Downloading GTA 3 for IOS right now. Whoo hoo

Only downside is it really drains my battery on my 4S.

Hoping this is successful enough to convince them to port Vice City to the iOS.
I played for 20 minutes yesterday, went from 98% to 94% battery. Is fantastic on my iPh 4 :)

Roll on more GTA ports :D
What are the sales figures of GTA 3 on IOS and Android? I know It's at the top of the most grossing games on IOS but I don't have an Android device. I just hope enough people buy it to get Rockstar to consider developing more GTA classics for these formats.
I have noticed the frame rate drop a couple of times but not slow and laggy, no. The original iPad is a bit ram restricted so maybe try a reboot before playing.

RAM restricted and doesn't have a dual core A5 like the iPad 2. Still playable though. Works like a dream on my 4S.

Also hoping that Vice City makes an appearance.
I'm not sure which I prefer out of the Radio stations because Vice City had some excellent radio stations too.

My favorite stations are Game FM, K-Jah and some Double Cleff.

K-Jah gave me an education on dub music, a genre of music which I would never have listened to or even known about if it wasn't for me hearing it on GTA 3 when it first came out on the PS2.
We Should see Vice City and San Andreas as its still the same control system as all previous GTA games.

Expect them next year!
So far rather liking it. I think this runs better on iPad 2 than it did on the PC I used to play it on.

Only real complaints is that the shooting controls seems a little suspect. Also a little frustrating that the early mission where you first get a gun, even shooting at those targets behind the store seemed to consistently attract the police.
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