening.
A1 - 11.02.13

I substituted incline bench for flat and will move decline into either A2/A3

2 min/500m row, shoulder mobilisation.

Flat Bench - rest pause

95KG x 8, x 5, x 3 = 16 reps
20KG weighted DB flye stretch, approx 60/70 seconds

Seated DB Shoulder press - no backrest - rest pause

20KG x 11, x 7, x 5 = 23 reps
BW shoulder stretch 60 seconds

Dips - rest pause

BW + 25KG x 8, x 5, x 3 = 16 reps
20KG weighted tricep stretch 60 seconds

WG Lat Pull Down - rest pause, to collar bone

70KG x 9, x 5, x 4 = 18 reps
BW lat stretch, 2 x 30 seconds

Deadlift - straight sets

140KG x 5
140KG x 4

My form felt off throughout these deadlifts tbh, the motion was arcing slightly backwards rather than straight up, quite a lot of lower back pump which confirmed this. Cut the second set short for this reason. Will take a bit more time next time.

Overall I enjoyed the workout, I probably could have gone heavier with bench & shoulder press but was getting in to the swing of things, it was by no means a breeze.

I did get surprisingly pumped due to the stretching. I quite enjoyed the rest pause method. The volume felt just about right for the intensity of the workout. My triceps are in bits as they hadn't quite fully recovered so then got butchered for 3 exercises back to back and then stretched out, rather tenderly!

Wednesdays HS Leg Press widowmaker will be interesting :/

I'll write these all up properly at the end of each two weeks.
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Some upper shots. Just eaten my evening meal and also a helping of pancakes. Carrying a little more bodyfat than I would like but nothing too bad around the old love handles.

Have lost some chest thickness whilst I struggle to get a squeeze on my bench. Upper back thickness I have always struggled with too. Right lat activation can be a little tricky lately too. Blah blah blah. Leg shots later in the week.

My posing is probably poor at best as it's been a while too! Anabolic lighting a plenty.

Still hugely thick tho Ben, just a shame about whatever happened to your face as a kid :(

Ta, will try and get some daylight shots as they tend to be a better reflection rather than anabolic lighting.

Resisting disgusting/crude comment regarding my face blurring!
Having read a little bit further after scratching my head as to just how I'll crank out 20 reps shortly after having completed a set with a 4-8RM weight I've discovered a lesser weight is used.

So the planned widowmaker for today, to finish the session, is Hammer Strength Leg Press. Based on finishing 5's from HST at 360KG I'll aim for 370KG 4-8 reps and then strip off 100KG to grind out a further 20 reps.

I think todays workout is going to feel like a bit of a mish mash, biceps, forearms, calves, glutes/hamstrings, quads but if anything it's got me eager to smash Friday's workout already.
B1 13.02.13

BB Curls - straight bar 5ft Rest Pause (presuming the bar is 7.5KG as an EZ)

27.5KG x 12, x 6, x 4

Bicep stretch

DB Hammer Curl Rest Pause

12.5KG x 11, x 6, x 5

Bicep Stretch

Seated calf raise 5 -15 - 0 (had to swap this from another B workout because some 'errry day is upper body day' tool pinched the smith)
5 second negative, 15 second stretched hold, explosive concentric

70KG - had to pause/readjust 7 reps in as the discomfort was so great I thought I was weeing/pooing myself.

No stretch necessary

GHR machine
Rest Pause - can only work single leg at a time so I treated the other legs set as the rest period.

45KG x 8, x 7, x 6

Hamstring stretch, to the point of vibration :eek:

Hammer Smith Leg Press straight set followed by a widowmaker :cool: as much rest as necessary before the WM, turned out to be about 60-90 seconds.

400KG x 7(PB)
250KG x 20

Quad stretch x 1 million

I wasn't expecting much from this workout but as miss-matched as it seemed I did quite enjoy it. I blew my projection for leg press based on HST out the water. I really dug deep as I need to push myself. The thought that if I don't match the reps and or beat the weight come the next B1 workout I loose the exercise was in the back of the mind and I don't want to make it easy for myself do I?

Really felt the rec. fem. getting a hammering on the windowmaker right up into the hip. Quads felt pretty tight after around the knee so probably spent around 2-3 minutes stretching them in total. Will do some more before bed tonight.

4 flights of stairs out of the gym so I made good use of the holy handrail.

The stretching is really helping me feel 'fulfilled', it's quite easy to feel like a good pump is required for a workout to feel adequate. Bashing around heavy weights feels good and then stretching brings on the pump so it's best of both.

Looking forward to Friday's workout. Leg shots coming shortly.
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