Don't see many cars with Factory fitted sunroofs

Couldn't care less about a sunroof as I have never used the ones ive had in cars unless the AC broke, however given the option I would take a tinted glass roof with shutter like on the Vauxhall Meriva I rented a few months back.
Whilst I appreciate what a sunroof can offer I’d prefer to go without, for me the negative aspects outweigh the positives.

What are the negatives? Not a troll comment by the way just wondering what they are.

As far as I can see they raise the COG a bit, add weight and reduce body rigidity but by how much I wouldn't have a clue.
Electric sunroofs are expensive, and arguably unnecessary if you've got decent aircon or climate control.
They do brighten up a cabin, especially those with dark headlining.

I don't understand people like my mum who insist on having one, yet complain when you open it because of the buffeting :rolleyes:

And lol at not understanding climate control
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