Don't have a garage?

Man of Honour
11 Dec 2002
Darkest Norfolk
hows about renting one?

unfortunatly its only in france atm, but looks like a great idea for people (like me) who only have on street parking yet still want to work on their own cars
Fix your own car for $7.25 / half hour - "O'garage – in Roubaix, France, near the Belgian border – is a DIY garage for car repairs. Gearheads pay by the hour or half hour to use the facility's fully loaded space and professional-grade equipment, including car lifts. O'garage offers instructional guides, clinics and classes for newbies as well as a range of fluids and tools for purchase.
It is good, nice if you were doing an engine swap or something and needed the lift.
Good idea that, means changing your oil would be mega easy, can be a pain if your oil filter is hidden away up the back of the engine!
The MGOC workshop will let you use there lifts and workshop facilities if you're a member and book your car in. I suspect you local indy would let you use there lift on a weekend for5 the price of a case of beer as well.

It's a great idea though, I suspect our namby pamby nannie state would ban it as a concept in case someone dropped there car on thereself though.

used to have them in the uk, used to be able to rent a lift or a pit to use for working on your own car.
not that I am old enough to remember that...just stories I get told :)
I was seriously considering setting up another business doing exactly this.

Do you think it would be popular?

Lifts are NOT cheap :(
My dad had a 4 poster lift already in his garage when he moved into his current house!!

He's also got large compressor and loads of tools!

I frequently make VERY good use of all that! :D
Tesla said:
I was seriously considering setting up another business doing exactly this.

Do you think it would be popular?

Lifts are NOT cheap :(

That's why you don't buy the lifts.

They are quite reasonable to lease
Tesla said:
I was seriously considering setting up another business doing exactly this.

Do you think it would be popular?

Lifts are NOT cheap :(

i'm not too sure how popular it would be, if you were seriously considering it i would ask around the owners clubs as they are the kinda people that are more likely to try stuff out for themselfs. I imagin if it was a decent price i would go along, changing brake pads at the road side is suicidal!
happytechie said:
It's a great idea though, I suspect our namby pamby nannie state would ban it as a concept in case someone dropped there car on thereself though.
I remember I did work experience at my local VW garage, guy I was working with would drive the car in, and leave me to put the arms underneath and get the car lifted without any formal training (he showed me how to do it, but I'm assuming you need some sort of proper training?) would've been an interesting situation in terms of liability if a Golf had landed on my head when I was draining the oil.
It's about £9 per hour to rent their ramps. I think I'd rather just pay a proper garage £40 an hour and let somebody else remove the skin from their knuckles.

I don't mind doing smaller jobs that don't require a ramp but if it's something that needs a ramp I'll gladly pay somebody else to do it.
eidolon said:
It's about £9 per hour to rent their ramps. I think I'd rather just pay a proper garage £40 an hour and let somebody else remove the skin from their knuckles.

I don't mind doing smaller jobs that don't require a ramp but if it's something that needs a ramp I'll gladly pay somebody else to do it.
but some people want to work on there cars there self
Stringy said:
I remember I did work experience at my local VW garage, guy I was working with would drive the car in, and leave me to put the arms underneath and get the car lifted without any formal training (he showed me how to do it, but I'm assuming you need some sort of proper training?) would've been an interesting situation in terms of liability if a Golf had landed on my head when I was draining the oil.

i did work expeeriacen atVW aswell hehe. i enjoyed it.

i like this idea also hehe.
That is a very good idea. It could come in handy if you needed to do an awkward job where the car needed to be raised.

A mate of mine bought his own two poster ramp from ebay... lucky ******* ;)
One of the specialists I use tries to encourage me to assist on simple jobs so I can do them myself in the future. I'll probably take the day off on my next service so I can help (where I can) and hopefully learn a few things.
The bill for liability insurance would be enormous in the UK, maybe prohibitively so.

Land is also more expensive in the UK.

If you assume the costs are similar to most independants in the UK. You lose the relatively small hourly rate of the grease monkey but have to add the bill for liability insurance.
Surely there's not going to enough demand to keep a place like this profitable. I imagine it would be near impossible earning anything off an idea like this. Yes I know, that there would be a lot of interest on this board, but we're not Joe Public - we're motoring enthusiasts. Might be novel to do it once, but I can't see a real use for it. Also, if you are a car enthusiast, you're likely to need much more specialist equipment that a place like this would offer.

It's quite a large building you need, and a fair bit of very expensive equipment, so start off costs are going to be pricey. Then you're going to have to charge peanuts tempt people to do it. I would much rather take my car to quick fit and chuck them a couple of tenners to change my oil than do it myself.

Then there's the cost of damage to equipment/cars by people using the equipment inappropriately, leading to compensation claims etc.

Foolish business plan tbh.
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