Dogs trained to sniff out fake DVDs

10 Apr 2004
Darlington, County Durham
Link. All I can say is :eek:!
Two black Labradors have become the world's first dogs to be trained to search for counterfeit DVDs, a trade organisation have said.
The dogs, Lucky and Flo, have been trained to detect discs to help combat DVD piracy, the Federation Against Copyright Theft (Fact) said.

Fact has joined forces with express delivery company FedEx and HM Revenue & Customs to crack down on DVD piracy. As part of a project promoted by the Motion Picture Association, Fact organised for the dogs to undergo training with a world expert in the field.

A Fact spokesman said the dogs had been taught to identify DVDs that might be located in boxes, envelopes or other packaging, as well as discs concealed amongst other goods which would them be sold illegally in the UK.

"These DVDs are often smuggled by criminal networks involved in large scale piracy," the spokesman said.

For their first major live test, Lucky and Flo were put to work at FedEx's UK hub at Stansted Airport in Essex where they immediately identified packages and parcels containing DVDs for destinations in the UK.

Fact director general Raymond Leinster said: "This is the first time dogs have been used anywhere in the world to search for counterfeit DVDs and the results were amazing.

"With the co-operation and assistance of FedEx and Customs we were able to properly test the dogs in a live situation and prove that they can work in a busy working environment."

Fact said it seized more than two million pirate DVDs in 2005 and said that in the same year criminal gain in the UK from piracy was £278m.

Fact said that organised criminal networks involved in film piracy are also often implicated in other serious crimes such as people smuggling, exploitation of children, possession of firearms and benefit fraud.

Copyright (c) Press Association Ltd 2006, All Rights Reserved.
21 Jan 2003
Why would any criminal organisation bother to ship counterfeit goods in the form of DVDs into the country. There is such a thing as the internet.

Also what about the countless instances of people sending legitimate DVDRs, is Fedex really going to waste man-hours opening and resealing customers packages. I think not.
18 Oct 2002
Leamington Spa
The way I understand that is that are trained to sniff out any DVDs. Surely that's just going to be a huge bother since lots of people will bring DVDs back from holiday? Also presumably they can't smell the difference between CDs and DVDs. A huge number of people are going to have CDs with them.
1 Aug 2005
Just a waste of resources. So thats films and data or music etc.. on any CD/DVD or the like formatt and it might be dodgy or it might not be.

Talk about clutching at straws.



18 Oct 2002
...floating in Space
Hmmm sounds a big steaming pile of BS. How on earth are they going to administer it? How does a dog know if the DVD is legit - unless they have taught them to read. So therefore it will require a handler and also somebody from customs who can read...

They are not sniffing out counterfit DVDs but rather all DVDs. Unless they are going for the container load it simply cannot be worth the hassle.
23 Nov 2002
Stellios said:
Problem is that a DVDs a DVD, they cant just smell the ones with pirate stuff surely, so genuine users will get interrupted too.

They could smear dog poo on the dvds, then those two labradors will just **** allover the terminal, how fun would that be :D
1 Aug 2005
Also they'd have to load them up and see whats on them.

Also a blank DVD is jhard to tell from a blank CD till its been put into a pc or something.

I'm thinking a load of BS to.
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