Doom - The Dark Ages (2025)

I still yet have to complete Eternal, but more Doom is never a bad thing. However, I also would love to see a new Quake game even more than this.

I wonder if there will be some sort of additional feature thrown in, thought I suppose RT has already been done (in Eternal, IIRC), so I'm not sure what else could be added to the mix.
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Looks fantastic and seems they’ve dialled down the neon rainbow vomit.

Loads of new enemies and weapons on show.

I just hope it doesn’t repeat the stages of doom eternal too much, already saw a few familiar looking zones
Sadly, I'm now too old for that. I just don't have the reflexes of a young man any more.
This. It just looks like a massive cluster **** of stuff happening all at once, I'd probably have a massive heart attack or something trying to do it.
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