Don't you hate it when you have to choose a new ingame name

the best names are ones you could imagine someone calling you in real life, so not "snip3z1337ghostcannon" for example.

Something like your name...lets say chris...followed by something innocuous but not completely random. So lets say chris likes to eat beans...Chrisbeans.

Hope that helps

You're a genius! I'd have saved myself many an hour with this sort of logic during character customization :p
When I first started gaming online my usual character name 'Deebex' seemed to have been taken in Mechwarrior 3 - goodness know why.

I was reading a book at the time with a character called Kration in it, chose it on a whim and have tended to use it since.

Funnily enough, I've had a couple of people contact me asking me to pass it on to them. When I was playing SWTOR there was a bloke who'd spent some time creating a Darth Kration character elsewhere and wanted to use it in the game - I felt a bit guilty refusing.

If I'm stuck for a name now I just pick a word that reflects the character I'm playing and translate it into ancient Greek - ideally to a word beginning with 'k'...
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