Donald Trump

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23 Apr 2014
First time I've agreed with you - not picking honestly. You can bet that the DEMS are going to be searching frantically for the next thing, they might even have the next sham lined up already - or they could just take him out.

Well they know impeachment wont work due to GOP corruption/cover up. So something else is required to take down the corrupt regime.
20 May 2007
Well they know impeachment wont work due to GOP corruption/cover up. So something else is required to take down the corrupt regime.

The tax return thing could be interesting.

He is going to extraordinary lengths to block their release, and he has to win THREE cases over them at the Supreme Court.

I would be surprised if he wins any of them going by his sides opening arguments...

Chances of him winning all three are very slim i think.
23 Apr 2014
The tax return thing could be interesting.

He is going to extraordinary lengths to block their release, and he has to win THREE cases over them at the Supreme Court.

Doubt there is much of note in it, other than hes probably not as rich as he claimed(guaranteed to have lied about that) and probably used every single trick in the book to avoid tax.
20 May 2007
Doubt there is much of note in it, other than hes probably not as rich as he claimed(guaranteed to have lied about that) and probably used every single trick in the book to avoid tax.

Yeh, its either that they reveal he isn't as rich as he claims, or that their release could lead to law enforcement/congress connecting some dots and doing him for fraud.
22 Nov 2002
South UK
Literally all i was asking for was a "oh sorry i was mistaken, no democrat voted to acquit Trump, and i must have been completely mistaken about that video i saw as well"
I admitted that happened VERY early on, as I said I read it very soon after it happened.

Instead, you have meandered and attempted to obfuscate everything in an attempt to save face without ever properly admitting fault. It is no wonder you like Trump so much...
Dude, you have picked at EVERY little thing I've said trying to pick holes. I stated what I saw and I never lied about it. @JRS was kind enough to look, and whilst I didn't initially recognise the first one, because I didn't remember the mass of red, that was actually the video I saw.

This has been important, because if you want to be taken seriously on here
I'm not really bothered about this if I'm honest, what bothers me is that people can't see the truth.

this is not the way to go about it.
You may be right about that, but attacking me as you have been doesn't help you to. This is what 'they' want, us fighting with one another, to divide us, distracted and weak... You may not see it that way now, but if you see the things I have, and there are some on here that see thing like I do, then you'll come to see things as I do - with time.

Off to bed.
26 Dec 2003
I'm sure it won't be long before the Democrats backed by the corporate media and corporate social media push another hoax to keep the anti-Trumpers frothing, they'll just never learn that anti-Trump propaganda and coup attempts is all the Democrats have. His troll Tweet tonight is funny because most of the anti-Trumpers are so wound up into a frenzy to keep them from switching sides that they'll take it literally.
20 May 2007
I'm sure it won't be long before the Democrats backed by the corporate media and corporate social media push another hoax to keep the anti-Trumpers frothing, they'll just never learn that anti-Trump propaganda and coup attempts is all the Democrats have. His troll Tweet tonight is funny because most of the anti-Trumpers are so wound up into a frenzy to keep them from switching sides that they'll take it literally.

Yes, the 73 year old President of the United States trolling on twitter is a really great thing.
15 Dec 2008
Just caught up with this
NOT GUILTY: President Donald J. Trump ACQUITTED On Both Charges

Does make you wonder what the next anti trump hoax/conspiracy theory is going to be, i find it funnier that they accused Trump of doing the very things they were doing themselves, so will be interesting to see how the investigations into the russia/ukraine dodgy dealings, that it seems like just about everyone in the left/dnc and their family's are involved in.
The thing about the russia/ukraine Trump conspiracy theory was it was so weak and a obvious scam to anyone with half a brain, all because they know they cannot stop Trump in 2020.

Maybe time for those on the left to rethink the sources of info they are consuming as they have been wrong about everything with regards to Trump, really take a long hard look at yourselves, see that you have time and time again got it all completely wrong and yet keep persisting with all this hate against Trump which you only have to take a look in the Trump thread to see the craziness posted again and again, it cant be good for you all to be so hateful.

Seems like since hillary lost everything has been so crazy although also much more interesting time in politics, i feel like this year is going to be even more crazy as they try anything to stop Trump winning the 2020 election and do wonder what will happen next.
Well as they say may you live in interesting times :).
15 Dec 2008
haha just saw trump tweeted this
I'm sure it won't be long before the Democrats backed by the corporate media and corporate social media push another hoax to keep the anti-Trumpers frothing, they'll just never learn that anti-Trump propaganda and coup attempts is all the Democrats have. His troll Tweet tonight is funny because most of the anti-Trumpers are so wound up into a frenzy to keep them from switching sides that they'll take it literally.

Now that is a hilarious tweet, Trump's trolling game is on point, i always think people should find the funny side of things and not take things so seriously.
20 May 2010
Englishman in the USA
Just caught up with this
NOT GUILTY: President Donald J. Trump ACQUITTED On Both Charges

Does make you wonder what the next anti trump hoax/conspiracy theory is going to be, i find it funnier that they accused Trump of doing the very things they were doing themselves, so will be interesting to see how the investigations into the russia/ukraine dodgy dealings, that it seems like just about everyone in the left/dnc and their family's are involved in.
The thing about the russia/ukraine Trump conspiracy theory was it was so weak and a obvious scam to anyone with half a brain, all because they know they cannot stop Trump in 2020.

Maybe time for those on the left to rethink the sources of info they are consuming as they have been wrong about everything with regards to Trump, really take a long hard look at yourselves, see that you have time and time again got it all completely wrong and yet keep persisting with all this hate against Trump which you only have to take a look in the Trump thread to see the craziness posted again and again, it cant be good for you all to be so hateful
But they weren’t wrong. Republicans admitted that trump tied aid to an investigation into the Bidens but they ran out of excuses and decided it wasn’t a crime thus setting a new precedent.
19 Mar 2012
I think it's a fantastic example of what a pedant looks like to be honest with you.

If you say so... You've been attacking me all day, and I've tolerated you all day, with patience and calmness.

I am not a lier, again I've been bombarded by people ALL DAY, just like you trying to pick a hole - congratulations I wrote watch instead of read, wow good for you. Are you going to impeach me for it? You'll be a perfect democrat that's for sure.

You've never written a wrong word in a sentence I take it?

No, but you are a "liar". :rolleyes:
21 Jul 2016
Nobody is giving clinton supporters a pass, its irrelevant deflection at best.

Please... spare me your pseudo righteous indignation and faux sense of morality! There's plenty of hypocrisy on both sides, and if you don't believe that then you're the problem.

Clinton was pure filth, yet he's adored by the left. Get over yourself, wake up - not to be confused with being 'woke', and smell the world for what it is.
21 Jul 2016
Even though it's happened too far from the election to have as big as effect as the "original" did, I can't help but feel that Pelosi's act was this elections "Deplorables" moment where the Democrats lose the middle ground in a stunning act of petty stupidity which turns off the more centrist types.
This x 1000. The Dems / liberals, just can't help themselves. Name calling and attempts at social shaming only work with their crowd. For the rest of us it cements our desire to "show them".

They're not interested in winning, they're interested in showing us just how 'woke' they are!
19 Mar 2012
This x 1000. The Dems / liberals, just can't help themselves. Name calling and attempts at social shaming only work with their crowd. For the rest of us it cements our desire to "show them".

They're not interested in winning, they're interested in showing us just how 'woke' they are!

The only true thing in this, is that people that aren't like you aren't bothered about winning.

They're bothered about doing the right thing more than 'winning'.

Because your version of winning is immorality, corruption, racism, hypocrisy and criminality being given the green light.
9 Oct 2018
Name calling and attempts at social shaming only work with their crowd. !

What on earth are you talking about ? Trump spends every day chucking insults and shaming via social media and his fans lap it up. They even buy and wear merchandise with his insults on them lol

dumbo, crazy joe biden, crooked hilary, low energy jeb, slimeball james comey, lying ted, sleazy adam schif, cryin chuck, low-iq maxine waters

The list goes on and on and yet you're trying to make out that name calling and social shaming only appeal to the left ?

Very disingenuous post
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