Donut Bacon Sandwhich?

Why don't we have Dunkin' Donuts in UK. :( I think I've seen a few in London but they should be added to BaskinRobbins like they are in US.

There used to be a Dunkin Donuts in Glasgow but I don't think the UK really has as much of a doughnut obsession as America (or at least it didn't back then) so it ended up closing, plus it wasn't as good as the ones in America either.

What the UK really needs if we're talking doughnuts is Tim Hortons.
Seen glazed dohnuts used before for burger buns, not sure how well it would go down tho.
Now if only they used a maple glazed one for this :p
Dunkin donuts aren't really that good imo. Kk wipes the floor with them, even greggs are better.
I can't understand the attraction of something that has the middle missing, I'd just feel robbed. :p

Also, doughnuts don't have holes in the middle they have Jam, It's the rules. :mad:
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