Hello I jumped on Dishonored 1 other day just to test my new Senn GSX Audio and I noticed just how good Dishonored 1 still looks and performance was excellent over 100fps Max setting @1440p with an aging AMD 290
It had me thinking why do devs try and push games so much? surely it would have been better just improving texture work with better shadow effects etc
Instead of going well over the top and running into performance issue?
Why the need if a 1080 GTX cant keep 60fps all the time why is they a need to push this?
Its not just Dishonored either am seeing this happen more and more. I feel games are trying to hard to push graphics without thinking about performance for the GPUs on the market.
Devs should just build a game to what GPUs are on the market AT THIS MOMENT
Understand my point here? I really wanted Dishonored 2 but I feel my Rig will not be enjoyable gameplay so for now I left it for now.