So mock meet week...
In short, it didn't happen
. I was so fatigued at the beginning of the week that I knew really it wasn't going to go well but because I'm so stubborn I tried it anyway. I gave 205kg a feeble attempt which was pretty much atg because I just couldn't get me head in gear. I am also still having difficulty benching but I am going to see how things go tomorrow so hopefully we will get somewhere with that. After the crappy squats I just decided to sack it off, did about 30mins of mobility work the went home.
Wednesday' session was pretty fun. It is my bridging session which is similar to a westside speed day but better
. Felt like things were moving quite well. Did just over an hour of mobility work after the workout.
Friday was supposed to see the wizard but he had to rearrange. I had planned to go in and just mobilise for the entire session so that is what I did, 3 hours of it
So because Monday's squats were a bit of a train wreck and I still couldn't bench I decided that on Saturday I would just deadlift and see where that went. It went well
. I pulled a pretty nice 227.5kg, 500lb baby! Because that was reasonably comfy I went for 232.5kg because that would have been a 10kg pb, unfortunately missed it but it got just above my sticking point so I reckon it will be there next time I test.
Videos of Wednesday's session and the deadlift will be up shortly.
Block Review
Overall I'm pretty pleased. This block was never really supposed to get me to pb territory is was just to get me prepped to lift heavy again since the previous 6 weeks or more of training didn't really go as planned. So to come out with a deadlift pb after nearly 4 months is a nice positive.
I accumulated fatigue like a bitch which was not really surprising especially considering the stress of the last few weeks and the shock of lifting heavy again. However there are definitely things I can do to mitigate this fatigue and I will have to implement them from now on otherwise nationals isn't going to be as spectacular as I would like it to be.
My sticking point on squats seems to have changed slightly so I have been considering some changes to the next block to account for this but I am not sure what's best at the moment. It might be worth replacing the paused squats with more chain squats since it looks like the stimulus they provide might be more beneficial for my current force curve. Needs a bit more thinking through.
Hopefully I'll be able to bench well this block, I feel like I am due something special on bench and I think I know what I need to do so I just want to bench now!
Anyway, new block starts tomorrow. I'm going to go over it tonight to make sure I haven't done anything silly and to see if I can implement any of the new theories.
May the gains be with you...