The fact that exculpatory evidence that was withheld proving Flynns innocence, ‘missing’ 302 and Kislyak transcript to come, resulting in the DOJ dropping the case might be the reason why we keep ‘pushing it’
Why do you want an innocent man go to prison so bad? Just so you can stick it to Trump?
You’re literally calling us nutjobs for going along with the government
Innocent of what? You still don't get it do you, the missing 302 (it's not missing, it's right here BTW (
PDF)) and Kislyak transcript are immaterial to the case, like i said if he told the truth he probably would not have been charged over collusion with the Russia's, all he had to say is yes he contacted Kislyak, tell the FBI that was part of his job and that they discussed something, anything, other than the election, and they'd have nothing to charge him with.
How many time does it need saying before it sinks in,
he was charged with making false statement to law enforcement officers not anything to do with Russia, it could've been phone calls he made to his god damn dentist it doesn't matter because he said he didn't make those phone calls when there's logs of him making those calls, it could've been phone calls he made to QVC, it doesn't matter because it's not about who he made the calls to or what he said on those calls it's that he said he never made those calls despite there being evidence that he did, is it starting to sink in yet?
And i don't want an innocent man sent to prison, however Flynn is not innocent, the guy has literally confessed to making false statements, twice.
Also I'm not calling you a nutjob for going along with the government, not that the Trump administration is the government but whatever, in fact IIRC I've never used the term "nutjob" on these forums, I'm saying that I get the feeling people like you are following click-bait articles from right-wing source (TBH I've never come across a hard right article that wasn't click-bait but that's a topic for another thread), that are pushing the Russia narrative because they know it helps them sell advertising space, because they know it attracts the attention of a certain demographic.
Look I'll try to make it as *simple as i can in one last hope that you'll understand: If you're called in for an interview with the police, doesn't matter what it's over, and they ask you if you phoned your mum on Sunday at such and such a time, if you tell them you did not speak to your mum at anytime on Sunday and they've got call logs to show that you did then you've just broken the law, you've broken the law because the police know you just made a false statement.
*I'm going to leave out a load of caveats due to over simplification.
I hate that this is what people want to latch on to. I despise trump but focusing on him playing golf is just pathetic.
Everyone needs exercise and it's a bit silly how we care so much about him golfing. (I appreciate how often he's done it is ridiculous mind.)
Just seems lazy that some media outlets want to bitch about the trivial stuff. It gives them less weight when they have real issues to report.
The reason they do it is because it shows the hypocrisy of Trump and the extent of his double standards, it's because before he became the POTUS he'd often moan about Obama playing golf to much, for example...
And at least another 27 times.
If you're going to throw rocks at someone you'd best be damn sure you don't go and do exactly the same thing yourself because if you do people will throw it back in your face.