Dont understand why the need to push higher Graphics

Hello I jumped on Dishonored 1 other day just to test my new Senn GSX Audio and I noticed just how good Dishonored 1 still looks and performance was excellent over 100fps Max setting @1440p with an aging AMD 290

It had me thinking why do devs try and push games so much? surely it would have been better just improving texture work with better shadow effects etc
Instead of going well over the top and running into performance issue?

Why the need if a 1080 GTX cant keep 60fps all the time why is they a need to push this?
Its not just Dishonored either am seeing this happen more and more. I feel games are trying to hard to push graphics without thinking about performance for the GPUs on the market.
Devs should just build a game to what GPUs are on the market AT THIS MOMENT

Understand my point here? I really wanted Dishonored 2 but I feel my Rig will not be enjoyable gameplay so for now I left it for now.

Totally agree - so many modern games seem to add loads of unnecessary graphical options that absolutely KILL performance and yet, don't even seem to look worth the hassle to me. Like those awful fake looking lines of light that cripple performance and look fake. I mean why? Real light does not look like a straight yellow line from the sun to earth. And it ruins performance too? Brilliant.

Performance killing shadows? I have honestly never focused on any shadow in any game, turn them down and it's the same experience, except the game actually runs properly.

Deus Ex:MD is a good example, I was so looking forward to that game, and after days of tinkering and tweaking, there is actually a brilliant game there but it's hidden under so much poor performance and superfluous graphical options that most people never found it. Such a shame.
This is why I play old games. They all run sweet :-)

I've actually gone back to older games too because they actually work properly. If a game doesn't perform well, the experience is ruined, I don't care how much they spent on 15 extra graphical options, they've ruined the experience. I can't buy new games on release anymore, they just don't work properly.
If anyone thinks the first dishonoured looks good now, then I'd highly recommend an eye test and submitting an application for a seeing eye dog.

Graphical options are good, just because you don't care for them, plenty of others do.

Poor performance comes from rushed releases and bad design choices not from "unnecessary graphical options"
I find it not so much the games that are pushing me buy higher end GPU's

It the new monitors I keep buying that are getting bigger and bigger which of cause mean they have higher and higher Resolutions each time so they need more and more GPU power for even the same game..

1920x1200 to 2560x1440 to 3440x1440

And then add the extra FPS you will like to have when you buy a monitor that does over 60hz
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