Dom's Training Log

I'm really pleased with them. I may have to extend this block to try and get more gains. This week should be the last week but I may abort that plan to make room for a new one filled with gains.

Side note, I have come down with some terrible respiratory/throat aids. It is making everything very uncomfortable and restricting gainsification. It started last Wednesday and is still here! I hate my immune system, I haven't been properly ill in ages and just when the gains are flowing this phaggot strikes. :mad: :(


Not been very good at updating this and let's be honest there is no point me putting up all of the workouts from the last few weeks. I have videos for some of the workouts though so I will stick those up. I ran into a little problem with my pec/neck problems that I had a few months ago, this stopped me from benching for a few weeks and also caused some issues with deadlifting which was very annoying.

Equal pb to a belted max I did back in Nov/Dec:

After 3+ weeks of beltless. Last bit of good deadlifting I did before the pec/neck thing struck me down :p:

Again, 3+ weeks of beltless. 2.5kg off a pb, pretty pleased but I need it to be better:

Right so now back in the present. Last night was the first session in my 10 week cycle that runs up to nationals. No pussy-footing around things any more, it's time to smash weight ;).

Yesterday was a little tough, coming back from a week on holiday means I was so out of condition, this meant volume suffered a little but the weights themselves were agreeable. Pec/neck is feeling better but not 100% yet.

180kgx2.5 Had to have a cuddle to get the last one up :)

- But who was volume. 180kg would have been 10kg of a pb, that is the most weight I have had on the bar for 2 months and after a week of pasta and walking. Not bad but there is more there.


- Pretty pleased, was expecting this to go terribly :).

Paused Deadlifts
160kgx3 Hard
170kgx3 Bloody hard
180kgx3 **** off
175kgx3 I hate everything

- Had to strap up for these because the bar was tearing up my phaggy little hands. They were hard.


Arnold Press
20kgx20 ? wtf? :confused:
30kgx8 ??
32.5kgx8 What is happening?

- That was weird. I think the most I have done before was 25kgx6. This was strange.


Fatigue. The bros made me keep putting weight on the paused DLs. I hate them now. All of me hurts :D.

Now for more gym ;)

Cheers bros.

I just got a little bored with logging as nothing interesting was happening but it was time for a change of pace so now is the time to make some gaaaaiiinnnsss! :p
I look forward to this.

I'm guessing Olympic stuff is going by the way-side?

Probably for now. My Saturday sessions are at the moment whatever I feel like doing but I have things that are higher on the list right now, that doesn't mean that they won't be done but probably just very rarely :).

195kg deads for 5 reps?

Bro, I shall finally concede that you're more handsome :(



Good god the DOMS! This was a very unpleasant session, everything was so sore!

Paused Squat

- So painful. Ended up going a little soft on myself for these but it's only the first week so it isn't the end of the world

Paused Bench

- Neck/pec thing was giving me a little gripe so I kept the volume low

Deadlift + Chains

- Chains add roughly 55kg at the top. :eek: I had ~245kg in my hands :eek: Pretty chuffed with that :D


NG Machine Row

Damn that was tiring. Very pleased with the deads, more to come me thinks.

Yes, yes it is :cool:. It is just a product of me lifting some heavy ass weight rather than the feeble ones I have been moving up 'till now. Time to make all kinds of gains :p.

Regular deads for 3 today and I am feeling sexy, still got DOMS of course :D

I am hoping to change things round a little bit next week. I need to lose some weight now, I am still carrying a lot of Italian weight but I am not concerned about loosing it at all. It will get there, and it will also help me get back into shape in to short term.
I think I am too lazy to CBL properly. I have tried doing it pretty strictly and have lost some weight on it but I don't feel like it was enough for me to get excited over. I'll just do more training :)
I don't really smash carbs that much. My off days have a normal dinner because I still live at home and it would be and inconvenience to do it another way. I'll still cook low carb food for lunch and other meals but it's the juggling around all the food that in theory spike your insulin that irritates me. Like eggs, wtf is that about?

I want to train more as it is so I'll see how it goes doing it that way :)
Mock meets planned for w/c 19/08 and 16/09.

I do aim to please :p.

I don't quite have anything planned for the extra training but I want to be doing something everyday really.
09/08/2013 and 10/08/2013


- 2.5kg off a pb, not bad. Getting there :)

Board Press

- Pec/neck thing kicked me in that ass here, had to bail on the last rep :(

Finished training today

Squats + Chains

- Pretty pleased. Chains add roughly 60kg at the top. Probably more like 57kg but I don't care 60kg sounds better :p

PP - 60kgx10

Squats good. OHP upsettingly hard, for some reason doesn't bother my pec/neck thing at all really. Unfortunately I may have to stop benching again until it is fixed :/.

Feeling good though :cool:

Reet sooo...



nope :(

Paused DL
200kgx2 PB :D
190kgx2 ohmygodimsotiredwhythehelldoidothis :(


So tired today, had barely any drive to do anything. I just wanted to go home and eat ice cream :(.

Video on the way

Wednesday's session was a little boring. got a new paused squat pb at 172.5kgx2 and no benching because dodgy. Chains deads went poorly, very tired, people smoking outside which was blowing in and rustling my jimmies so I stopped after warming up.

Yesterday's session didn't include much again but I enjoyed it more. Having LiE down was good fun, it's nice to have more bro who lift in the gym. I also nailed a new deadlift pb 220kgx2 :). Boom! Very happy with that, annoyingly my camera filled up it's memory so it cut of just before I touched the bar :mad:. I was going to go for 222.5kgx2 but after all the previous sets I was very fatigued so left it there. Also didn't do my chain squats because I was so cooked.

So this was the last session of my first block and bloody hell has it been hard, I have accumulated a lot of fatigue and I am looking forward to the deload next week, I'm also looking forward to the mock meet :). I might do my chain squats today, I'll have to see how I feel when I get there.
So mock meet week...

In short, it didn't happen :p. I was so fatigued at the beginning of the week that I knew really it wasn't going to go well but because I'm so stubborn I tried it anyway. I gave 205kg a feeble attempt which was pretty much atg because I just couldn't get me head in gear. I am also still having difficulty benching but I am going to see how things go tomorrow so hopefully we will get somewhere with that. After the crappy squats I just decided to sack it off, did about 30mins of mobility work the went home.

Wednesday' session was pretty fun. It is my bridging session which is similar to a westside speed day but better :p. Felt like things were moving quite well. Did just over an hour of mobility work after the workout.

Friday was supposed to see the wizard but he had to rearrange. I had planned to go in and just mobilise for the entire session so that is what I did, 3 hours of it :).

So because Monday's squats were a bit of a train wreck and I still couldn't bench I decided that on Saturday I would just deadlift and see where that went. It went well :D. I pulled a pretty nice 227.5kg, 500lb baby! Because that was reasonably comfy I went for 232.5kg because that would have been a 10kg pb, unfortunately missed it but it got just above my sticking point so I reckon it will be there next time I test.

Videos of Wednesday's session and the deadlift will be up shortly.

Block Review
Overall I'm pretty pleased. This block was never really supposed to get me to pb territory is was just to get me prepped to lift heavy again since the previous 6 weeks or more of training didn't really go as planned. So to come out with a deadlift pb after nearly 4 months is a nice positive.

I accumulated fatigue like a bitch which was not really surprising especially considering the stress of the last few weeks and the shock of lifting heavy again. However there are definitely things I can do to mitigate this fatigue and I will have to implement them from now on otherwise nationals isn't going to be as spectacular as I would like it to be.

My sticking point on squats seems to have changed slightly so I have been considering some changes to the next block to account for this but I am not sure what's best at the moment. It might be worth replacing the paused squats with more chain squats since it looks like the stimulus they provide might be more beneficial for my current force curve. Needs a bit more thinking through.

Hopefully I'll be able to bench well this block, I feel like I am due something special on bench and I think I know what I need to do so I just want to bench now!

Anyway, new block starts tomorrow. I'm going to go over it tonight to make sure I haven't done anything silly and to see if I can implement any of the new theories.

May the gains be with you...
Thanks chaps.

I've just been a little quite because I have been really busy and training hasn't been doing much, should change next week :).

Ice is on holiday. Don't worry he's back on Wednesday :)

PK, I am used to it being so damn slow off the floor. Flat backed lifters are normally slow off the floor, and it is not confidence, it's stubborn-ness :p
Training 26/08/2013

160kgx5 Little easy
165kgx5 'Bout right
157.5kgx5 Felt very hard, annoyingly didn't look to hard on video but called it there anyway.

BENCH!!!! Finally

HAHA! I benched! Felt pretty good, I think we may be on to something. I really hope we are on to something :).

Paused DL
180kgx3 Very almost passed out :/, has to take a sit down after :p
170kgx3 Officially shattered now :(

Chin Ups

DB Shoulder Press

Machine Row

All done in two hours, including warmup and warmdown. Fatigue.

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