Dog's should not eat stones!

Magic, the question is - why are the government feeding your dog stones?! Is it a message to you to stop exposing the TRUTH? :(
you can see all the poo inside him! (at least it looks like poo )

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You should be reported to the RSPCA. People like you should not be able to own pets when you treat them as appaulingly as you did in that video. How irresponsible and cruel of you. :mad:

Next time give him more stones to eat, damnit - poor thing was obviously hungry for more!

The most important question is, which type of dog is dumber - a stone eater, or a poop eater?
Not true. You just think that cause you get NHS free. The dog probably had x -rays, a vet surgeon operating on him, a trained aneasthatist to knock him out, support nurses during the op, post op treatment and monitoring, drugs etc.

If that was you would you think £1300 was a fair price?

And it ****es me off since my other half is a vet when people complanin about the price. It takes 7 years to become a vet. A vet is more qualified than a doctor. Doctors can't legally treat animals but vets can treat people.

It's not so much that that price isn't justified. Of course it is, but that doesn't mean it isn't a lot of money. If it was for personal healthcare, yeah, I'd pay it, but that doesn't mean I'd WANT to. Not complaining about the justification of the price, just complaining about the money itself.
You should be reported to the RSPCA. People like you should not be able to own pets when you treat them as appaulingly as you did in that video. How irresponsible and cruel of you. :mad:

Next time give him more stones to eat, damnit - poor thing was obviously hungry for more!

The most important question is, which type of dog is dumber - a stone eater, or a poop eater?


We thought he was just munching on em, then spitting em out, had no idea he'd end up swallowing (ooer!)

Btw, he was only 6 months old at that point! :eek:
awwwww poor thing. Glad he's ok now :)

I completely understand the cost tbh, pet insurance is a must. I would definatly pay it if i had a dog without a second of thought. I mean when you come to think of it its only the next computer upgrade. Where as its your dogs life on the other hand!
My brother has a Springer and it's as mad as a box of frogs... I don't think I could deal with having one of those as it just eats random stuff as well as running around with its knob out all the time :) Doesn't seem to be the smartest of dogs!

I'd love a Siberian Husky but can't believe how much exercise they need... plus with me being at work all the time it'd be a bit unfair to leave it indoors during the day :)
My cats have cost a fair deal. One of them got shot in the eye with an air rifle, that cost a few notes, poor bugger. The other got kicked and had massive internal bleeding. That cost about £800, IIRC, and she was very scared of people for a long time.
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