Doggcrapp and cow pat

Leg shots, quads just over 26", calves 16", they need some serious work, I've always struggled with them, big quads just make them look worse :(




Blurred out my wedgie, as what has been seen...

Couldn't get a decent hamstring shot this evening.
Bro I've always mired your wheels. Awesome mass and even being able to see those lines when you're this fa--, higher body fat, is awesome.
Bro I've always mired your wheels. Awesome mass and even being able to see those lines when you're this fa--, higher body fat, is awesome.

:mad: careful now sweet cheeks!

Ta, looking forward to leaning out eventually. Vascularity has come up during the second cycle of HST as can be seen with 'meh bicep veinz'.

I slept like an absolute log last night. I could tell I was tired because about half an hour before bed my nose started to run slightly and I also subconsciously started 'mouth breathing' and fell asleep with my mouth open 'catching flies' :p

Legs feel okay today, calves are a bit tight so will stretch & roll them along with quads tonight. I was expecting the bicep towards the elbow to hurt today having hammered them for the first time in a very long time. I guess the bicep stretches have completely eliminated any forms of DOMS, unless they sneak up on me tomorrow.

Can't wait for Friday's session :D
A2 15.02.13

Hammer Strength ISO Chest Press

120KG x 9, x 5, x 2

Chest stretch - 22.5KG DB's

This working weight was slightly too heavy as I fell for 4 reps short of the minimum (20, 20 - 30 target)

Hammer Strength ISO Shoulder Press

70KG x 8, x 6, x 5

Shoulder stretch

This was too light, surplus of 4 reps over the target maximum (15, 11-15)

Bicep Stretch

GCBP had a spot for these and did require a spot on the last reps of the last two sets.

80KG x 8, x 4, x 3

Tricep stretch, 20KG dumbell. Bang on the maximum reps for this exercise.

Hammer Strength ISO Pull Down

120KG x 8, x 4, x 3

Bodyweight hanging Lat stretch 2 x 30 seconds.

BOR - WG Straight Set - middle fingers on the smooth rings of the oly bar

80KG x 10

Improve ISO back stretch.

Grip was the limiting factor on this due to the forearm pump for the lat stretch and also wide grip. Will strap up for these next time.

Felt like a good workout but I'm not particularly enthusiatic with the exercises (CGBP, HS Shoulder & chest press & lat pull down). Looking forward to being able to squat twice next week :)

As mentioned before I will write up properly the weights used & reps achieved in comparison to the target reps and projected weights for the next workouts.

I have moved exercises around to keep it balanced so that there's at few exercises I enjoy each workout, in case you were wondering why the workouts aren't marrying up with the template above.
Thanks Ice, I'm hoping some joocey calves will help with squats.

92.3KG this morning, bit flat as I hadn't eaten.

These are more just to show my bodyfat levels and also to Wills that my belly isn't as big as he seems to think :p

Bit of an hourglass figure going on with the old love handles it would seem!

Not massive amounts of fat to shift when the time comes.

i do like the looks of that program...just wondering of there is enough volume for the natties though?
I am a natty :)

The volume does appear to be quite low but each workout is high intensity.

I think the proof will be in the pudding. Exercise rotation is quite often overlooked. I'm quite optimistic & open minded so we'll see how it pans out over the next few weeks.
ye ye..i know that. I just think that some of these high intensity programs are more geared to the anabolic types. be interetsed to see how it goes for u :)
i realy loved doing the yates style HIT traiing a few years back..but its only good if you lifting some decent weights first.
ye ye..i know that. I just think that some of these high intensity programs are more geared to the anabolic types. be interetsed to see how it goes for u :)

Yeah, I think there's a lot of potential on this programme with 'sterons'.

i realy loved doing the yates style HIT traiing a few years back..but its only good if you lifting some decent weights first.

Agree with this too. I think you need to be at your strongest which is why starting after finishing HST (5's) is a good place to be as you're used to a heavy load so it's not such a massive shock. Wouldn't dream of moving from something relatively low intensity & frequency with high volume to something like this. Too much of a shock I should think.
Meeeebeeeee. I had plenty of man up in me with today's session:

B2 18.02.13

Mah gl000000tz!


Preacher Curl rest pause

30KG x 12, x 8, x 5

Bicep stretch.

BB Reverse Grip Curl straight set

15KG x 15

Bicep stretch

Standing Calf Raise (smith) 5 - 15 - 0

40KG x 10

No stretch required.

This was a bit of a mistake, through choice, and the rep method should have been a straight set, makes sense as a greater load is required. I won't use this method again and will stick to it just once a week in a seated exercise.

Leg Curl

45KG x 9, x 6, x 4

Hamstring stretch

Back Squat Straight set, widow maker

150KG x 7 (PB for reps) - obligatory, one fiddy.
110KG x 20 (17 / 3)

Lots of quad & leg stretches.

Little bit disappointed I had to rack and recover. I should have rested longer and attacked the set with a different method. I was hoping for 3, 5 rep bursts and to then grind the final 5 out. However I got to 8 and started grinding out singles taking to long between reps so got gassed a bit to quickly. I was spitting all over the mirror and caked in sweat. I took 10 seconds to pull myself together after rep 17 to crank out the final 3.

Glutes feeling veryyyyy tight tonight so will stretch them endlessly tonight. Quads feeling surprisingly fine.
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Bro they're some brilliant squats, 7 reps at 150kg is pretty beastly. Not quite so sure if I'm as impressed by 110kg @ 20 ;)
Bro they're some brilliant squats, 7 reps at 150kg is pretty beastly. Not quite so sure if I'm as impressed by 110kg @ 20 ;)

I'm sure I've got more in me than that to be honest!

The largest drop set I ever did at uni, which was boosting off an olympic bench!, was 150 x 2, 120 x 12, 100 x 26, 70 x 35. That was grim. I was better prepared, with a 5 minute cycle, and numerous warm up/pyramid sets. Today was around 10 reps & 60KG, 3 x 100KG, 1 x 130KG then in to the one fiddy.

Don't think I'm going to be able to take a **** without it hurting tomorrow. Sat in a deep squat whilst I was in the shower! :o
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So as expected a world of pain today. The preacher & reverse curls have butchered my biceps to pieces.

My glutes and in fact all of my buttocks feel like they've been gone over with a meat tenderiser and don't even get me started on my quads!

My traps are pretty sore too due the standing calf raise, as there was a bar on my back for about 4 minutes in total. My arms actually filled with pins and needles during this as they were quite pumped before I started the set!

Hopefully this won't hinder tomorrows workout too much. Can see this routine catching up with you quite quickly!
Still struggling with leg (mainly abductor & glute) and bicep DOMS. They'll have just about cleared up by Fridays workout which will no doubt see them return.

A3 20.02.13

Decline Bench Rest Pause

120KG x 3 / 110KG x 4, x 3, x 3

20KG DB stretch.

This was too heavy, well I actually started my work set with 120KG so probably would have hit the rep target of 11-15 on this if I hadn't have done 3 @ 120.

Decline feels like a very small ROM and not particularly beneficial but will stick with it as sooner or later I'll miss reps and switch it for something else. (As this is the first week and I'm still finding my working weights nothing will be dropped yet)

OHP Rest Pause

60KG x 6, x 3, x 3

Shoulder stretch

EZ Skull Crusher Rest Pause

27.5KG x 13, x 7, x 4

Tricep stretch 20KG DB

Chin Up Rest Pause - supposed to be close grip but ROM is too small due to my ribs/lats getting in the way so used shoulder width grip.

BW + 5KG x 8, x 4, x 3

T-Bar - close grip row handle Straight Set

80KG x 6 70KG x 5 (6 @80KG - bit ambitious)

Improv rhomb stretch.

Some bicep fatigue effected my back exercises slightly today but hopefully will be up to speed come the next workout.

I'm at a bit of a cross road with the third chest exercise as I only really get on well with flat presses, incline & decline feel unnatural and that they aren't getting much activation or recruitment. Probably because they're angles I've not worked in a long time. If anything they should help to at least bring my front delts up a bit.

Bit to early to comment on the whole as I've not quite finished the first two week phase yet. Volume feels just a bout right with the intensity & stretching and I am enjoying the different approach.
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The fact that you're getting such crippling DOMS after the stretch stuff is a testament to the brutalising you're giving yourself! Although I guess it could add to it if you're smashing the fascia that much...

/delvis post
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